
Battle of Wills [Open Spar]



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-15-2017, 11:56 AM
ooc: I'm looking for a relaxed spar. Default time 10 days. This is to get back into practice for one thing and with my opponents permission I would like to follow along with this fight using the new judging format since I seem to be struggling with grasping it. We can either use what I end up with or have it judged by someone else, I am totally cool with either. Thanks in advance!

I wish you could see me for something more than the things I'm confined and condemned to be

The scent of blood still lingered on the ground sending a shiver of adrenaline rippling down her back as Valdís navigated her way onto the battlefield. She was itching to get in some practice and to dust off her skills. If she was going to start a new life here it would be beneficial to get a feel for how the wolves of Boreas conducted their battles. She leapt upon a boulder and gazed around her before spying a nice even plain with ankle high grass and few obstructions. Perfect! Now she just needed a challenger.

She gazed about, her emerald eyes glittering as she weighed the risks and benefits. Alerting others to her presence could be dangerous but there were rarely worthwhile rewards that came without risks and so she tipped her head back and howled out a challenge. Stretching lightly, ears erect and alert as she waited for an answering call.

Vadim I


3 Years

01-15-2017, 12:30 PM
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

It'd been almost a solid month since he'd heard the challenging call of his father out on the battlefield, but he found himself at it's borders once again. The smell of old blood was still something he was getting used to; naturally, it sent an eerie shiver up his spine that made him stop to shake the fluff of his pelt. It wasn't so bad, he took the opportunity to limber himself up as he continued his trot into the field.

It wasn't long before another challenging howl rang clear in the air. This one, however, seemed less menacing. A spar? He couldn't walk away from the opportunity. He'd never fought with anyone outside the wolves of once was Ivalice and his brothers, so some training with a stranger was ideal for it's unpredictability. The fat yearling slowed to a stop as he came into view of the woman, halting about eight feet away from her while his gut swayed beneath his belly. Once settled, he offered her the pleasantries of a bow. "Good morning. Any rules you want to establish first?"

He patiently waited for her to answer as he began to square his stance, paying close attention to his posture. It'd been awhile, so he hoped he could recall everything Avalon had taught him all those months ago.

html by castlegraphics; image by KFCEmployee
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-21-2017, 05:22 PM
I wish you could see me for something more than the things I'm confined and condemned to be

Valdís shifted from paw to paw trying to prep her mind and zero in her focus for the battle to come.  Assuming anyone took her up on it.  She supposed she could just be standing out here like an idiot.  Approaching pawsteps caught her attention and she turned to see a young man approaching her.  Her eyes roamed his figure for a moment.  He was similar in age and height, perfect, though he was a bit more rotund than her usual fare.  She cocked her head at the fat, young man, curiosity glittering in her emerald eyes.  Swaying bellies were something she'd only seen on puppies and the elderly, not on yearlings.

He halted about eight feet from her, a good distance for the start of a spar and spoke to her.  Hmm… rules.  She grinned.  "Well, obviously no killing and… no blinding.  Eyes are off limits.  Let's also try to keep all our body parts attached, yea?"  She didn't know how the wolves of Boreas sparred but she was raised in a militant pack where spars could be as brutal as real matches.  "However, I don't want to play nice.  I want a good rough fight so don't go easy on me.  I intend to rip your flesh so you should try to do the same to me."  The battlefield was no place for love nips.

There, that sounded fair.  She faced off across from the man at the eight feet distance he'd set and in a moment her defenses were prepped. Excitement was humming through her body as her skull and tail shifted into allignment with her supple spine, her chin tucking against the curvature of her neck.  Valdís strong shoulders rolled forward as her neck drew back pushing a protective covering of excess flesh over her vitals.  Her sharp gaze narrowed as her ears lay tightly against her lowered crown.  Valdís would shift her weight evenly among her grounded limbs that spread equidistant apart and bent slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity.  Her toes splayed and claws bit into the earth for better traction.  Her hackles raised along the length of her spine as her ravenous jaws parted, blackened lips curling to unsheathe her fangs and bunch the skin of her face.  Oh she was so on for this!  She'd never sparred against someone with this boys body type and she could help but find excitement in something fresh and new.

With her defenses locked down Valdís would launch herself forward, head-on, her supple limbs attempting to devour the distance lingering between herself and her opponent before her body would shift to her own left as she attempted to come at Vadim from a forty-five degree angle, facing in towards the mans right shoulder.  Valdís sought to come in lower and lance the front of her left shoulder into the outer muscular portion of the man's right shoulder, right into the deltoid muscle, hoping her forward momentum and the impact on flesh would cause the muscle to temporarily seize up in addition to severe bruising.

Simultaneously, Valdís fangs would seek to shred the right side of her opponents face.  Her upper fangs seeking to pierce the flesh directly above his right eye while her lower fangs sought to hook under the right corner of his jaw.  She sought to clamp her jaws together in a solid grip so she could gain partial control of his head and hopefully prevent to much retaliatory damage.

As she moved in to throw her shoulder her weight shifted evenly to her front left leg and back legs as she lifted her right forepaw, aiming to dive it down atop the toes of the man's right forepaw.  She hoped to strike with enough force to sprain them and cripple his movements.

Valdís vs Vadim for Spar (Rd. 1/3?)

The Judge


02-05-2017, 01:55 PM
And the winner is...

Valdis! Due to Vadim being set inactive, the fight has defaulted in Valdis' favor.