



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-19-2016, 07:46 PM

The young male left the lands to scout out the surrounding areas. He had been so excited since they moved to these beautiful lands, and spent his time exploring more of the castle, that he'd nearly forgotten to explore the surrounding lands. It would be a good idea to know where to find the best herbs, prey, and all the other resources that they might need. So his first stop was the nearby garden, and already he could smell the strong scent of herbs in the air. What herbs they were and what they did was beyond him, but now that they had a healer, he could bring Zuri out here and show her the bounty that grew here.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



4 Years
03-22-2017, 10:05 PM

His family was nothing. Everything he'd been told was a lie. Liar had given him and his siblings false hope about who they were and what they would become. Ramsay had always believed that he was destined for greater things, but here he was, a yearling already with no future. He hadn't seen any of his family in ages, and he wasn't sure if it was because he was doing a good job avoiding contact with everyone, or because they were simply gone. He didn't want to think about whether or not they had moved on without him, without a word. He spent most of his days now in utter solitude, usually wandering through the Hallucination Caves, or seeking out strange plants that made his mind whirl and forget that he existed at all. Today, like any other, he traveled alone and his nose twitched at the scent of many herbs, quickly gaining his interest. His tail flicked into the air, long lean legs carried him swiftly toward the scent and green eyes swiveled to take in his surroundings

When he arrived at the vast gardens it seemed he was not alone. A familiar frame was meandering through the area, but Ramsay wasn't sure whether or not he wanted to approach. He'd really just come here for the herbs, to see what he could consume that might make his mind haze over. But a raw ache in his chest, what some might call loneliness, urged him to move closer to the being. Perhaps it would be a pleasant encounter, although the young man wasn't exactly sure what pleasant felt like anymore. With his head lowered just below the height of his shoulders and black-rimmed ears tilted forward, Ramsay approached Dragon, his ebony paws dragging through the brush.

"Long time no see, Dragon," the brute murmured, his eyes deadpan and expression void of anything telling. Would Dragon remember him? It had been many moons since Liar had broken his family away from Ivalice under Avalon's rule, and Ramsay had never spent much time with anyone in the pack other than his own blood.


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
03-25-2017, 05:32 PM

[u]"Long time no see, Dragon."[/color] The large male turned at the sound of the voice. At first, it sounded unfamiliar. But then once he spotted the younger male, he knew right away who it was. He tilted his head a little to the side before fully turning to face him. He didn't personally know the boy on a one on one level, he had merely seen him at the meetings when the pack was still under his mother's leadership. The boy had left with the rest of his family, if he recalled. And only one of them had stayed. He wracked his brain to try and remember which one this was...the one in the pack he knew by the name of this one was..."It has been a while, Ramsay." Yes, that was it. Ramsay was the one that somewhat resembled Liar the most. Greed was the...grumpy kid that grumped around the territory next door to this one. Did Ramsay come to see his brother? "What brings you back this way? Come to see your brother?" He was truly curious. He didn't know what happened to the rest of them after they left, so Liar's challenge and disappearance was unknown to him.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



4 Years
03-29-2017, 01:10 AM

Ramsay eyed the older brute as Dragon's eyes seemed to scanned over him for a moment, seeking out a memory. At last the young Alpha spoke, causing the younger boy's ears to flick forward, a brow lifting slightly. He was a little surprised to hear Dragon speak his name. So, he was somewhat remembered after all. Before he could respond, the man asked him what brought him here. Had he come to visit his brother? His blonde tail flicked, and he shrugged a shoulder. "Honestly, not really sure how I ended up here," he responded honestly, glancing around at their surroundings before turning his olive green eyes back to Dragon, "Guess I haven't seen Greed in a while. Don't suppose it'd really matter one way or another, though."

If he was truthful with himself, he would have liked to see Greed. He hadn't seen any of his family in ages now, and he certainly hadn't seen Greed, not since leaving the pack with Liar and the others. Now he wondered why he'd ever left - it hadn't been worth it, not that he thought there was much worth staying with the pack he'd been born to, either. Nothing had worked out as intended since leaving, though. His father's challenge had failed, and Vadim had never gathered a pack as intended. So what was the point in any of it? Sighing, he dipped his nose to the ground and snuffled around the herbs. What would he indulge in today? It seemed to be all he cared about or thought about lately. Should he bother to try to care about anything else?

Glancing up at Dragon, he suddenly wondered why the man was here. The pack didn't live here, did they? He hadn't noticed any scents on his way in. "Well, what about you?" he asked, "You're not a healer, are you? But you seemed pretty interested in these plants when I spotted you." There was no way Dragon, the son of an Alpha, was interested in these herbs for the same reason he was, right?


