
Raise Hell & Turn It Up



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
01-07-2017, 09:37 PM

It had been a bit since he really spoke to anyone. The last perhaps being Ganta about it was high time he searched out his brothers. His family, to spend some time with in whatever ways he could. The problem though, was that he had noticed that their largest brother had yet to be scented within the packs lands. Dragon had allowed him to stay behind, thinking that perhaps it was best to give their broody brother time alone and to himself, and he had hoped that he would eventually come around. But more then a season passed now, and at this point he knew...Lykos chose to abandon the pack for good. It stirred something dark within the boys chest. As much as Lykos preached about family and loyalty, he seemed to really be the only one to stand against his family and his own morals by far. The youth had not been released from the Dragon only assumed at this point, that his brother was indeed a traitor. His mother was right. Even though he had tried not to believe it. But Lykos proved it all on his own. Huffing, tail lashing, Dragon stalked the perimeter of the castle as he thought about what to do. Where would Lykos be? Did he stay in the north? Or had he sought out that Mercy woman? They were maybe the only things he could think of...unless Lykos had other connections that he wasn't aware of. could their brother do the things that he did, and not even care? Mercy had trespassed and attacked their mother. And from what he'd heard, Lykos seemed to take Mercy's side. None of it sat well with him...and he was tired of trying to believe that Lykos would ever change. They were never close. Lykos had always been the estranged brother, never really bothering to be involved with the family except for when it came to Vereux. Ha...he was pretty sure that his brother was extremely pleased when Vereux died. And if he was, that told Dragon that the creature was truly heartless. Lykos didn't seem to care about anyone else but himself. Even refusing to let their mother be happy. Now she was alone again. Heartbroken. Growing older and alone. It angered Dragon to a new degree, and in his new found rage, an old tree branch would find itself breaking between his jaws as he snapped his teeth viciously upon it. He wasn't going to sit idly by anymore...but he couldn't just leave the pack without saying anything to anyone...


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



5 Years
02-13-2017, 06:28 PM

Kharn still didn't like this place, but it seemed like Dragon did so for once the grumpy male kept his mouth shut. He'd managed to find a room in the castle that was protected from the weather and yet just a bit drafty in certain areas. It was nice enough that it helped keep the humidity at tolerable temperatures and at the same time was quite comfortable. There was a large springy thing by one of the walls that served as a comfortable place to sleep on. He'd managed to drag in a few pelts to line it to make it even more so. Then there wee objects in the room that served as decoration more than anything. He'd never seen anything like them. Some were shiny, rusted in a few places, and others were larger like the place he'd chosen as a bed, but on four legs and a bit smaller. All were old and faded, clearly weather worn, but overall intriguing enough for him to study in his free time. He didn't know what left them behind, but he liked to fantasize about it.

Today Kharn had decided to poke around a bit more. As it turned out, the castle had many large rooms and hallways with a lot of the same weird objects. He spent the morning investigating and learning the halls before he found his way outside again around the perimeter of the place. He marked the entrance he came out of (so he'd remember it for later) before heading down along the crumbling and foliage covered wall.

Before long he could hear angry pacing and soon he'd find the culprit. He arrived just in time to see Dragon wrathfully snap a stick in his jaws. Kharnage winced slightly as he watched his sibling silently for a moment. Dragon didn't often get angry, but he knew once he did it often wasn't a good sign. Whatever it was, it excited Kharnage. If he was pissed off an any particular someone's then Kharnage wanted to be in on it. It'd been a while since he'd seen some action and the young male was eager to do something useful.

"Easy brother. I don't think the stick did anything to you." He joked lightly. "Who has you so pissed off?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
02-16-2017, 02:25 AM

The male growled as his tail lashed, tongue swiping across his teeth as he sought to remove the dusty taste of the branch he'd broken. He felt the anger, and he did not like the way it felt. It was a foreign feeling to him. It was something suited more for...well, for someone like Kharnage. It was rare for him to get so angry, if at all. He was usually so lax, so controlled so...calm and collected even in the face of someone he didn't like. And even then there was only one wolf he had a huge dislike for and that was Mercy. He gnashed his teeth together as he thought about what to do, and even now he didn't know if he'd end up doing something irrational.

