



9 Years
01-18-2017, 08:15 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2017, 01:27 PM by Schon.)

War drums rang through the air as hearty paws fell upon the dry earth. The sun beat down on the behemoth unfortunately. Causing the being to be in quite a mood. A horrid sneer stained across her inky lips, causing her muzzle to ripple ever so slightly. The symmetry in her expression was weak due to the gentle twitch of the opposing side. The beast squinted her way through the clearing. Questions weaving in and out of her illustrious mind. 'When I am a fucking God I will swallow it whole.' The woman referred to the sun itself, her ears flicking as the thought slipped from her mind. The crimson gaze swept across the dry land, she obviously found nothing of exact interest. Causing her facial expression to remain the same as she continued on. That multi-toned tail slightly erect as always, for her stance was usually dominant as can be.

Those narrowed eyes finally feasted upon a boulder that was covered in a creeping weed. She snorted softly before slithering her way towards the resting place. Eventually rearing up on her hind legs to leap upon the surface. The beast circled for a few moments before finally plopping down upon her thrown. Laying there with a dismal look upon her visage. Her head rested upon her two front paws. The sneer dissipating as she seemed to relax ever so slightly. The heavy bitch had been on her paws all day, she was glad to have a smidgen of relaxation. For, the behemoth was unfamiliar with the south, but out of sheer boredom she decided to explore the wretched depths of the warm lands.

During her time of relaxation her eyes eventually fell upon a flower. A wildflower. It was of orange coloration, likely some sort of weed. Yet, it caught the beings attention. Her knack for finding beautiful things struck once again. When her gaze met that flower it never left. Her attention was completely consumed by the flimsy thing. Watching as the stem barely held its place as the wind blowed around them. The petals dancing, threatening to expose weakness but they held on. Her furrowed brows wiggled gently, she was internally routing for it to survive the weather. Yet, she did not act, for the woman merely watched it all play out. A delicious picture of a beautiful thing barely hanging on by a thread but inevitably making it due to its sturdy roots. A small smile could be seen as it slipped across those jet black lips, exposing her yellowing teeth in return.

"Talk" You Think

ooc: set before 'Blue Leaves' - making note for timeline sake
Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.



6 Years
Extra large

01-19-2017, 09:18 AM
ooc; I know it says cobalt tag, but we decided in pms that it might be better for these two to meet. c:

The beast stood tall in the middle of a crumbled away temple; the deteriorated structure likely having been here for ages, though it's stone now barely managed to pierce the veil of ivy that engulfed it. It might have once been the heart of the ancient city lying in ruins here in the God's Garden, but for now it was simply a mine field of obstacles for the brute to trip over as he followed the trail of a particularly unfortunate fox.

He'd been traveling between the two continents for some time now, though he always seemed to remain in either Southern Boreas or Northern Auster. While Boreas' temperatures were on the rise, Auster's were steadily dropping but that didn't stop the chokehold of humidity that loomed in the air. He was used to such conditions, but that wasn't to say that he was immune. The jungle wolf found himself pacing his running in an effort to not starve his mighty lungs, which was the precise reason he simply stood there in the midst of ruin while catching his breath.

The fox's scent was faint here, but he was confident in his ability to determine which way it had gone. After his moment of rest, the beast's sturdy limbs finally began to move once again; large paws carrying him effortlessly across the overgrowth and over crumbled collections of stone. When the prints of another wolf struck him by surprise in softer dirt, he stopped immediately and chose to inspect it's origin. Whoever it was had a heavy footprint, leaving him to believe they were a larger wolf. He craned his neck to collect any lingering scents still attached and pulled away with knowledge of yet another female. Why always females? He seemed to have been getting himself into enough trouble with them lately, but yet he could not reign in the compelling effects of his curiosity.

