
Stained Glass Eyes And Colorful Tears


01-14-2017, 07:28 PM

Koron was becoming more familiar with the territory of Fiori and he was slowly growing accustomed to the fox’s presence. Alfred was, in all honesty, glad that she had showed up. At first there had been a bit of worry, a bit of pain at the reminder of his mother. But Koron wasn’t Korrin. Nor was he Svetlana. They were different beings, a different partnership. So why should they worry about seeming like someone else?

The young male walked along with the polar fox, her coat a soft and fluffy white that almost made him lose her whenever it snowed. He had gone off wandering with the fox, feeling comfortable enough with her to leave Fiori… at least for a short while. Truthfully he hadn’t been exploring since he’d last searched for his mother… a dream that the young man had abandoned. Though he’d still miss her he was happy just knowing the rest of his family was together.

Truthfully he’d been go a bit longer than a “short while” thanks to Koron. The fox kept encouraging him to go further and further, and soon, well, Alfred got lost again. A soft sigh left him as he glanced down at his fox companion, giving her a stern look.

“I think we’re going the wrong way…”




4 Years
02-13-2017, 07:43 PM

It felt weird to be back in Boreas again, but she somewhat missed the place. It was spring here, a weird change from all the fall colors she'd gotten used to seeing in Auster, but overall it was a refreshing change. It was warm here, but not overly humid and she was having the best time of her life as she padded through a few different places. She'd passed near two different packs on her way here, but hadn't gone close to them to explore. As much as she wanted to be social and learn a bit more she didn't want to offend anyone either by just randomly showing up on their borders, especially if they were hostile.

Eventually the girl found herself in a gully surrounded by a bunch of ferns. She sniffed around for a moment before a rabbit dashed out in front of her. Grinning wildly she chased after it, trying to mimic the bounding it was doing, before it disappeared down a rabbit hole. She stuck her nose in the hole for a moment and inhaled some dirt before snapping her head out of it and sneezing. She hadn't intended on eating the rabbit, or even hurting it, but she had hoped it would have run a bit more. She wanted to play!

Thoroughly disappointed with it, she turned and headed further into the gully. Before long she could hear a voice. “I think we’re going the wrong way…” Her brown ringed ears flicked forward curiously for a moment before she headed off towards where she'd heard the noise. She soon came across a white colored male with pretty russet markings and her tail waved softly behind her. He was as big as Okami and he even had a fox friend! How cute!

"Hi there! Are you lost?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: JQXUdOq.png]


03-26-2017, 10:52 AM
The voice of a stranger startled Alfie as he padded after Koron, and bright blue gaze lifted to meet the golden hues of a femme. Her scent was foreign to him too, but goodness were her golden eyes pretty. The young man frowned, coming to a stop as the polar fox before him gave a thoughtful hum. She had unique markings too, soft colors that reminded him of leaves in autumn. “I uhh… I think we are at least…” Alfred’s voice was quiet, his natural anxiety welling up the moment he needed to speak to the pretty she-wolf.

Luckily Koron was able to step in, letting out a light laugh as she looked up at the stranger. “Sorry, Alfie gets a bit… nervous around others. Particularly those who are not from Fiori.” The polar fox fearlessly trotted over to the wolf, looking up at her with shining eyes. “I’m Koron! And that’s Alfred, but I call him Alfie cause it’s cuter.” The polar fox twitched her ears a couple times. “What’s your name? Is it pretty? Is it cute?” Koron just kept on going, leaving a shier Alfie standing back and gazing at the stranger with his blue eyes.