Before he could think more on it, his brother's voice broke his mild haze. He turned sharply to see Kharnage standing there and watching him. He could hear the joking tone in his brothers voice, but Dragon was far from a joking mood. Exhaling sharply, he began to pace back and forth in front of Kharn. "It's Lykos." He hissed, ears flattening as his fur bristled. "Before we moved, he wanted to be released and I said no because I didn't think he had learned anything. I figured by doing that, he would come around eventually. But I haven't scented him anywhere in pack lands, let alone the surrounding lands."

Was it spring now in Boreas? The difference in season here had him a little confused. Did Lykos stay in the pines? Or was he somewhere else? "I did say I'd revisit the topic in Spring. But when I think about it, I shouldn't have to go out of my way to cater to an ungrateful asshole!" He growled louder this time, paws wearing away the dirt beneath him as his eyes flashed with anger. "I've been busy with the pack, and all he can do is think about himself! Always has! Doesn't care about anyone but his goddamn self! Didn't even care when mom tried to defend our territory from that bitch!" He did not cease his pacing as he vented his anger. What was he to do? He never told Lykos exactly where they were moving to, so there was no way he'd be able to track the pack down...maybe there really was only one option here...and it wouldn't be pretty.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



5 Years
02-21-2017, 10:15 PM

Dragon's decision to take his anger out on the stick clearly had been a poor one. Kharn watched with slight amusement as his sibling tried to spit the bits out of his mouth. He didn't pity whoever, or whatever, had pissed Dragon off so much. it wasn't often his sibling got angry, but Kharn could see it was something serious. Getting irritable and acting like this was more of his kind of thing after all. It was so odd to see it coming from his cinnamon coated sibling. Dragon had finally noticed him, but his sour mood didn't approve with Kharnage's teasing tone and Kharn's easy attitude fell away into something slight more serious. An eyebrow rose as he studied the other boy's features and he waited patiently to see what was bothering him.

"It's Lykos."

Of course it was.

"Before we moved, he wanted to be released and I said no because I didn't think he had learned anything. I figured by doing that, he would come around eventually. But I haven't scented him anywhere in pack lands, let alone the surrounding lands."

Kharnage snorted at this. Of course Lykos hadn't followed them - he was a selfish asshole who didn't care for anyone but himself. He'd proven that when he'd stayed in Imperium instead of following them to Ivalice. He'd only come home with his tail between his legs when Imperium had disbanded and he'd had nowhere else to go. Then he'd proven his disloyalty by running his giant trap towards wolves who didn't even belong in the pack. Kharnage had made some stupid decisions in the past, but Lykos' took the cake.

"I did say I'd revisit the topic in Spring. But when I think about it, I shouldn't have to go out of my way to cater to an ungrateful asshole!" Kharnage chuckled at this. He knew fully well that Dragon was aware that Lykos was an asshole. He was just surprised it had taken him this long to get angry about it. "I've been busy with the pack, and all he can do is think about himself! Always has! Doesn't care about anyone but his goddamn self! Didn't even care when mom tried to defend our territory from that bitch!"

"Well then lets go get his ungrateful lazy ass and kick it till it's black and blue. He obviously doesn't care who's boss and he needs a lesson in respect."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
02-21-2017, 11:58 PM

Was he wrong to think this way about his brother? Probably not. Lykos hadn't given him a reason to make him think otherwise. Dragon wasn't mad that his brother hadn't initially followed. It was the simple lack of respect and disobedience that had him irked. Well...irked was an understatement anyway. His brother was in no position to be doing what he was doing, nor did he have valid reasons to do what he did when the pack was still under their mother's leadership asides from Lykos' obvious paranoia. Come to think of it, Vereux had shown no signs of being the traitor his brother believed him to be, and the late male had even paid for his mistake before he died. He listened to Kharnage, his pacing continued as he mulled over what was said. Could he really do that? The thought hadn't crossed his mind before...not till now, at least.