He changed course, no longer hunting a fox but another wolf as he followed her trail back into the city. It wasn't long before he stumbled upon her, quite literally. He'd been moving so fast that by the time he did see her, he was less than five feet from her and in clear view. There was no hiding himself from her, so he simply stopped in his tracks and lifted his ears, watching her with his piercing red eyes while he gauged for her reaction to his company. He did not expect to find her resting, though he assumed that by doing so she had been traveling for some time and needed a moment to recollect herself.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



9 Years
01-19-2017, 02:37 PM

The bleeding gaze remained upon the undying battle. Flower versus wind. Who would win? So far the wind was kicking the flowers ass. Every few seconds the poor thing would be flailing in the breeze, those roots struggling to keep it within the earth. - A sickening smile was spread across the beasts uneven lips, her tongue idly slipping across her fangs to lubricate her light pink gums. Her ears were perked, but she was not listening to that around her, she was merely listening to the wind as it swept past. It made a gentle hum, a familiar hum that she loved. It was a wonderful relief from the warmth around her. Even if it was cooling down as the time went on, it still felt much different from what the winter loving Wolf was use to.

The Buffoon. - Padfalls met her ears as they drew rather close. She was so focused on her little scene that she seemed to miss the fact that a behemoth had fallen upon her resting place. Schon felt his own dripping gaze fall upon her rather large form. The woman ripped her eyes from her enjoyment to meet the creature the interrupted her serenity. A little ripple could be seen upon her lips as the skin lifted in a gentle snarl. Yet, she seemed to calm down soon enough, mentally talking herself out of being a heathenous bitch up front. As her eyes ravaged his form she remained completely expressionless, for she was too focused on his outward appearance. Large. Scarred. Dark. Male. After a good thirty seconds the being's eyes narrowed even more. An internal battle forming.

The bitch slowly stood on her paws, it taking a little longer then normal due to fatigue and lets face it. She was getting old. The gruffly hag stared at him as she easily stepped from her throne. Cutting two feet from the distance they had between them, now standing at three. Her jaws opened to allow her drama ridden vocals to meet the wind. "You fucked up my show." A little snort could be heard at the end of her statement. Snot flying from her nose shamelessly. The woman stood with her ears twitching to flick back and her tail erect to show that she was a rather dominant being. The woman allowed for her paws to flex enough for those rotten nails to poke into the dirt below. Her tongue rolled from her salivating jowls to slither across her dry lips. As the fleshy bit slid back into its place she sputtered forth some more of her enlightening tones. "I was viewing the enriching battle of wind and flower. The flower was winning, but the wind was making a great attempt. A beautiful thing really, observing the natural beauty of this dreadful wasteland." Her lip twitched again as she spoke, "But, a great hulking beast decided to ruin it all." Schon stared at the man, allowing for her crimson gaze to pinpoint directly into his eyes. "I suppose you are about to enlighten me with some sort of hostility or horribly dull response as to why you destroyed my viewing of that pretty pretty thing." Her voice was that of a witch, varying with tone as she spewed forth certain words and lines. It was as dramatic as one could get, but it was all so real within her demon ridden mind. Her final statement was spat with a sense of boredom, yet laced with that familiar venom. "Spare me."

"Talk" You Think

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.



6 Years
Extra large

01-19-2017, 05:13 PM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2017, 06:20 PM by Elias.)

His expression of neutrality never faltered, his eyes remaining relaxed and his ears attentive as he watched her. He watched her start to snarl but immediately retract it, though the words that came from her didn't help any if she was trying not to come off as hostile. He gave a look around the area they both stood in, looking at the many wildflowers that grew here. The fact that she was wasting her time admiring flowers nearly made him scoff, but nothing broke his expressionless features.

The stone beast flicked an ear as he peered back to her, listening to her talk about how she expected him to bore her. By his observation, the woman clearly already seemed bored.. enough so that she was finding entertainment in weeds. As she dismissed his presence, he could feel his irritation rising considerably as he struggled to hold on to his wrinkleless guise. Slowly, his upper lip began to curl as she flagged her dominance. He didn't think of himself as anything magnificent, but he certainly didn't think of her as someone who deserved to declare dominance over him. If this hag was so eager to demand a right to her body posture, she would have to show him that she could take it from him.