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
03-30-2017, 12:38 AM

Head tilted slightly in confusion when Ramsay responded, brow raised in question though he said nothing. How did he now know how he had gotten here? Was he okay? Where the hell was Liar? Wasn't Ramsay with him? That was why they had left, wasn't it? Because Liar had some grand plan...or at least, that was what he had gathered from his mother shortly after they had left. So many questions were crammed into his brain, he wasn't sure if he should even ask. Something seemed off about the guy, and he didn't know if he'd end up offending him, or if he would even care. But at Ramsay's statement, and the way he decidedly went around sniffing at the herbs, made him wonder what he was here for...

Before he could ask anything though, Ramsay spoke. He watched Ramsay carefully as he lightly scoffed. No, he wasn't a healer that was for damn sure. "I am not a healer. I don't particularly care about the craft, but I figured I should investigate the lands next door to pack lands. That would be a wise thing to do, wouldn't it? To know what's around..." He took a few steps as he nosed the plants a little ways from his previous spot, ears flicking, "Besides, who knows if I might come across something that a healer could use. Not that I know what any of this is by name, but I can store what the plants look like in my mind so when a healer asks where a certain herb might be found, I'll already know what it looks like and where to find it." That was his logic, anyway. He could remember things by scent, and his photographic memory came in handy. While he didn't know the names of the plants now, he would come to know them should a healer need them in the future. All he needed was a description, and voila!

One particularly strong smelling plant had tickled his nose a little too much both literally and figuratively. He let loose a strong sneeze that then caused him to shake his head out of the momentary daze, but he knew immediately what that herb was. Mint. It was sorta tasty, and he learned so far that it freshened his dog breath. Sniffing to rid himself of his sneezing aftermath, he glanced up at Ramsay. "What are you doing out here? I thought your dad was...well, from what I thought...I thought you guys left to start your own pack? How's that going?"


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



4 Years
03-31-2017, 01:26 AM

Ramsay had his nose tilted toward the ground again, inhaling the scents of the different herbs around them. A brow cocked and his eyes glanced to Dragon when the man scoffed lightly and said he was definitely not a healer. He shrugged his shoulders in response, but he became somewhat interested when Dragon mentioned he was investigating the neighbouring lands. It made him wonder why. Did he have some sort of responsibility that required such actions of him, or was he just one of those hard-working types that did things out of the good of their own heart? He found it odd and for some reason almost annoying that Dragon would be out here looking for herbs if he wasn't a healer. What did it matter to him? Ramsay had no idea the state of the pack since he'd left with his family - although he had a brother in Talis, he had stayed away from them purposely, with the strong belief in his mind that he could have been something greater if he stayed with his blood relations. Now where were they? He buried the thoughts before they could influence his expression. He'd rather just not think about that at all; his deadpan green eyes fell back to the foliage.

The boy only looked to Dragon again when he began a small sneezing fit, curious as to what he'd found. Ah, it was that fresh, tingly and funny-tasting plant. Of course, Ramsay had tried it. It didn't seem to have any affect on him mentally, although it left an almost pleasant tingle in his mouth. Today, he wasn't interested in Mint. He wanted something much stronger. The boy stiffened when Dragon spoke again, asking more specifically why he was out here. Where was his dad? How was their pack going? It made Ramsay want to stop breathing altogether. Instead, he sighed a very light and strained sigh, lifting his head to face Dragon, although his ears folded back against his head.

"Turns out my father really lives up to his name," he mumbled, his eyes meeting Dragon's for only a moment before he could no longer meet the other's eyes, "Nothing turned out how it was supposed to. I don't even know where he is. Not that it matters anyways... But Vadim, and Ash... " He wasn't sure what to say about them, so he merely shrugged. He didn't know where they were, either, but he'd been sure his siblings would never leave him. He missed them more than anything. He couldn't care less about his mother, and the sister he'd never known, nor his father. But his heart broke when he thought of the siblings he loved and could no longer see. Where had they gone? Why had they left without a word? He thought he'd been making amends with Vadim the last time they'd met, and he had never fought with Ash. So why had they disappeared? Did they not care? Or worse, had something terrible happened to them?

Unable to find answers, Ramsay had chosen to numb himself and ignore reality. It was simply easier that way. Things only became more difficult when others began probing. And right now, Dragon had asked him some questions that he really wasn't prepared to answer nor think about - this was not what he'd expected to do today. Maybe he should just turn tail and run... the only thing that kept him planted was the mention Dragon had made about his only remaining brother, Greed. Perhaps... perhaps he should go see him, if it were a possibility at all. But for now, he was tongue-tied and at a loss, unsure of what to say next, so he simply fell silent and hung his head again, wondering if Dragon would say anything more.


