
Slow Down



2 Years
01-06-2017, 02:07 AM
*Set after Sol thread, keeping it vague

The young girl was starting to feel better now that she had gotten out of the north, she even met someone else blessed by the elements! It was hard with the language barrier, and Ashe knew that she needed to work on the common tongue. It had been so long since she had even conversed with someone though, and she missed the ease of speaking in Spanish with another wolf. A long sigh left her lips as she sat in the same area, too afraid to leave it now that she had gotten here. There was actual grass and plants, even some birds and other animals starting to show up. Her belly rumbled in hunger, but it was a pang she was used to. It had been hard hunting in the north, she had mostly survived off of rats and other small rodents. They were easier to catch than rabbits and hares, they were too quick for her in her current state. Letting out a soft sigh, she sat down with her tail behind her, glancing around with slight confusion on her face. Really the yearling didn't know what to do, she was unsure of herself and everything else. She knew that she needed to get better, but since running into someone else she had the feeling that she needed help. Large game is what she truly needed, not more and more small creatures. Ashe wasn't stupid either, she knew that there was no way she was doing that all on her own. So what next? Should she go back to that nice man again? He had been kind and warm, almost like family. But he had others to look after, right? She could smell the pups on his fur, and she didn't want to be just another mouth to feed. What she needed to do was find her brother and bite some sense into him. How could he just leave her like that and not care? He was supposed to be her litter mate, and they were supposed to look after each other. But no, obviously he had some other important matters to attend to.

The silver girl slid her front paws forward until she plopped on the grass, rolling to her side and watching a pair of blue jays fly past her. Silver eyes kept locked on them until they disappeared, and then she just stared up at the sky. It looked like it was going to rain today, gray clouds starting to gather in the sky. The girls ears slicked backwards, a soft whine whispering out of her lips. She didn't want to be caught in a storm, not again. Scrambling to paws, she looked around in a mild panic. Was there a den somewhere around here that she could duck into?

"Talk" -- "SPEAK SPANISH" -- Think