He lowered his head cautiously to protect his neck as his spine began to align, his tail neither declaring submission or dominance but rather taking a fighter's stance as it balanced out behind him. The thick of his yellowed teeth were flashed to her in an instant as his jowls slowly parted, releasing a healthy accumulation of saliva that dribbled down his chin once escaped from it's prison. Slowly, the short fur along his shoulders began to stand at attention while he flared up toward her. Though no words were said of it, he was internally daring her to make another smart ass remark at his expense.

A low rumble started in his broad chest, creeping up his throat to release in a gravelly whisper. "I was simply ensuring you hadn't already caught the fox I've been tracking, but now you've caught my interest. I've never known a woman to be so outright bitchy right from the start, usually they fake sweetness for a few days. At least you wear your worth right out in the open, though you really didn't need to say anything. I could have put it together from your glare, your age, and your lonesomeness."

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



9 Years
01-19-2017, 07:10 PM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2017, 09:55 PM by Schon. Edit Reason: adding challenge to post - tea and sin approved )

ooc: mature subject

Twisting and twirling her cream colored tendrils danced in the wind. The gluttonous hag was not a beautiful creature in the default sense of the word. She was beautiful in the broken sense. A muscular form forged by the Gods themselves, laced with fat and a thick winters coat that died off. A balance of earthy tones along with her blood red eyes. The color of her orbs were only a peek into her very core. A glimpse of what was actually happening within that cracked cranium of hers. The beauty of the brute came from within. The absolute madness that weeped within her. It did not radiate as much, for she seemed to have reeled in her demons. But, when the bitch got going, there was no stopping.

Schon watched him with narrowed eyes, her lips twitching ever so slightly as she observed his own dominating stance. The only effect it had was a challenge, that to keep hers as long as she could. The woman had never been truly dominated within her time pondering this wasteland. She had passed out within one spar, but she had never seen defeat in a true way. Perhaps that was why she was so fucked up and bitchy? Everything in she grasped had been handed to her and now she was nothing but a mad hag. Her family seemed to be long gone and her reign was short and absolutely boring. For a woman clinging onto the past it was horrid. Therefore she staggered around feeling entitled to everything, cursed with the riddled thoughts of her ancestors. Being inclined to do anything taboo. Yet, it was clear she gave no fucks about any of the psychological bullshit.

The behemoth watched as he lowered into his defensive stance. A sight she had seen so may times before. To come after was a baritone rambling of words. The woman stood as she did, just slightly tilting her cranium to the right. Her red eyes remained trained on him as she sucked in a few long breathes. It looked as thought she was truly battling within. Yet, suddenly the woman would began her movements. Schon would saunter back and forth, pacing if you may. This was common for the creature. Her tail was slightly erect, yet her dominating air did not faulter. Her hackles were raised ever so slightly and her paws fell upon the ground like war drums. Her attention never wavered from the man.

"I have no reason to fake." Her lip curled up and soon enough along came the other. Truly exposing those disgusting, saliva covered, fangs once again. "I do not know who the fuck you are." The lady shook her head, the fluff of her dying coat flecking away as she did so. "Therefore, I have no reason to bow down like all these other pathetic mutants that dwell within these putrid lands." A tiny giggle coming forth, exposing sweet notes that her voice lacked before. Perhaps showing she was once a pristine dame. But, along came a sinister look, her brow raising and her paws stopping. Schon was now directly in front of him about four feet away. Her tongue slithered across her teeth once again, "Every man I come across expects me to pop my back end up to the Gods and beg for him to 'take me take me!'" She snorted, a bit more this time, snot flying forth without a care.