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
03-31-2017, 01:55 PM

He didn't miss the way the yearling sighed. The way he sounded when he did it, nor the look in his eyes. He seemed almost...gone. Like the life just wasn't there anymore. It wasn't a look he'd ever seen before. A cold look, sure. This kids brother had that look all the time, and so did least, he did the last time Dragon had seen him. But this look? It was unfamiliar. That had raised a red flag in his head, though he wasn't sure exactly why. "Turns out my father really lives up to his name," A brow rose after Ramsay's statement, the earthen male straightening up as he looked around, almost as if he was expecting Liar to come stalking out of nowhere to dispute that. But Liar's scent was nowhere to be found, so he returned his gaze to Ramsay, their eyes meeting for no more than a brief moment until Ramsay looked away. "Nothing turned out how it was supposed to. I don't even know where he is. Not that it matters anyways... But Vadim, and Ash... "

His head tilted slowly, slightly as a momentary feeling of confusion flickered within him. Then he got it. Liar had not secured a pack like he said he was going to do. Or at least, whatever he had told his mother when she was still alpha had obviously not happened, but it seemed there was more to it. "You know, I hate to say this...but my mother had suspicions about him...I'm sorry he lied to you." Truly he was sorry. Ramsay looked so defeated and devoid of life, that he wondered just how much damage Liar had caused with...well, his lies. Was that the reason Greed chose not to go with them? He didn't know Greed, never talked to him one on one, but he could often see the cold hatred or at least, distaste that the boy had for his father whenever his name was mentioned. "Listen, I don't know what's going on with you and your siblings...and I won't press you to tell me since I'm not your alpha. I also don't know what kind of relationship you and uh...Greed have, but you're welcome to come by and visit him if you want." He wasn't sure what else to say. He could only hope that Ramsay would take him up on the offer. Maybe it would make him feel a little better.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



4 Years
04-16-2017, 07:58 PM

When Dragon first spoke, stating that his mother had had suspicions about Liar, Ramsay felt stirred, aggravated, his hackles rising and eyes turning sharply to meet the Talis Alpha's gaze. How dare Dragon say anything about his father? But the flame died out quickly, the young man realizing his father was not worth defending. It had merely been an initial reaction to protect his family's name, but there was no sense in that anymore. He would have to get used to that from now on. So he let it go, the hair on his back lying flat and his head turning downward again. He wished he'd had the insight others had had, to see the true colors of his own father. He wouldn't have wasted so much of his time and energy, dedicating himself so much to his father's ideals. He just wished that his siblings were still here. However, there was still Greed, as Dragon mentioned. Perhaps he should go visit after all, even if Greed had always been distant. He was the only brother Ramsay had left, and maybe he'd just had more sense than the rest of them to see that Liar hadn't been worth their time.

He glanced up at Dragon, acknowledging the offer the Alpha had made. "Thanks," he murmured, "I think... I might like to visit sometime." But for today, this was about all the interaction he could take. He'd been by himself for so long, doing his own thing that he wasn't used to talking to others. And the fact that he knew Dragon, and the things they had just talked about... it made him think that it probably would have been easier to talk to a stranger about nothing. He'd been trying to keep certain thoughts buried, but this conversation had brought a lot of things back to the surface. He would need time to recover, and to squash the thoughts and feelings that disturbed him. "Anyways, Dragon, I should get going," he said in a suddenly hurried voice, glancing around the environment restlessly, "I-I had a lot of things I needed to do today. See ya'round." And without another word, the strange young man turned and took off, dashing away and hoping he would not come across another soul for the rest of the day, preferably for several days. His head dipped as he went to snatch up a mouthful of assorted herbs, before he disappeared into taller growth, not looking back.

-exit Ramsay-


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
05-21-2017, 12:42 AM

He didn't miss Ramsay's reaction, though Dragon didn't bother to react to the aggression. He knew the boy was hurting, and if he did decide to fight then the alpha would return fire, but he didn't think that's what Ramsay wanted. Deep down, he was just...hurting. Within moments, Ramsay looked away and Dragon continued to look at him, sad that things had turned out the way they had. Though Dragon's life wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, either. He had...things that he had to deal with. Such as his brother, Lykos. Though that was something he didn't like to talk about let alone thing about.

He nodded, shifting a bit on his paws. "I think...I might like to visit sometime." "And you're more than welcome to. I'm sure Greed misses you...even if he doesn't seem like it." He hoped so at least, though he didn't know the boy at all to know that. When Ramsay spoke again, his voice sounded hurried, like he wanted to get away from him. A brow rose as the Armada boy rushed an excuse and ran off, all before he could respond. "Yeah...see ya 'round." He murmured before he too, turned around and headed back home. He had a feeling he'd see him around for sure.

-Exit Dragon-


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.