
Stuck In Your Head



9 Years
Extra large
01-15-2017, 03:05 PM

There had been vary little time he had been in these lands, but he was vary much impressed. The south lands so far had been proving to be wide open with no neighboring packs it seemed vary ripe for the taking. He was thinking the south would be a suitable place to bring the family clan, to claim some territory and to finally have them settle down. The constant travel had been to rough on them the past couple of years and he had set off to find them a home. These lands should suit rather well, but there was much work that needed to be done. Complete exploration of the territories to decide the best spot for them. He would need to meet others around here and form relationships. He would also need to familiarize himself with other packs. He would not dare bring his family here until things were ready.

Huffing the tall male looked out over the prairie his eyes taking things in. He wished things could be so much more simple, but of course everything had to be complicated. He missed the company of his family and the friends that had joined the clan. He had chose to go on his own so he could be sure the others remained as safe as they could. Shifting his weight the male watched the deer off in the distance grazing the golden fields. At least Spring was here, he hoped the season would make things easier.

"Talk" | 'Think'

Art by Antubis0



8 Years
01-19-2017, 08:31 PM (This post was last modified: 01-20-2017, 12:18 AM by Stardust.)
Ooc: couldn't remember if you said they could know each other. If you want me to edit I totally will!

There is strength in your tears !!

She had found a home, for now. There was even a job for her, and she loved every second of it! Star figured she made a pretty good life for herself thus far, but there was something missing. The male she had followed from home, he was here somewhere, she knew it. Taking a break from the pack, Star set out to find Frostbite. It had been a while since she last caught his scent, but she could remember it. They hadn't spoken much, but they knew who the other was. Hopefully. The drive to find her once wandering friend was strong, taking her across the new land and to the south. It was worrying for her that she had not found him yet, but to her credit, she had gotten distracted finding a place to lay her delicate head at night.  

Howling across the prairie, Star hoped there was someone close by that could help her find him. Wandering aimlessly seemed to be useless, but she wasn't sure of what else to do. Waiting for anyone to answer her call, Star looks out over the rolling hills and long grasses. The stalks were beginning to green again and there were new shoots growing in the spring time warmth. Not far off there was a herd of bison and their newly dropped calves, each one looked cute as bunnies, but in a strange way that made them look edible and delicious. Her tanned bodice lays in the grass, waiting patiently as she enjoys the afternoon sun

female - 4 yrs - 36 inches - no mate
nova of lirim

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



9 Years
Extra large
01-22-2017, 04:22 PM

Things were peaceful as he watched the bison herd nearby. It was nice to take a break, but he was the type that couldn't sit still for long. He would have to be on the move again off to explore more of the southern territories. He would do more exploring and he would be keeping tabs on the amount of prey he comes across so he could fully decide if the south would be the best spot for his family to settle into. He had a lot of work ahead of him and he just hoped his wandering family could keep together that long.

Ears perked as a howl rang across the prairie and the male didn't recognize it. It was a generalized call to anyone nearby and the male found that his interest was perked. Standing up the male shook out his fur and turned to the left. Trotting off the male headed towards the area the call had come from. He was curious to meet who was behind the call, who knows maybe he could make a new friend or find out more about these lands.

It didn't take the long legged male long to find the tan female. At first, from a distance, he didn't recognize her, but when he got closer he instantly recognized the female. She must have split off from the clan also, maybe also trying to find a new territory for them to settle in?

"Stardust, I'm pleasantly surprised to see you here," he deep vocals rumbled from his chest with a happy tone, his tail wagging gently.

"Talk" | 'Think'

Art by Antubis0



8 Years
01-22-2017, 08:47 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2017, 11:33 AM by Stardust.)
So don't stress, don't cry,
We don't need no wings to fly!
Laying there in the grass, the tanned healer watched the wind blow through the tall blades and eyeing a particularly brave bison calf. The thoughts running through her mind varied from what the prairie would look like when it was finally time for it to be speckled with flowers and warm enough for bees to be rushing about, to what she would do if she were a mother bison and someone attacked her child the way Stardust was contemplating attacking the calf. There was a pang of white hot guilt that clawed its way into her heart, but the pale golden woman decided against starving in the end. While the little calf was young, they were not pushovers and Star would not be able to bring one down alone. She wasn't quite skilled enough in the art of hunting.

