
Angel by the wings



6 Years

01-16-2017, 01:06 AM
*Navigation -- The Hot Springs

She had finally made it to the east, a place where no snow touched the ground. In fact, it was pretty warm here. She eyed her companion, the little fluff tube who was steadily losing his white fur. He was pretty patchy at the moment, something that made her snicker with delight. He always thought that he was so prim and the best weasel around. Well, he didn't really look like it now! Laughing again she danced forward, her bells jingling as she moved into an unexplored territory. She was surprised to feel the temperature rise even more, pools of warm water spreading all around her. She had to loosen the scarf around her neck as she panted softly, used to the chillier air of the north. It was nice, she couldn't lie, but it was a bit of a shock to her body. Wanting to find the source for this warm water, she turned towards the lands heart with a spring in her step. Both creatures skirted the edge of the water, not wanting to get even warmer than they already were. There had to be a source though, and soon a huge pool came into view. It was almost like a lake, steam rising from the hot water. She had no doubt that no fish called that place home, they would probably boil in the water.

Peeking at Giet, a slow, playful smile crossed her lips. Without warning she bent down and picked him up gently in her teeth, tossing him into the oddly heated lake. He hissed and flailed, his short stubby legs paddling quickly to get him back to shore. Jaelle jumped back from the angry thing as he darted right for her toes, each of her bells calling out in alarm from the quick movements. She laughed without a care, a joyful sound that nearly matched that of her accessories.

"Imma bite every one of yur toes off! One by one!" Giet snapped, his wet, long body darting for the gray wolf. She was fast though, darting away from him before he started his odd dance. He was seeking to distract her, but he had used it one too many times on her before.

Jaelle shook her head, prancing to a pool and stepping in to avoid Goat. "You should pay more attention, my dear Goat the stoat!"

"Or ya could just not toss me in hot water!"

"There is no fun in that!" Jae retorted, lowering her head too dangerously low. He jumped up and tried to chomp down on her nose, buts he lifted her head out of the way just in time. Too late!


Art by Pimsri

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



9 Years
Athena I
01-28-2017, 11:06 PM

Leo hadn't visited the hot springs in a while, but he couldn't say he was too surprised to see that not much had changed since the last time he had been here. In the years that he had lived here and then lived next to them nothing really had changed. The only thing that ever really changed through the seasons was the leaves on the trees that surrounded the perimeter of the springs. Now that winter was firmly behind them and the beginning of spring was starting to take hold the trees were starting to pick up some greenery again.

He honestly hadn't expected to find anyone out here, but as he made his way around the edge of the warm pools he heard an unusual jingling and when he lifted his head he spotted the woman that seemed to be the source of it. One brow raised curiously as he watched her bounce and dart from place to place, apparently avoiding something. She didn't seem to be distressed really, her laughter joining the jingling in the air. From where he was standing he couldn't see her friend so it was quite an odd sight. He was curious about what she might be doing, but at the same time he didn't want to interrupt whatever... this was.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years

01-29-2017, 01:52 PM

Letting out another carefree laughter, her tail lowered as it floated in the warm water below her. Goat paced around the pool as she lifted her head, eying the large lake again. She really wanted to find how this water was so warm, never before had she felt water this temperature before. While she was searching her brown and blue eyes landed on the bright orange form of another wolf. He seemed to be inspecting her, and her head tilted to the side with a smile. "It's rude to stare, you know!" She called in a teasing voice, glancing down to see that the stoat was looking up as well to see who was there. He was still soaking wet, pulling some of the last clumps of white fur off his now brown body. Stepping out of the pool, she avoided the weasel as she shook out her own fur. She couldn't quite pick up the scent of the stranger, the wind wasn't exactly in her favor at this time. Looking between him and the larger hot spring, she wondered if he knew anything about it. It wasn't exactly the best way to lead a conversation though, so she bit her tongue as she took a few steps towards him.

Giving him room, the bell-clad woman took a seat a few feet away from him. He had one white ear and one paw, both on the same side. Interesting. Her markings weren't exactly symmetrical, and she had always liked the look of being the odd one out. She felt Goat at her side, but didn't bother looking down. He was probably glaring and being the grump that he was, she couldn't be bothered by his sour attitude. "I'm Jaelle, Strange-Man-Who-Stares-At-Woman," she named him with a laugh, her carefree features letting him know that she was only pulling his leg. She was used to others staring at her, it happened when she was draped in objects that a lot of them had never seen before. It was such an odd thought to her, she wasn't even the most decorated in the troupe! She did have plans to gather more, but she hadn't found anything good since she had gotten here. That... and she did get distracted a few times.


