
Tell me what you dream about



2 Years
01-11-2017, 05:01 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2017, 10:13 AM by Kaecious.)

The world was shrouded in a dense fog. Kaecious could see no farther than a few body lengths ahead, and had so settled in for the night. He'd found a rather inviting knot of gnarled trees beside a small cluster of stones, and it had taken no time at all to dig out a comfortable depression between their roots. The wind was off of him and, should rain happen to blow in through the night, the tree would more than likely block it's path to him. A storm blew in just as Kaeci closed his eyes and sought sleep.

Upon waking several hours later, he found the clouds to have cleared and the whole world to be bathed in cool moonlight. It's pale, ivory glow had turned everything a shade of cobalt or indigo. The rain had invigorated what spring growth had already sprung from the ground, giving the air around him a heady scent. He breathed in deeply and stood.

The night was unseasonably warm for that time of year, almost uncomfortably so seeing as he had not yet shed the entirety of his winter coat. He wormed his way from the den in hope of finding open air, and took a gulp of it the instant it was available to him. 'What a dream,' he thought to himself, not quite recalling what his dreams had been about, feeling only the depth of it's unpleasantness. He let the air from his lungs in one long breath.

The sun had set not long ago, night having brought a temporary peace to the land. Kaeci knew this was when the most dangerous predators would emerge, that the quiet was no indicator of peace. Beneath the moon the forest came alive. He wriggled his way from his den and surveyed the land around him. The fog obscured much of his immediate surroundings, so he sat and took a deep breath. Perhaps this would be a day for meditation, perhaps he ought to wait out the fog. He kept his senses honed while deliberating, hoping to pick up any trace of disturbance either with the spirits that plagued him or in the world around him.  

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-11-2017, 09:24 PM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2017, 09:24 PM by Ásvor.)
The way the fog hung dense over the land made everything feel infinitely more ethereal. This world seemed more like the one her sister Runa might live in, most of the time. Though the fog was thick, and navigating through it was difficult, it made everything seem somehow so much lighter. Like a feather on the wind, she slipped across the lands with no apparently destination in mind. Asvor's world never had much direction, and she certainly never had no real goals in mind. Softly the girl hummed beneath her breath as she moved, paws carrying her quietly across the earth. Moonlight danced down from the heavens, casting eerie shadows through the fog, when she caught glimpses of it as she traveled.

It was all but impossible to really see where she was going, but she decided the uncertainty of it was more exciting than terrifying. She doubted she would run into danger without realizing it, but she supposed it was always a possibility. The girl narrowed her eyes, letting her gaze try to pierce through the fog to see what lay beyond. Not much, it seemed.. though nearby she spotted a rather large rock. Approaching it proved her suspicions true; it was just a rock, albeit a slightly large one. Only momentarily entertained by it, she continued onward.

The scent of another reached her nose after some time,  arousing her curiosity. It was a stranger, it seemed, though most wolves were. Wondering who else might be out in such bizarre conditions.. fog wasn't really the ideal condition for traveling, or doing much of anything else.. she grabbed hold of the man's scent and trailed after it greedily. Only when he was close enough to make out his silhouette through the fog would her pace slow, nearly to a halt, and she scrunched up her nose. "Having fun?" Asvor inquired after a moment of silence, truly wondering what sort of wolf might be about at this time of night and with such little visibility.



2 Years
01-13-2017, 11:50 AM
When Kaeci's thoughts were interrupted it took him a moment to realize that the voice had not come from within his mind but from a stranger who had materialized from the fog. His head snapped sideways, and he choked on a small gasp of surprise. Coughing, Kaeci stood and gave her a quick nod in greeting. Was he having fun? What kind of question was that? "Hi! Uhm... yes?" He looked at the world around him, surprised to find someone else wandering through the inky night. "Well, at least I'm not having a bad time. Is that the same thing?" He peered at her as subtly as he could. Her facial features, while pretty, meant nothing to him. Had he seen this fae before? If so, she had fled his memory just as all the others did.

She could have been trailing him for days and he wouldn't know the difference. He clamped his mouth closed around a sigh, knowing it would do no good and serve him no purpose. Around them clouds of fog roiled, holding the rest of the world at bay. He couldn't see anything beyond a few paces in any direction, but to him the air felt charged as if a storm was moving towards them. It made the fur stand on the back of his neck, but Kaeci was not certain if the feeling could be relied upon or not. "Gloomy, huh?" he asked in his own choppy, awkward way. "Do you suppose it's going to storm tomorrow?" Subtly had not been his strongest suit, but he could contrive no other way to gauge her opinion without sounding crazy. Hopefully she wouldn't think anything of it.



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-15-2017, 04:56 PM
The stranger, at first glance, seemed surprised at her presence. She was surprised too, but was more curious than anything else.  The fog not only obscured one's vision, but also their other senses. His scent hardly touched her nose when he came within lunging distance, and she certainly had not heard him moving either. Eyelids would squint as she struggled to get a better view of him.  "Hi," Ásvor offered in simple reply, taking a few steps closer to him.

He said he wasn't having a bad time. 'Is that the same thing?' The girl offered a slow shrug, not sure what exactly he was asking. What she did know was that this certainly didn't appear to be fun. She was only wandering through these area to find something better to do. The fog served little purpose other than slowing her down. The girl shifted her weight from one side of her body to the other, both red-tipped ears flicking idly as he spoke of the possibility of a storm. "I.. don't know," she breathed quietly, slipping a bit closer - aiming to head toward him and stand somewhere in front of her, merely feet away now.