Amid these thoughts, her ears slid back before her mind registered sound, catching only the last syllable of the deep tones. Recognizing the voice and her name, Star's head snaps around excitedly. How could she have been so fortunate to find the wolf she was looking for on the first try? She must be a better hunter than she thought! The fresh look at him made her heart burst and the butterflies in her stomach decided they all needed to stretch their wings at the same time. The girl found her paws in a flash and ran to him, her tail buffeting the air and grasses behind her with loud whooshes of wind. When she got closer, she did a full whirl, chasing her tail excitedly before she paused in her motions. Sitting down, her gloved paws danced in her barely contained excitement.  "Oh! Finally, I have been all over the place trying to catch up, but you were always a step - or two - ahead of me." She smiles and waves her tail in the grass.

Teal eyes meet the dark whiskey of his, and she speaks once more, "Have you found what you left for?" She asks, her eyes full of curiosity and hope. She wouldn't be rude to Faite, but if Frost ever asked her to join his pack, she would be right there with her friend. They had grown up together, and she genuinely looked up to him. She would have been beside herself with grief if something had happened to him because he wandered off without a healer, but he was more than capable of taking care of himself it seemed. She was just glad to have found him!

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



9 Years
Extra large
01-28-2017, 07:36 PM

Her excitement gave him a bit more relief, glad to just see a familiar face for once in these strange lands. She was so happy to see him and honestly her reaction made his tail wag in excitement. The tall male thought her reaction felt contagious as he too felt the need to dance in place and chase his tail. He loved to be with ones that he knew and he always found that he really liked her company. She settled before him, her front feet dancing in the spot she sat in, it made a smile come to his lips. His dark whiskey eyes feel to look into her teal ones as he listened to her.

So she had been looking for him? He wished he would've known before now, he would have loved the company as he traveled. He didn't think anyone else had left the clan, but here was one of them that had been attempting to fallow him. She then questioned if he had found what he left in search of a question that he felt he could say yes to. There was work that needed to be done yet in order to set down roots.

"Sorry if I knew you had fallowed I would have waited for you," he started with as he settled back onto his rump. "Yes I feel I have, but there is a lot of work yet to be done before I can settle down and start a pack. I feel so far that the South will be perfect lands, I just have to decide which territory and find out more about the other packs."

He was wondering if maybe she had found something, how long had she been around in these strange lands. She may have already found out some information that he had yet to know.

"Talk" | 'Think'

Art by Antubis0



8 Years
02-05-2017, 07:01 PM
So don't stress, don't cry,
We don't need no wings to fly!
She found him, it was all she could think about. Happiness flooded her heart and soul and she rejoiced internally. No one else had wanted to go, a fact that Stardust was not understanding of. How could they just let him wander off without any friends to back him up? Star took it upon herself to catch up to him and keep Frostbite from dying. Her services hadn't been needed though, and she was always a day behind. As he spoke, Star smiled and waved her pale flag behind her.

"I was a full day behind you, and wasn't sure of your pace. I caught up, and managed to learn a thing or two about the herbs along the way." When he spoke of learning other packs and wanting to settle in the south, Star felt her head nodding and she danced on her paws. "In the mean time, you could come stay with me? I found a new friend, her name is Faite, and I helped her start her pack. It's called Lirim and is settled in the west. I believe you will get along with everyone...even this mangy thing called Ritsy. Just...don't touch him, I am not sure if it is contagious or if it is something he inherited. I haven't had the chance to talk to him yet. It would give you shelter while you get our home in order!" She spoke without breathing it seemed, and her words came quickly. It was hard to know what she was yammering on about sometimes, but anyone who had grown up with her would know.

Hopefully, he would accept her offer. If not, that would be alright with her as well, though she would be a bit depressed. Her heart had always beat a little faster with him around, but she was far too shy to ever announce something like that. Instead, she passed it off as a genuine enjoyment of his company. Finding him after months and months of travel had been a joy, but to have him stay with her? She would die from joy, if such things were possible.

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



9 Years
Extra large
03-02-2017, 07:44 PM

He listened to her and smiled. She was that close behind him? Man he really wished he would have known that he would have stopped and waited for her. Though this was the past and there was nothing he could do about it, there was no use focusing on that right now. It sounded like she was already stretching her wings around here because she had learned of some herbs so far. This was a good thing, herbal knowledge would be needed in order to heal and keep others healthy. She then went on to explain that she had a home, which disappointed him in a way. His whole plan was to provide the home and instead someone already bet him to it and swept her into their pack.

Though he pushed the feelings and thoughts aside and continued to listen to her. He chuckled as she talked about this wolf called Ritsy making him curious about this mangy thing. He wagged his tail as she finished. She did give a good point, he would have shelter until he had things in order to stake his claim. It would also give him a chance to get some advice and knowledge of other packs within the land.

"Sounds like a great idea! Though I think I'd like to explore just a little more of the South before heading there." he replied with a smile. "Would you like to explore a little with me before you return?"

"Talk" | 'Think'

Art by Antubis0