Yet, the behemoth seemed to reel herself in, her lips moving to cover her teeth once again. She rolled her shoulders, allowing those pointed claws to dip into the earth absent mindedly. "All I wanted to do is to lay upon my boulder and watch the wind sweep a flower away." Schon would then rip her attention away, moving to turn around to face away from him. Her eyes connecting with he flower once again. Eyeing as the battle continued. The lady let her head dip down slightly, looking to the ground. Her eyes would then squeeze shut, her pads gripping the ground slightly as her ears flicked back to flatten against her skull. Her knees seemed to bend on all four legs, allowing for her to gain a bit more of balance. Each paw shifted to square up on all four legs, to allow her hefty weight to be even distributed between them. As her eyes crept open they were slightly squinted, allowing those lids to protect some of her eye from any glare of the sun or dust in the air. Her tail lowered slightly to align with her spine. Her body seemed to lower ever so slightly, allowing for her head to align with her spine as well, so everything would be equally distributed as it were. Those brooding hackles raised, rolling into a bunch of tough skin and fat to protect the sensitive skin of her upper back. As her pads were gripping the ground, they would aid her in balance. Her claws dug into the earth as well.

All of these motions seemed to happen rather quickly, yet right after she moved to pivot, turning around to face the man once again. Since they were only four feet away, it was rather easy for either of them to attack. But, Schon took her chance. The woman would bound forward as she faced him, attempting close the distance between them with a quite powerful sprint. Her paws dug into the earth with each heavy step. Putting her full might into each stride. Since it was such a small distance, the woman aimed to hit him square in the chest. Due to the height difference, the upper middle, boney portion of her chest would aim to hit the lower middle of his own. Impact could possibly induce pain for both of them, bruising or perhaps even stumbling. - Despite her attempts, if she was able to close the distance, slam or not the woman would use her lesser height to her advantage. Schon lowered her self slightly, if allowed the creature would attempt to raise herself up with the use of her back legs and try to use the top of her head to shove it into the center of his throat. If the attack purchased there seem to be endless possible outcomes for the man. Though, she merely wished to daze the man by making him choke up or even be at a loss for air for a while. As she raised and lowered during the attempted head but her jaws were parted, snapping at anything she could manage. Since they would be in such close quarters, her teeth would aim for bits of flesh she could manage upon his chest. Though, her main focus was upon the head but the entire time, so these attempts to pick at his flesh would be half hearted to say the least.

Schon versus Elias

for dominance

one two

thirty-six inches


"Talk" You Think

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.



6 Years
Extra large

01-21-2017, 11:17 AM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2017, 01:11 PM by Elias.)

For a moment, the beast saw the woman that might have once inhabited the body before him- when her tones changed to something sarcastically sweet and proper. It stunned him a bit, causing him to hold in any desire to cut off her words with an early attack. Previously, he'd been daydreaming about ripping her flapping tongue right from her skull.. but now he found himself actually listening. That was, until her next line of words.

"Every man I come across expects me to pop my back end up to the Gods and beg for him to 'take me take me!'"

With this, Elias couldn't help but break his cold and distant guise, the corners of his inky lips turning upward to mark a bit of a grin. To be honest, the idea of fucking this bitch nearly repulsed him to the point where he thought his manhood might revert right back up into his body in protest of the thought. It wasn't that she was ugly, though.. her dead and unkempt fur was certainly an eyesore, but it was her arrogant and entitled sense of self that rubbed him the wrong way. Besides, he'd had enough ass lately to last him awhile.

Still, something about her made him yearn to break her. To dominate her ultimately just to show her that she didn't deserve her sense of entitlement- to teach her a lesson that her power was something all too easily able to slip through her teeth. It wouldn't last forever, she would grow old eventually- therefor it made her no better than anyone else. Certainly, no better than him.

-fight post below-

With his head previously leveled out so that his neck, shoulders and back were all allied with one another, he simply kept that stance while his muscles began to tense up beneath his standing hackles. Even though he had short fur, there was an obvious ridge from the back of his ears to the base of his tail that told he was more than fed up with this encounter already. His toes then flexed as they picked themselves up off the cold ground, then splayed out once they were placed square with his body. His nails dug into the earth, anchoring him there as he lowered his stance, bending at the knee to keep his extremities limber and ready to react. He was taller than her, sure, but nowhere near as dense- preferring to keep his body lean and agile rather than to give in to gluttony and allow himself to become slower. It was this feature about himself that he liked to exercise in his battles.

