
Can the Lonely Take the Place of You


01-08-2017, 04:06 PM

The boy returned to his once-home not in search of anything in particular. He had finally let go of Colten and his family and only hoped that one day, the two of them would meet again. But there was a large hole in his heart for the ones that he loved, and he wasn't sure if it could ever be filled. The only parts left were the interest in his half-family and his pack mates. Or at least those he could help.

He found himself at his old den site, his own being crushed and flattened over the years but seeing as Colten's was still dug in as if someone had been using it. Not any more, holes started to cave in at the top and it was dry and crumbling, but it was still there. Someone else must have come by and saw it being larger than his own and decided to continue living inside. Part of him was happy that such a situation could have led someone to live in his brother's old den, and another part of him was angry that someone would actually do that. It could have been someone's home, Colten could have come back for it. But he tried not to think so horrible things, he wished no harm on anyone. He tried his best to live everyday at it's finest and try not to make anyone suffer around him.

He had a large amount of love for the ones around him though he could snap in an instant. He sat in front of the den, trying to remember the good days where he wanted to spend time with his nephew and do nothing but look into the future.

Walk "Talk" Think


01-16-2017, 08:21 PM

Amaia hummed quietly to herself as she trotted along through the willow trees, hopping over the small streams as she came to them. Some of them were a bit larger than usual, swollen with the constant rains they had gotten the season before and with the early spring rains. She was glad the cold of winter had finally begun to drift away. She prefered the warmth of summer the most, but spring was a close second. The only bad thing about spring was that her heat had come around to bother her again, but she had dealt with it long enough and learned tricks to make it not so bad.

She weaved in and out of the long willow branches, occasionally splashing through the cool water as she did so. She started to sing quietly to herself in Spanish as she walked. The song wasn't anything in particular and the tune was one she had made up on her own. It was just a song about the trees and the rivers and the bright spring day - simply to have something to fill the silence. She didn't notice the black and white man a short distance off, too engrossed in her own exploring and singing to pay much attention.

"Talk" "You" Think


01-22-2017, 09:40 PM

The boy would be instantly aware of the other's presence, words unknown as she trailed around him. He would slowly pad his way over to the voices, stopping to watch as the girl skipped and hummed and sang along. It was a gorgeous sight he could not deny. She was beautiful herself  but the joys of spring had her high in spirits and he could say he felt the same.

Only a moment or two later he escaped from the trees and quietly spoke to her,"Hello." trying not to alarm her, "That's a beautiful voice you have." He smiled at her, gently approaching. Her colors were something else. Much different and unusual than his own. He found it very unique, looking around her body to study it. Not in a creepy way of course, but it still wasn't very polite to just look someone up and down.

Walk "Talk" Think


01-30-2017, 09:00 PM

Amaia didn't notice the man walking over to her until he spoke. She didn't jump really, but she was still very surprised and she blinked at him for a moment as she tried to reorient herself with the world again. She knew better than to get so lost in thought, but sometimes it was nice to just be in her own world for a while. Amaia gave the man a smile after a moment, realizing he would probably want some kind of answer from her. "Lo siento, ¿qué dijiste?" she asked before stopping herself. Oh, right, common tongue. It had been a long time now since she had tried to speak it so she hoped she wouldn't get it entirely wrong. "Oh, sorry... What say?" That didn't sound right, but it didn't sound wrong either. She offered him a smile either way.

Then she realized that he smelled just like the pack that her sister was living in now and she gasped before he could reply, a huge smile crossing her face. "Fiori!" she exclaimed, her tail wagging away behind her. "You Fiori, yes? You see Carletta? How she?" For all she knew he had never met her sister in his entire life, but it was still so exciting to find someone that might be able to tell her how she was doing. Truthfully she missed her sister so much, but she just hadn't brought herself to actually settle down and live in a pack just yet.

"Talk" "You" Think