
Flames of Power



3 Years
01-14-2017, 08:43 PM

The earth had darkened since the moon had risen, with the drop in temperature caused the inhabitants of the area to flee. Loud hissing sounds erupted as steam and smoke was jettisoned, large cracks in the ground glowed a light orange. It had caused a shot of curiosity to shoot up the tyrant's spine, blackened ears twitching each time the hissing flared violently. -I am one- Shifting tri-colored fur were rippling like steady ocean waves, oxidized gaze scanning the area for signs of any sort of life. It had been a rather long journey for even the walking giant had grown tired, feeling the warm sensation of blood between his toes. -I am not normal-

-Underneath this ground is great power-
'"Sag mir, wie kann ich solche Kraft erlangen?"'

The tones of his voice were brutish and yet well mannered, for he was a rich master who held pure dominance and barbarity deep inside. A red serpent slipping silently out from russet tipped lips, rising into a Cheshire grin as the thoughts appeared inside. A chuckle was released from his throat that was barely audible, twin lunar eclipsed kissed eyes disappearing behind closed lids. -I am Unknown- There was no hesitation as his paws became one with the blackened soil, carrying him towards one of those large cracks upon the ground. His absolute glare looking at the division waiting quietly, once again watching in awe as power was shot into the sky. It had been far too long since he'd witnessed something that made him shake.

'"Ich werde eines Tages stärker werden als du"'

It was true that there had been many instances where the magma male had been afraid, but none of it had been recently in his life. Brawn relocated dispersing the hulking mass evenly, not having wanting to cause more paw strain within himself. He could smell very faint smells of those whom had passed before him. Though such thoughts were dismissed quickly, his features returning to the normal emotionless state. He'd begun to wonder what there as to do at this new place, despite standing here amongst himself in deep thought. -I am Fear-

'"Oh, dunkle Mutter. Erlauben Sie mir, Stärke zu solchen Niveaus zu gewinnen, die dieser Boden hält.


Warning! This male is unpredictable and is prone to use language, attack, and gore. This character is cannibal, so thread at your own risk.



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-14-2017, 09:01 PM
I wish you could see me for something more than the things I'm confined and condemned to be

Valdís would have preferred the sweltering silence of the ancient shrine to the hissing rumbles of this rank land.  She scowled, pale paws picking her way through the darkness, nose recoiling at the stench of brimstone but her stomach fluttering with excitement masked below her disdain.  She had never been in a territory like this.  The closest would have been the Dysmal Canyon in the north but that was a place of eerie quiet, not full of stirring sounds and scents that made it seem as if she'd stepped into some still dying carcass of earth.

Peering down a crack in the earth she paused, a slender paw reaching out to knock a small stone into it, ears flicking forward, quivering as she waited for the sound of stone hitting stone only to be greeted with a hiss of steam.  She stumbled back, fur on end.  Whoa!  Cool!  She was about to knock another stone into the vent when she felt a stirring in her gut, a flicker of intuition that told her she should not be making such a stir.  Right, best to keep moving.  She didn't want to wake the dead or whatever ill-begotten beasts slept here.

Valdís moved like a wraith, a ghost in her own right, pale and lovely and silent.  She slipped over the rough terrain, around the cracks and edges, her body moving like water across it when the stab of intuition caused her to freeze.  She was not alone, she could sense it.  Carefully she pressed her body against a boulder, peeking around to see a large, dark male muttering something at the ground.  He seemed off to her and so she hesitated.  Uncertain if she should say anything or stay put but her thoughts drifted back to the shrine and she took a deep breath.  She was young but she was fierce, trained early in battle and war, the arts that left her now homeless. "Are you summoning spirits?  That's kind of dangerous out here don't you think?"



4 Years
01-14-2017, 09:22 PM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2017, 10:54 PM by Vianni.)
You're so cynical, Narcissistic Cannibal

Darkness had fallen, but tonight finds the painted princess well fed and having no need to hunt. Tonight she wanders, her pale coat obviously out of place as she walked through lands that seemed so alien and strange to her. All of her life she had known only snow and ice, now she walked as though she trod through Hell itself. The blackened ground opened up with loud, thundering hisses. The rock crumbling away to reveal the red and yellow of molten stone showed her just how fragile things could be. She would have to tread carefully, keeping her dark paws on a straight course until she either ran into someone or found a place to sleep. Corvus rode along on her shoulder, not making a sound as he slept the night away. They had filled up on doe, and while they were unable to drag it around with them, Vianni had stashed it away in the snow back on the other island.