He watched her through his vibrant ruby gaze as she readied her own defenses, tucking his chin downward while his teeth clacked together only once in a sharp bark before hanging open, leaving them ready to bite should she get too close. The meat of his face scrunched together over his snout and around his eyes, protecting his marred mug as more of his teeth and gums were exposed. His ears tucked in, flattening out against his broad skull so they wouldn't be at risk of being ripped off, while his tail protectively held tight between his hocks in an effort to protect both it and his manhood. Confident with his fighting stance, he simply waited for the mad woman to strike- which he knew she inevitably would. After all, who more familiar with madness than Elias himself?

His limbs shook with anticipation as adrenaline began pumping through his veins, both exciting and relaxing him at the same time. The muscles of his back loosened up as he watched her began to tear into the ground in order to cover it, closing the small space between them rather quickly. As soon as she had begun her bolt, the tall brute lowered himself instinctively- redistributing his previously balanced weight down to his chest while his toes gripped the earth. He suspected the she-hulk had wanted to use her bulk to her advantage by barreling into him, though this was the last of his desires. His pawpads were pushed against the earth as, in an instant, Elias jumped up off the ground toward his left just a step. Grass flung with his movements, but his limbs were already acting with enough flexibility that they were prepared to land and immediately redistribute his weight in favor of lowering his right shoulder, acting like expertly lubricated hydraulics in his youth. His core and back muscles tensed once again, solidly prepping themselves for her impact.

This hop to his left was meant to collide his upper right shoulder with the lower middle of her chest as she reared, hopefully inflicting some rather severe bruising if not slightly fracturing her sternum. In turn, he took moderate bruising to his own shoulder as he felt her throw her hulking weight into him. As her teeth ravenously sought after the flesh of his chest, so did his own for hers. While her teeth created a few (not sure how many she tried to inflict) mild lacerations across his already scarred chest without any real goal in mind before they sought to inflict another, his own aimed with calculated precision behind the power of his bite. With her weight pressed against his shoulder, his skull tilted to aim his teeth to his right while his readily agape jowls aimed to close around the fat along the middle of her right side of her neck, at the base just before her neck met her collarbone and shoulder. He wanted to sink his teeth in far enough that he could feel her fatty flesh with the tip of his tongue as it bundled in between his pinching jaws, causing her to bleed from the severity of the puncture wounds his fangs were sure to inflict. From there, he would suddenly throw his weight into his chest, attempting to redistribute it toward his left shoulder rather than his right as his neck muscles tensed with a thrash. His jaws pulled against her flesh and swung to his left; ideally, he'd pull away with a generous portion of her flesh and leave an open wound bleeding where he had landed his bite.

Schon vs. Elias for Dominance
Round 1/2

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



9 Years
01-21-2017, 01:06 PM

The woman was not a creature that held her tongue. She spoke the entirety of her mind only ceasing her speech when it would benefit her own self. This is how she reigned, a beast that instilled the fear of truth and violence all in one. Pinpointing the flaws and beauty in each of her subject. That is what she did with everyone now. Within the man before her she saw a great hulking beast that in her earlier days would just love to have dominate her very existence. The younger and more lust driven woman would have given everything to be with such a man. Yet, now, she merely wished to dominate him. To show that was was no weakling. Not some lonely crow that spent her days watching flowers. But a being of power, that was not to be tampered with so easily. A dangerous mind. For whom? Mainly herself. And in these moments that showed.

As the ravenous bitch barreled towards him her red gazed observed his quick leap to his left. Her lips remained curled, the flimsy skin of her lips bunching up in a deep snarl. Protecting her fleshy cheeks. Suddenly, they met. His upper right shoulder meeting the center of her chest. This impact causing for the woman to become rather dazed for a few moments. Her mind foggy as all the air from her lungs froze in time, causing her to grasp for breaths. Her chest was consumed with the pang of the rushed impact, instant soreness and bruising causing for any movements within the region of her chest to sting rather harshly. Yet, the woman came too rather swiftly, this was not her first rodeo and the power hungry bitch would tough it out even if she was short of breath. Her attempt to slam her head into his throat seemed to go misplaced, she merely seemed to manage to press her weight into him due to her foggy mind. (Im unsure if her attack, the head but, was noted in your post or if the outcome was her throwing her weight into him.) Though, one of her flimsy attempts managed to purchase. For her snapping teeth managed to cause mild lacerations upon the skin of his chest, her tongue consumed with the metallic taste of blood.

