
Cabin Fever



6 Years

01-05-2017, 11:41 PM

It was spring, but the snow was still here. She felt stuck still, like she was unable to leave. She paced between two of the palm trees, her bells ringing out as she anxiously made her way through the line she had made in the sand. Giet sat on a nearby rock, curled up in a sun spot. He had grown tired of watching her do laps, finding a nice place to nap. But she couldn't stop, she was starting to get stir crazy. She had promised Xephyris that she would help him, but she had never been in one place for as long as this before. It was getting to her head, small whines pressing out of her pursed lips as she curled around the tree once more. Her ankles were pretty much covered in sand, standing at a slightly lower level because of the path she had carved. Jaelle knew that she couldn't just run away, not without saying something first. Eying the stoat, she wondered if she could talk him into staying here and telling everyone that she just needed out for a little bit. Even if she just took a trip for a week, that would be enough for her. Letting out another whine, she paused and looked up at the hill that would bring her to the top of the cove. Her monochrome body itched to just take a running start and keep going until she couldn't run anymore. But no... no she needed to tell the silver man first. Shaking her head, she resumed in her pacing. He had to show up soon, if not she just needed to go. He would understand, right? It wouldn't be forever, but she had been so good for a season. Jaelle needed out.

Art by Fox

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.


01-06-2017, 12:20 AM

Things didn't seem any different being in a pack then they did being a was quiet in Vyper. Xephyris seemed to be scarce ever since his little "queen" up and vanished after the brats were born. She had no idea why he had even chosen her to begin with. Unless of course, the only requirement to be an alpha at his side was to get knocked up by him. If that was the case, then this pack had pretty low standards...but what did she know? This was the first pack she had ever been in, but if those were one of the requirements for a high position then she probably wouldn't stick around much longer. Sure the man was handsome as hell, but was she ready for kids? Maybe her internal clock was. But she wasn't. Not yet. She enjoyed her freedom, and she didn't need little kids holding her back. Stalking along the beach, the silver eyed woman grumped her way along the shore, the sand sticking to her fur as the cold winds swept against her. There didn't seem to be much around here...maybe she would go out for a while. Meet some other creatures, maybe find another purpose. She was so indecisive about it...she had agreed to follow the man, but she thought things would be better then this.

Scoffing, she shook her head. Maybe she had just been naive and drawn in by the male's good looks. She had flirted with him, but was it even worth it? Ah, who the hell knew. She was itching for something to do. Itching for some action...either a fight or a hunt or, well...maybe something more intimate even. However, maybe there would be something to distract her. Even if for a little while. She smirked a bit as a pacing figure came into view. She could hear the faint sounds of the bells jingling upon the woman's legs, and Sai wondered what plagued the woman. She didn't know her at all. She was just another ghost that shared the same home. They all were. But Sai had never really been the social butterfly type to begin with, so it was no surprise that she didn't really care to know anyone yet. Still, maybe she should take this opportunity to at least know her name. She would approach, silver eyes curious as she eyed the bell clad woman. "Bored, are we? Glad I'm not the only one." She huffed as she dropped her rump to the ground, a big yawn taking over as she settled onto her belly.




6 Years

01-06-2017, 01:30 AM

Her solitude didn't last very long as the red marked woman from before, although she didn't know her name. A small smile was offered as she didn't stop in her pacing, merely pausing long enough to watch her flop on the sands before she went on with walking. Jaelle's shoulders shrugged casually, eying the stoat as he didn't even flinch at the stranger. The creature was too confident for his own good. "Not bored, just..." Just what? She wanted to explore, to be out in the world and not one spot. For her whole life she had hated chains, and now it was too long. The snow was still lingering, and she had promised to help out. It wasn't that she regretted giving Xeph a paw, it was just too much for her now. She had thought that she could do it, but now was cracking under the weight of it all. "Itching, I guess. I need to get out and explore." Jaelle added. Letting out a long sigh, she finally came to a stop in the center of her path, sitting in the divot she had created. Her bells let out one final call before falling silent. "I'm Jaelle by the way, we haven't really properly met before. And that lazy tube of fur is Goat the stoat, although he doesn't care for introductions."

"It's Geit, you infernal sack o' fur." He said without uncurling from his sun spot, not even bothering to open an eye.

"Yes, Goat. That's what I said," Jae retorted, gaze never leaving the silver eyed woman with a smile.

Art by Fox

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.