It was easier to see him through the fog now, a boy nearly her size with the strangest colored eyes she'd ever seen. They were quite lovely to look at - had she ever met someone with eyes that were such a green? Interest shone in her own stare, the right corner of her mouth twitching upward in the faintest shadow of a smirk. "Why? Do you think it might?" Her voice betrayed genuine interest. She'd learned a bit about herbs now, but nothing about the weather. Perhaps this fog was a precursor to storms? She really didn't know.



2 Years
01-16-2017, 01:01 AM

Something about him seemed to put off the new arrival. She was perhaps a bit on edge, or at the very least made uneasy by his presence... or maybe just that fact that he probably looked like a loon. Still, he didn't not know a way to explain to her that he simply preferred to travel this way without sounding crazy because perhaps it was crazy. Neither of them seemed to know whether or not being not-upset was the same as happiness, and he decided not to press the issue.

The young fae also offered him no guidance as to the nature of the weather which had encompassed them. She turned it around on him, which in turn made him purse his lips in thought. "Well..." he hedged, giving himself a moment. "The air is a bit clammy, isn't it? If cold weather is coming, I suppose it might rain as it arrives." In the end he just shrugged, because what did he know? Her interest, however, caught his attention. He saw a spark beyond her mistrust of his strange behavior, and he was eager to latch onto any small bit of conversation. "Are you a wanderer as well? I might be able to share some knowledge with you, if you would do the same." He wasn't exactly sure what that might be, but he'd come up with something worthwhile if she was up for it.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-17-2017, 08:18 PM
Ásvor's own wide gaze was alight with interest as she studied him, rather unabashedly. For a long moment she stared into those pale green eyes of his, wondering what might lie behind his gaze - it was hard to tell what a creature was like from simply watching them but getting a good look into their eyes often helped. Her own was full of interest and amusement, wondering just who this wolf might be. He seemed initially a bit taken aback by her question, but she often caught others off-guard with her brash manner of speaking.

He spoke, and her ears twitched as she listened. The air was clammy, which meant cold, and thus possibly rain. honestly, she'd never noticed a correlation between temperature and weather, but she didn't pay much attention to it either. Now that she thought about it though, it would be quite useful if she could figure out when snow might be coming, as it was far more detrimental to survival than rain. Not that she had been traveling anywhere recently where snow was even a remote possibility.

"Interesting," Ásvor noted to his question, her smile widening just slightly. Slowly, she took another step closer, head dipping as she kept her gaze locked firmly on him. 'Are you a wanderer as well?' he asked, and she nodded slowly in response. "I am. What sort of knowledge do you offer?" It seemed she was becoming a trader, or sorts... and knowledge for knowledge sounded like a lovely deal, depending on what he could offer her. "My name is Ásvor, by the way."



2 Years
01-22-2017, 07:25 AM

Kaeci felt quite uncomfortable under her stare. The woman gazed at him with open interest, but he could not discern the source of her curiosity. Was she hostile? Friendly? Flat-out batshit crazy? It was hard to tell. All the same, he could not bring himself to regret the meeting. His own curiosity outweighed his budding fear, as it so often did. Who was this fae? Where had she come from? She admitted to being a wanderer, and accepted the terms of his offer as well. Knowledge for knowledge. Kaecious scrambled, suddenly dumbstruck. His mind went blank under pressure, so he hummed out, "Uhmm..." while looking around the area. Inspiration struck him like a clap of thunder, and he grinned. He bounded forward several steps to where a particularly large boulder sat.

He circled it once, seeing it from all sides before coming to sit beside it. He faced Asvor with excited eyes and smiled. "I could tell you about the spirits! Do you follow gods of your own?" He looked excitedly at the rock as if it itself might have something to contribute to the conversation. He did not know what gods this fae might follow, but he was just as eager to hear of them if she was of a mind. To him, this meager monolith had seen many generations of life unfold on this rocky moor. Perhaps he would build a small alter beside it to honor it, and perhaps he might be granted some of it's wisdom. He almost didn't notice that she introduced herself, allowing an embarrassingly long pause to stretch between the time she spoke and the time he said, "Oh! My name is Kaecious. Or Kaeci. Whatever," he said with a shrug. She could honestly call him maggotbreath for all he cared, as long as she didn't try to run him off.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
02-12-2017, 05:15 PM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2017, 05:15 PM by Ásvor.)
This stranger's presence was oddly refreshing, in a mildly disconcerting way. Most wolves she'd met were easy enough to read, to tell of their motivations, but this one was far more complex than most and she was drawn to the mysterious aura surrounding him. Her smile remained, oddly neutral as she assessed him, watching him speak. He seemed to be at a loss for words regarding her question, and she swore she could see the gears turning behind his stare. He stood for a moment, before moving to a nearby rock, and she took a few steps toward him, her own gait somewhat wary.

He knew something of the spirits? Her eyes lit up as though something ignited behind her gaze, her lips turning up slightly in a smile. "I know some stuff about the gods," Asvor admittedly, though a bit warily. Most seemed to know nothing of the gods, and speaking to them about them seemed fruitless at best. But this creature knew something. Her ears flicked in interest that she didn't bother to conceal from him. She'd never considered gods beyond her own, and hoped he acknowledged the ones that her mother had taught her and her siblings of. "Tell me something you know, Kaeci." Her words weren't too demanding, but she did want him to share with her.