Moving along in complete silence, she seemed more like a ghost or evil spirit. Odd then that someone happened to utter a warning about the same thought as she moved passed a large rock. A wicked smile curved the masked woman's lips as she moved forward on silent paws. Corvus woke, but did nothing, simply realizing there were others present was enough to rouse him to awareness. Looking from the younger female to the massive male, Vianni lets her smile grow.  "No more dangerous than courting the shadows." Pale rose pink eyes flit over the female, while they linger on the male's frame. He was a pretty thing, made well and colored brilliantly. The female was competition, and not one to be taken lightly. Still, Vianni was smart enough to know she shouldn't pick fights on a full stomach. That was a fast way to get a cramp.

Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.



3 Years
01-14-2017, 10:53 PM

It had been a peaceful moment in praying to the goddess his family had called mother, shadowed ears twitching upon obsidian skull. It was like the sounds of silence had become his home lately, having been able to listen to the voices among the dead more often. The hissing had grown louder and more frequent as time passed, surely this ground would cave in one day soon enough. A scraping sound of fur against rock caused his cruel gaze to rise. -So the games begin?- Twin dirtied ruby eyes narrowed of annoyance by the stalker, wondering how such people could find that "fun" was a mystery to him. -Come out and play-


The word rang out in the wicked mind of the tyrant when the woman spoke, a coy smile forming cross emotionless features upon hearing spirits. Sadly such an emotion faded quicker than it had appeared before, broad shoulder snapping upwards rising like a tide. The thick tri-colored banner flashing outwards in a show of neutral-Aggression. -To disturb a spirit- His hind legs pushed him forward smoothly, steam and white fog shot up before him in a loud sibilant. It was easy for the monster behind the mask to come off as a "Nice" guy, if there was such a word to describe his fake sense of character.

In fact, the use of that word caused his insides to gag, disliking that word was an understatement for him, for deep down inside he was a hellhound. His face said he had no violent natures inside very being, but his stance would tell someone he would kill them and not think about them again. It was her words of summoning spirits being dangerous that caused his mind to leap at the matter, a twisted detached smirk forming cross his rusty lips. -Do you.. Know what danger is?- That's when a second voice rang out through the loud squealing of the ground, his dead gaze shifting towards the sounds of another monster as she approached.

Tonight was just full of rather minor amusing surprises, having no need to feel joy in his life that is why it wasn't amusing.  Even as the female before him spoke of courting shadows, if only she truly knew what that meant would he respect her. Yet, only time would tell on that matter. -Who to eat first- His dead glare snapped back to the half tailed woman while his jaw dropped slightly, he never really had decided on what he was going to say to either of them. He didn't feel like pleasing them with his voice even if they would've begged, no he would speak because he wouldn't be held back by fear of consequence  -So Innocent-

"Y wud a monstir vant to zummon a lezer entity?"

There were many baritones in his voice due to his lesser experience with this third-string language. One thing was certain though and that was the deep sense of death that it held, for he would slaughter these two if he wished; only to go sleep like a pup. -They will bow!- His rusted over eyes snapping back towards the white faced bish, a destructive simper spreading across his copper lips. "Curting death, wud be muzh mur amuzin"


Warning! This male is unpredictable and is prone to use language, attack, and gore. This character is cannibal, so thread at your own risk.



4 Years
01-14-2017, 11:24 PM
You're so cynical, Narcissistic Cannibal

She watched him intently, his motions and body. He was lethal, that much she could tell from the rolling muscles and wisps-of-death voice. Her pupils dilated as he looked her way, her ashen tail waving slowly as he spoke. She could think of a few reasons to summon lesser creatures, most of them for meals. Rather than speak, she waited, feeling Corvus shift nervously on her back. It had been a long time since he had been in a gathering of wolves that was more than two. The male spoke to her, looking her in the eye as he did. His words pleased her, though his thick accent made them hard to fully understand. Sensing the danger of him, Vianni felt the hair along her spine raise in response. A sizzling tingle swept down her body, but she held herself in check, her eyes noting every change to his face, every minute muscle movement. The smile she gave him was more a show of teeth and she felt her muscles stiffen stubbornly. "Death kisses anything that it comes in contact with. The darkness embraces only a few."

