
On My Own


01-06-2017, 12:55 AM

She'd had it! She had secluded herself, hiding away to avoid anyone from her sisters pack. Mostly though, she was just avoiding her bigger sister and the boy she ran off with. She hadn't seen her green pelted sister since Myriad's fall, and she wasn't sure why she hadn't sought her out. Nixie had been so family oriented. That is, until it was clear that they didn't really seem to care too much. Not only did their mother abandon them, but even Kait and Yoshi decided that she wasn't worth it. Or so it seemed. And Ren? She hadn't seen him since that challenge...and even when Nixie had decided to join the pack that had taken over the previous one, they too disbanded shortly after. So she was left to wander again. Which she supposed, wasn't so bad. She knew more or less how to take care of herself, except this time...she was by herself. No family to curl up with at night. Or to go on adventures with. Or anything. She was completely alone in the world now. And this type of loneliness was starting to take a toll on her free spirited nature. She was feeling...resentful. In fact, she didn't even know how much she resented him. Indeed, she blamed Rivaxorus! If it weren't for him, then none of this would have happened, right? Her and her family would still be together. But no. He just had to take Yoshiko away! She sat at the edge of the water, her tiny body full of random specks of water from the light drizzle. What would she do now?


01-06-2017, 01:02 AM
ooc: If you don't want itsume in your thread let me know so I can have this deleted ^^ Just thought I'd throw her though.

"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Her father had told her she could go explore, but she HAD to make sure that her father was within scenting distance. Basically he was keeping out of sight and a watch on her. Itsume seemed to have her mind set on some sort of independence. Life as loners did that to them and the tiny little runt would be glad to return home with some sort of spoils. Having such an over protective father made it difficult to do such things. The small creature crawled across the southern lands, stopping when she came across a bunch of water.

Not only that... but something that caught her interest. An odd looking female. It hit her scent glands and instinctively she puffed her small body up. Becoming a fuzzy ball that looked like just about anything could roll it. Itsume knew she was no match for other wolves - this wolf also didn't look as plain as her father. Then again she was a mix of a lot of things as well. She stood there frozen staring at Nixie with cyan eyes through her fluff.


01-06-2017, 01:27 AM
She was pretty angry. A feeling that was still foreign to the usually happy go-lucky girl. Pouting, she stared at the water...that is, until a foreign scent crossed her nose. Scenting the air, she glanced around until she spotted it. Her own fur bristling as she stared at the little thing. Was that...a puppy? It was...tiny. Why the heck was it here by itself? Was it lost? Well, whatever the case, she looked at it with clear disgust and disdain. It looked so weird! It's pelt her, it looked like it had crawled out of a swamp or something. The green was nowhere near as vibrant as her sisters, and the rest of it just looked so...ugly. Maybe it really was born in a swamp! Poor thing. Though to Nixie, she was used to seeing more vibrant colors like her own, unless they were straight up plain like the majority of those who wandered the lands. But this one? She had never seen anything like it!

She eyed the swamp puppy. And it eyed her. A little ball of fluff just...staring. She was getting rather annoyed that it just stood there and stared. Not even saying a word. She had no idea whose kid this was, and she didn't really care to figure it out even by scent. She was so upset with her sister and that boy, that she didn't really even care to try to figure out that this thing was theirs. Finally, after long moments of the two just sitting and staring at each other, she finally broke the silence. "What do you want, furball?" Her voice wasn't very kind, if at all. It She didn't mean to sound that way, but after so much bull crap, it was hard being nice anymore.


01-06-2017, 01:33 AM

"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Once Nixie spoke, Itsume instantly calmed down. One thing she couldn't do was become afraid. She hadn't really experienced fear, just caution. As such she was just happy to be getting attention anyway. She lifted a smile and wagged her tail a little bit. Her fur suddenly lying flat as she looked up to, what was to her a giant, Nixie. "Nothing!" she smiled as she said this. "Are you hurt?" the question came out casually as she tiled her head to the side. Her friendly nature showed that way.

"My name is Itsume, please don't eat me I think you're pretty!" Itsume would shuffled on her paws. Oh boy she wanted to make friends. What would mom and dad say if she told them she made friends with a BLUE wolf. That would be amazing wouldn't it!