Though, soon came his own assaults. He quickly moved to allow his jaws to connect with the middle right portions of her neck. The woman felt his saliva ridden fangs slip into her thick skin. Entering the tense muscle of her neck. A rippling snort would be heard from the bitch as he did so, instantly blood falling from the wound. Instinctivly, her hackles remained raised upon her upper back. The skin around her neck bunching up slightly, into thick rolls of fat and fur. This would aid in protecting the vital bits beneath, but the area he managed to latch onto was far gone. His head thrashed to the left, allowing his teeth to rip the skin around the wound that was already formed. As he pulled back, his pinched teeth managed to take a moderate chunk of fur and skin, blood now gushing from the wound. - With this the she-beast would be panting heavily the entire time. The aching and throbbing of the wound consuming her mind for mere moments before the mixture of adrenaline and shock would settle in. Allowing for the bitch to carry on with her own attacks as he moved away.

His movements were quick, causing for the woman to be at his whim. But, the foolish man pulled away. If he had not, the situation would have been much worse. Yet, he did. As Elias parted with her flesh the girl would check her stance very quickly. Her crimson orbs protected by her squinting lids. Her paws spread evenly and her knees bent for balance. That illustrious tail level with her spine for ease of movement. Her lips already curled into a protective and bearing snarl. Her multi-colored ears flat against her cranium so snapping jaws would have a hard time of pinpointing the thin flesh. Her paws were flexed, allowing for her claws and paws to grip the earth below for calculated steps. Those hackles already bunched up to protect the sensitive flesh beneath. Last but not least her muzzle was tilted down slightly, in those idle moments, to protect her throat.

Her eyes connected with him rather quickly, since he was slightly to her right, she would try to use this angle to her advantage. The beast would quickly lower herself at her knees, primarily her back legs. Suddenly, she sprung into action. Allowing for the majority of her weight to go to her rear haunches, then attempting to launch her front half upward, both of her front paws aiming to wrap around the mans shoulders. Her left paw moving to try and press against his upper right shoulder, around the right side of his upper back, trying to sink her claws into the fur for a better grip. The right paw would merely attempt to grip onto his upper left shoulder, around the left side of his upper back, but this grip would be of a bit less might due to the injury upon the upper right portion of her neck. Her rear paws would dig into the earth below, pads stretched to allow to dirt to meld with her footing. The muscles in her back legs flexed, attempting to lock in place while she was still. Yet, her assault was not over. If she was able to truly raise her front half and wrap her two front limbs around his shoulders. Her muzzle would aim to her left, due to the angle in which they stood favoring that side. Her jaws parting and aiming to lock onto a calculated bite upon the the lower right portion of his neck. Very similar to the area in which he bit her. Her head would tilt to the left slightly as she did so. Her upper jaw would aim for the upper portion of the neck and attempt to lock on by allowing those fangs to seep into his flesh. But, her lower jaw would first try to connect with the lower portion of his neck and quickly snap up aiming to meet with the upper jaw and bring what skin or flesh with it as it moved in attempt to pinch the skin between the two sets of teeth. If such an attack purchased, she would try her best to not let go. For she would allow for her fangs to remained locked into the flesh, attempting to reposition every now and then by snapping her teeth together to perhaps mangle the skin around the wound slightly. - Though, in such a position, her own neck was being craned ever so slightly. Blood seeping from the gash at her neck, the stinging pain scratching at her mind. But, it would take a bit more to slow the woman down significantly.

Schon versus Elias

for dominance

one two

thirty-six inches


"Talk" You Think

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.

Head Judges


02-05-2017, 01:51 PM
And the winner is...

Schon! Due to Elias not posting in the allotted time, the fight has defaulted in Schon's favor.