The bird on her back inched away from the dark male, his presence clearly bothering the avian. Vianni was not afraid, however, but excited. This male was one that showed promise, one she would have to keep an eye on. She met his gaze fearlessly, her chin raising slightly in a gesture of self-confidence. pale rose met the magma of his eyes, and it was here that she searched him. He was a cold being, while his eyes boasted a warm color, they were soulless. His voice was smoke and brimstone, Hell calling her home. Practically dripping with dominance, Vianni felt the need to challenge him, to see if he truly was worth bowing to. Royalty often didn't submit just because someone wanted them to. Flashes of the male fighting her dance through her head, each one more exciting than the last. She does not act, does not respond more than the raising of hackles and a show of teeth hidden by a smile. Every nerve is alive, but she remains controlled...barely.

Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-15-2017, 11:46 AM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2017, 11:47 AM by Valdís.)
I wish you could see me for something more than the things I'm confined and condemned to be

Hackles crept up as she caught the sound of another wolf approaching.  Well, that wasn't what she was planning on and she eyed the woman, debating if she was a friend of the mans or a stranger.  Valdís guessed the later, judging from the way the older woman was looking him up and down as if he were a fresh drink of water this was probably the first time she'd laid eyes on him.  Even so, it made her uncomfortable to have to deal with two strangers at the same time but she didn't let it show.  She dipped her head in a polite, reserved greeting before turning her attention back to the man but she kept the strange woman in the corner of her eye just in case.  

She didn't know what to make of the woman's mysterious way of speaking and when the male spoke she found herself having to pick words out from his heavy accent.  He was dangerous, she could tell that much in the way he held himself but she refused to show weakness.  What kind of Thyre would she be if she turned an ran?  One like her mother?  She scoffed at the idea.


A playful grin slowly split her maw, her teeth flickering in the dim light. "Oh?  To boss around of course.  Don't 'monsters' have servants from time to time?"  Her guard was up.  So he thought himself a monster did he?  His attention would shift to the other woman and Valdís would fall silent as they spoke their cryptic phrases, her eyes taking in the shifts and movements of their bodies.

"Do you two have names or did the spirits not grace you with any?"



3 Years
01-15-2017, 03:41 PM
Mature for language!

Thousands of little ash particles floated around the blackened area, lunar eclipses rolling with the the same rhythmical movements as the ash. It was an odd fascinating dance between optical and particle that made him slip into his lustful state, such power behind his eyes. In truth he had missed having his servants care to his every whim, now forced to care and even socialize himself. His muzzle cringing upwards with distaste at the mere thought. The dust upon his back caused him to have a newly speckled look, his glare hazing over with violence underneath pure annoyance. -Kill them all-  Omnipotence over fragility was his views, noticing the show of teeth from the second female caused him to lash out with a triple snap from his jaws.

How dare such a mortal outwardly display such preeminence over him, no such female would ever hold more power than him in any station. His hackles shot upwards in a violent manner as she spoke so softly of Death, not one mortal should speak his name unless they too had come close. -Annihilate them-  '"Kennen Sie Ihren Platz-Hündin"' Tendons flexing bowing out his muscles, chest shooting outwards in an aggressive manner. It would be unorthodox to allow an act like that to go unchallenged.

Malignant stare shot back towards the first woman watching her carefully as she spoke, laughing wickedly as she spoke of having servants. In his life time he had never not had slaves to cater to his wishes, such objectives were not worth his time for devouring them was so much easier.  '"why wud I hav use fer such needs? Eating the lezer one wud be much more amuzing! " A dark chuckle erupted from his voice his face still holding nothing but blood-lust across it. Athletic legs shifted backing away from the two, more out of complete boredom than anything else. Ears swiveling atop his skull upon her question of whether they had been given names. -Devil-

'"Der Name ist Albericht. Albericht Soren Frei."'




Warning! This male is unpredictable and is prone to use language, attack, and gore. This character is cannibal, so thread at your own risk.



4 Years
01-17-2017, 12:39 AM
You're so cynical, Narcissistic Cannibal

He came to her like a freight train, all muscle and vehemence. Instead of backing down as any sane wolf would, she squared her shoulders and anchored herself before him. The quick snaps of his teeth echoed in the night, returning fire, she charged him. Her front legs splayed to keep her balanced as she answered with her own clacking jaws in the air beside his face. She would not make contact with him unless he did, this was a test and she could smell it. As he spoke, she felt her ears slide forward, captivated by his language even as she was repelled. His tone suggested filth, his very posture meant challenge and her blood seared her veins as she was white washed with outrage.  Her easy smile disappeared, Vianni showing her weaponry as he snapped his reply. In true fashion, her tail shot to the heavens, a clear cry of the true dominance in her line. She flexed and arched her neck, limbs going stiff even as she found herself excited by him.

