
You Were Careless to Let it Fall



8 Years
Chrono I
12-26-2016, 08:35 PM

The beautiful dame was happy that she could finally call a real place home. Hell's river was home, but not the warming type. Well, it was literally warm but not that cozy, loving, family home. Everyone the girl knew was dead or gone. She felt like she was the only one left on the whole planet with her blood line. So why not start out new?

She used to believe that she was meant to be a queen; and maybe she was. Not in the way she used to think. She now saw herself as a civilian. She wasn't above anyone anymore, she wasn't expecting a crown. "But you've earned it darling, you deserve to sit up on a throne."

Looking up from her work, she would realize how she had been dazing in the process. It had been almost half a lifetime since she had a dug-in den. And the only one she ever had on her own was broken and small. And she hated it. But this one was perfected, she wouldn't miss a single thing that she wanted. It was large, way too large for just herself but she was so used to the room in the lava pit, she felt like she needed it. Staring at the project for sometime, she would go partially in and start to work on it some more. It's not like she had anything else to do.

Walk "Talk" Think "Charon" "Voices"



5 Years
12-27-2016, 05:43 PM

Life in Ivory Ridge had grown rather stale for him. It wasn't like he disliked the pack, he was quite at home here, but now that he'd given up on trying to find Una he didn't know what to do with himself. In his old tribe life had been simple - every day there had been something to do whether it was patrolling the snowy borders, hunting, baby sitting the children, and then the list went on. Patrolling was about the only thing he could actually accomplish here, and even that was proving to be a challenge. The slopes were slippery and treacherous and more often than not the going was painfully slow. The last thing he needed was to fall and break a leg.

His pack mates were unusually quiet as well. He wasn't sure if the cold was getting to them or if they just preferred to keep to themselves. Either way Tonrar didn't have a whole lot of motive to actively seek them out - small talk had never exactly been a strong suit of his. So he just carried on with his simple quiet existence within the pack. So far he hadn't had much opportunity to put his talents to use and he couldn't imagine that this pack would do much trading until spring came about.

He hadn't really had the opportunity yet to really check out the more center parts of the steppe. He'd patrolled the borders, but mostly had stuck to the Maw since it was where his den was. He was partially through his exploration when the sound of digging caught his attention. The man paused and veered off course towards the sound and was met with the sight of a pale rump. The other half of the woman was submerged in what he assumed to be a new den. He didn't recognize her scent either, her aroma still reeked of loner, but he could smell Raba on her as well.

"Afternoon." He called out softly.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: 3pAOohN.png]



8 Years
Chrono I
12-27-2016, 06:21 PM

Being interrupted by a brute on the opposite side of her, she would freeze immediately. Waiting a few more moments she would then shuffle around, spinning inside of her den and poke the front half of her body out of the mouth. Wide eyed and embarrassed, she looked at the man, left eye moving without the other. She was well accustomed to this. She had been blinded near four years ago and her sight had adjusted itself and grew used to the uncomfortableness. She used to be so worried about what others would think of her ugliness, but that feeling was long gone with the rest of it.

"Um, hello." She then stepped her thin body out of the cave, her winter fur making up for the weight she had kept down over the years. She shook her body, fur and dirt leaving in a thin layer before she sat down just outside her den with a tail that curled around her legs tightly.

She was very new to the pack and didn't even expect to meet anyone this early. She wasn't much of a speaker either, especially since she had been by herself for the last three years. But she wanted to teach herself how to be social for once in her life and start a new beginning. She sat in silence for a moment or two before speaking again. "My name is Chione... Can I... Help you with something today?"

"You know what you can help him with Darling... It's what all men want..." Narrowing her eyes, she would shrug Charon's thoughts off her mind. He wouldn't ruin it for her this time.

Walk "Talk" Think "Charon" "Voices"