Out of the shadows Kimahri arrived. A low growl penetrating the air. "I certainly wouldn't mind a bit of...entertainment." Dragon stopped as he looked at his companion, then at Kharnage. "Kimahri, this is my brother Kharnage. Kharn, this is my new friend, Kimahri." The jaguar gazed steadily at the black and white wolf, "Pleasure." The brown male thought for a moment longer, wondering what the right move would be. He was indecisive, but he had to take action soon and end this damn headache. "I know he's our brother...but he sure as hell hasn't been acting like one..." He sighed, hreen gaze finding the ground. The more he thought about all of it, everything and the way things had been going, it made his fur prickle. "I guess there's only one option then."

He looked at Kimahri, and then at Kharnage. "Knowing you, I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss this for the world. Wanna go with me to find him?" He probably knew the answer to that one already. "Mom won't be happy about it, but she doesn't have to know. Nobody else does either." He stood there, waiting for his brother's answer.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



5 Years
02-24-2017, 03:51 PM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2017, 03:54 PM by Kharnage.)

Kharnage's hackles bristled slightly out of instinct when a voice soon met his ears. He shifted uneasily as a leopard came from the shadows to come stand by Dragon. He wasn't used to seeing such a large predator so close, but he relaxed when Dragon seemed to recognize him. Ears flicked forward as his brother introduced them and his mind instantly resurfaced the memory of Jaelle and her new stoat friend. A leopard was certainly a far bigger friend than a stoat, but he didn't disapprove of the idea.

"Nice to meet you too."

He watched as Dragon looked at the ground and Kharnage's anger grew slightly. Honestly, Lykos seemed to believe he was so mature, so much better than them, but then he'd turned around and disrespected everybody and believed he could just stay behind without anyone noticing? Now he had Dragon riled up and clearly had no respect for the pack or who led it. It was about time someone knocked him down a few pegs and there was no way in hell Kharnage would miss it. Lykos had caused so much strife and drama in their lives - it was time to put an end to it.

"Fuck yeah I'm coming. I wouldn't miss this for anything. Besides, you're my brother and I've got your back no matter what." He said excitedly. "But I wouldn't keep this from anyone. I'd drag him home and make an example of him. It'll show that you can't just do whatever you want, treat this pack however you damn well please, without some consequences. Lykos betrayed this family, betrayed the pack, and now he should suffer the consequences for it publicly."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
03-06-2017, 07:31 PM

Of course. His brothers response was completely expected, for the most part. Dragon knew that Kharnage didn't like to be left out when things got heated, and this was one of those things that not only got heated, but were burning right in the frying pan. What he didn't expect, however, was that Kharnage thought their brother should be brought back and made an example. He hadn't thought about that before...but in a sense, his brother was right. Lykos did seem to think he could get away with anything and everything, and he wondered why their mother had put him as an heir to begin with. That probably didn't help with his high and mighty better-than-everyone-else attitude, and now look where the jerk was. Dragon knew if it had been him in Lykos' position, and Lykos was the alpha, he was pretty sure that Lykos would have done this very thing. He was a stickler for rules after all. Was. Obviously he wasn't anymore, or they wouldn't be in this situation to begin with.

He stood stiff-legged, hackles rising and falling as his lip twitched. He hated the fact that his brother had put himself in this position. But it wasn't just Lykos, it was also his stupid friend, Mercy who had started all this goddamn trouble too! If it weren't for her, if she just never existed...then none of this would be happening. "Mom isn't going to be happy...neither is Gryphon, or anyone else probably. They might even see me as a tyrant...and might want to leave, but..." He huffed, tail lashing as he debated it. "God dammit! It's not like I'm the one who broke the rules! I'm just doing my job as an alpha, and I think the pack is too laid back to begin with so screw it! If they think my ways are gonna be too harsh, then they can all leave with their tails between their legs too!" Geez...he never thought he'd say something like that, but he did. And it was out there. This wasn't his mothers pack anymore, he had his own set of rules to implement. "I think we should do a meeting soon and address some things. See whose really in it for the pack, or who was just here for a place to sleep."


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.