Art by Pimsri

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



9 Years
Athena I
01-30-2017, 05:33 PM

Leo hadn't realized that he was staring until the speckled, jingling woman looked toward him and called him out on it. His ears flicked back with a moment of embarrassment until he saw that his accidental staring didn't seem to offend her. He offered her an apologetic grin as she began to make her way out of the water and over toward him. That's when he saw the very grumpy, very wet weasel at her side and he realized that this was probably who she had been playing with... but by the looks of it he hadn't been nearly as thrilled about this "playing" she had been doing. He smirked with amusement at the thought and brought his eyes back up to hers when she sat down across from him.

He grinned and laughed lightly at her teasing nickname for him even though he did still feel a bit embarrassed about the whole thing. He was usually so on top of his manners so he felt a bit guilty for the slip up. "It's nice to meet you, Jaelle. I'm Leo. Sorry for the staring, I hadn't meant to. I was trying to figure out what you were doing splashing around in the hot springs, but now I see it was probably because of this little fellow," he replied with a glance down at the brown-furred creature. "Or perhaps it was the other way around?" He smirked a little and gave the weasel a sympathetic look. He had gotten picked on by Amalia enough times to know how it felt to get pulled into some prank unwillingly.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years

04-06-2017, 05:30 PM

Jaelle let out a soft laugh as his ears pulled back at her teasing words. Some wolves were just so serious! It was really no fun that way, honestly. She was quite a free spirit, and it showed often in her mannerisms. However his mood didn't linger long, when she made her way over with a very wet stoat, he started to grin. Smiling back in return she nodded her head slightly. There! That was more like it! Curling her tail around her, her bells clamoring at the movement, she studied him as he offered his name. Leo, nice plain and simple! It was much like her own, she didn't often tack on her surname. There was a time when she had done so, but it was getting rather tiring. Her shoulders shrugged at the mention of him staring, she really hadn't minded. She was more saying that just to bother him, he seemed a bit more prim and proper than she had picked up on before. "Nice to meet you Leo, I was indeed playing wi-"

"You weren't playing, yur're splashin' hot water on me! That is NOT playing!" Hissed the stoat, glaring up at the orange man who was glancing at him. They were not friends, at least not at the moment. Letting out an odd, garbled like hiss he turned around and stalked away a few steps, his fur all fluffed up as he muttered under his breath.

Jaelle let out a sigh, a smile on her lips as she turned back to look at Leo. "Sorry, he's a rather grumpy stoat. I was hiding in the water because he was trying to bite my toes off."

"Not off. Just... a few missing patches of skin."

Giggling, the mottled woman rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders. Sometimes she wonders just how far he would fly if she punted him as hard as she could. It was a funny image to picture, but not something she would ever do. "Do you live around here, Leo?" She asked, taking charge of the conversation again while Goat the stoat sulked.


Art by Pimsri

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



9 Years
Athena I
04-09-2017, 09:30 PM

Leo blinked with surprise down at the stoat as he emphasized in no uncertain terms that what Jaelle was doing was not playing. He wanted to take the creature's complaint's seriously, but his tiny form with his fur all flattened down and spiky from the water he just looked too silly to keep a straight face. He looked back up at Jaelle with a grin twitching at the corners of his mouth while her tiny friend stalked off in a grumpy huff. He did laugh at the banter between Jaelle and her friend. The grump of the stoat compared to the over all happy vibe coming from Jaelle was an entertaining combination.

His attention refocused on her when she asked if he lived near here, a relaxed smile pulling at his lips. "Yes, I do! I'm the leader of a pack that is just over there in the mangroves," he replied as he nodded toward the pack with a motion of his head. "That's part of the reason why I'm out here actually. My pack used to have these hot springs in its territory. I haven't been out here recently so I just wanted to come spend a bit of time out here and see my old home!" He was always curious to learn more about the wolves he comes across, so he turned the conversation back toward her with that ever present curiosity. "What about you?"

"Talk" "You" Think