
You Always Say This Is The Last Time [AW]


01-08-2017, 04:42 PM

OOC: For those who are concerned, there is no detail about Lyre and my plot with her losing her litter in this post. If you wish to be involved in that with this post, your character may sense that she is pregnant. But no big details will be given about this matter. She is looking for the herbs in hopes it will help her and may only mention that she wants them for her pregnancy and no detail about previous ones.

Lyre remembered the abundance of different items she scented down in the ravine here when she came up from Auster. She only closely passed it, not noticing the actual Ravine itself. So when she came across it, she would be surprised and have to stop immediately before toppling over the edge. She craned her neck over the edge looking to spot a better place to travel down and would see a small trail that other wolves had used before. She would then travel to the area and slowly make her way down the incline.

Soon she would reach the bottom and start to sniff around in the air before putting her nose to the ground and looking for the plants she desired. If  other wolves had come across her, she would be happy to help as well as receive it. She was friendly and wouldn't mind the company either. It was a long way from Abaven and she hoped her purpose would be fulfilled here.

Walk "Talk" Think



4 Years
Extra large
01-12-2017, 07:59 PM

Karabela knew very well that she shouldn't be off and wandering again but Ivory Ridge had been so still she felt certain she could sneak off for a bit. Besides, Birna was still around and could watch after things for awhile. She had to admit that she'd missed it. Wandering had become such a strong part of who she was that she doubted she could ever full give it up. Did other alphas wander? Raba slowed her pace until she came to a stop in this strange wooded grassland. Was she really questioning her decision? Karabela shook her head. Enough of these thoughts! She was going to think herself to death.

The Chieftain of Ivory Ridge started to walk but as she lifted her paw she froze as she spied a dark… split before her. As she cautiously approached it she saw a strange ravine. Well, now this was a curious split in the middle of nowhere and it just begged to be explored. Carefully picking her path she started to work her way down. After the icy, snow-covered slopes of Fenrir's Maw she found she had little trouble navigating her way safely to the bottom.

Looking around she realized she was not alone. There was another woman nearby. "Oh! Hello, I didn't realize anyone else was down here. Curious place, no?" Karabela recognized the woman's scent, well not her specific scent but her pack scent. "Oh, are you from Abaven?"


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king