It was the first time a male made her respond in such a fashion, and she had been so focused on him, she hadn't registered the other female until his smokey voice came again in the broken common tongue he used. Never once taking her eyes off the male, Vianni gave a simper and answered simply. "Vianni."  Corvus gave a small caw from below her, having hopped down once the snapping of jaws had commenced. From what he had said, his name was Albericht, if she heard correctly. It was a strong name, and foreign in her ears. The syllables reverberated through her mind amid whispers from her inner self. He would not see her back down, she was no mortal to be pushed around. If she had to prove it, so be it, she would prove it. She would taste him, sooner or later.

Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-18-2017, 07:38 PM
I wish you could see me for something more than the things I'm confined and condemned to be

Excitement and anxiety knotted up inside her gut and Valdís couldn't decide if she liked the tensity hanging thick, sweet and malicious in the air. To think her path would cross two such oddities simultaneously. Now the question was what was she to do with them? Did she stay and risk the outcome of whatever madness was brewing or did she extricate herself from the situation now and home that she didn't have to risk any of her hide. Injuries she could take but anything severe would hinder her ability to hunt and she couldn't have that.

Suddenly the man lashed out with his words in that strange language he used. Valdís didn't really understand it but she knew enough from the tone of his voice that it wasn't polite. She didn't bother to address it though as it was aimed at the other woman. Being a voyeur didn't bother her in the slightest. He'd turn back to her and speak again and she would shrug, her eyes narrowing slightly. Had she just managed to find a cannibal? He wouldn't be her first and she doubted very much her last but it wasn't a terribly common occurrence.

The man introduced himself as Albericht. Valdís let the name roll over her mind for a moment before offering her own. "A pleasure. I'm Valdís Thyre." The woman then would offer her name. Vianni.

Valdís grinned. "Ah, isn't that better? We're no longer strangers. Do you two live around here?" It was small talk sure, but someone had to be the voice of rationality in this little freakshow. Her eyes would land on the little bird and her head would tilt curiously to the side. "Who is that?"



2 Years
01-19-2017, 12:10 PM

The raised howls and barks caused his head to lurch from his slumber.  His muzzle peaking out from the den he had dug for himself the night before, the cold dirt keeping him cool and protected during the night.  Slowly crawling his way up, his claws scratching frantically.  As soon as he latched eyes on the two females and the male, he bit his tongue.  His ears swiveling between his surrounding to them, what were they saying?  they were too far to pick anything up.  But the male looked intimidating.  Could i really risk going up against that male?  I dont even know what he is capable of.    His mind raced.  Surely he couldnt be that strong.  

He looked over the females, Valdis...his eyes couldnt part with her....she moved in a way that drew him in.  Stop that!  I cant be getting soft, not for any female!  He gripped at himself.  She watched at the females looked a little uneasy.  He crawled back into his den, nervous about trying to come out.  He watched curiously as they observed the little bird.  He let out a very light bark, just soft enough to let them know of his presence.  

Walk, "Talk" Think



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-15-2017, 10:36 PM
I wish you could see me for something more than the things I'm confined and condemned to be

Valdís narrowed her eyes at the strange male before glancing again at the oddities that seemed to have collected around her.  What a freakshow…  go figure that her first real encounters in this strange new land would be equally as strange and each moment that passed risked more weirdos climbing out of the woodwork.  As curious as she was to stay, especially if it meant seeing or participating in a fight, she didn't really care for these odds.   Even if she wasn't the focus of hostilities it was difficult to predict when someone might turn and she didn't see much she could gain from these encounters as neither wolf seemed to be from a pack or were natives of the land.  A waste of time.  She needed to move on.  She didn't have friends or a pack to help her feed herself and every moment of energy was precious and best used serving her survival needs, at least for now.  Things would look up sooner or later of that she was certain.  She just needed to wait for the turn of the needle.

"Well, it's been a slice.  I need to see a man about a buffalo so… see ya."  She turned on her heels and made to leave.  There was only so much nonsense she could handle in a day.

(exit - just want to tie up some of Val's older threads if that's alright so I'm pulling her out <3)