
Family Matters



3 Years
Extra large
01-28-2017, 05:11 PM
Their children were growing, and thank goodness both of them were here now. She and Rivaxorus… even Kait… but Yoshiko knew that wasn’t enough. She was sure, when and if she saw Nixie again their other sister would be sore with them. The ebony and green female uttered a small sigh, her gaze shifting to the two small bundles at her side. Well… one was smallish… the other was just plain tiny. Yoshi was sure that Itsuki was going to grow larger, maybe hit a period of rapid growth or something… but her daughter…

Yoshiko shook her head, returning her head back to her paws. It was still early in the morning and she was waiting for Rivaxorus to come back. She suspected the man might be hunting, that or potentially seeking a home for them all. The thought had Yoshiko both a bit worried and excited. While she wasn’t fond of other leadership she had two little ones to think about too… she couldn’t just ignore their needs, right?

Truthfully Yoshiko was fighting within herself. With what she wanted, what she felt was needed, and what she thought would be best for her children. The female gave a flick of her tail, her blood-pink eyes lowering a bit. Maybe she’d take a nap until Riv got back… rest was something that was precious with two growing little ones. Might as well get it while she could, right?

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

01-29-2017, 12:38 AM

It had been a heavy week for the man. Providing for his wife and family, but now having to do that before he saw them before he discovered them. He'd been spending his time paying his respects at the mounds that held his mother and next to it his aunt. The male let his ears flick curiously, he knew that there was still a nagging fear in him. About Yoshiko, he'd put her under so much stress sometimes he honestly did wonder if it was best if they were without him. Yet his daughter and son were his life to him, he'd never want to leave them behind. With a flick of his tail he let the wind carry his fur. Huffing softly as he took a step back from the graves in the willows. Their green tendrils flowing within the movements truly this was home to him. If they were to find a pack could they really leave this place. Could he?

On his way back he made sure to get something to eat. A doe he'd killed earlier and stored he was bringing it back to Yoshiko. Noticing that the kids were playing just outside of the den he placed the food down. Giving them permission to eat before he moved to poke his head into the den. "I got some food - if you and kaitlyn need it." he commented softly as he went to touch her cheek. Rubbing it across the green line that was her vibrant colors. Something their children shared was these colors. It made him proud, reminding himself one of the first things he told Yoshiko when they had met at a young age. That she had thought her green was ugly, yet he thought it was the most beautiful color he'd ever seen.

"How are you feeling?" he asked her and went to lay beside the lady. What was on her mind - and maybe he could tell her what was on his. He worried for the future of course. Though no doubt he did believe if she did not want to be pack bound they had the resources to defend and raise their family themselves. Wolves of their size could make it no problem. The gods graced him with that much at least.




3 Years
Extra large
02-03-2017, 03:05 PM
At some point during her light doze Ituski and Itsume had slipped just outside the den, tumbling and playing in the warm sunlight. But though she dozed Yoshi’s mind remained troubled. It wasn’t until she heard Riv’s voice that the femme blinked open her eyes, a look of concern when he mentioned her sister. “You didn’t see her on your way back?” She asked, more worried than her voice actually showed. “I haven’t seen her all day, Riv…” Yoshiko shifted her gaze away from the male.

Kait wasn’t stable. She was sick, so very, very sick and she wasn’t sure if there was anyone in this world who could help her anymore. It hurt, Gods it hurt, but Yoshiko also knew that she couldn’t baby her sister forever. She had little ones to look out for now… and Riv… she felt a pang in her heart. It almost felt like she was being pulled from two different sides. She furrowed her brow, wondering what the right decision was to make. In her heart she was sure that she knew… but…

“Honestly Riv?” Yoshiko asked, glancing back to him. “Been a bit… concerned lately. For Kait. For Itsume. They’re both so little. Then Itsuki shows signs of growing to be tall like us but… what if he doesn’t?” The woman gave a soft huff, trying her best to downplay her worry. “You know I’m not one for… authority. Packs and all… but… would it be worth it for the kids?” An ear flicked back, gazing outside the den. There was an unspoken question on her mind. What was going to happen to Kaitlyn? It only seemed a miracle that Yoshi had found her last time and that… She shuddered.

The death of two of their pups wasn’t Katie’s fault. She refused to believe that. Instead of dwelling on that she focused her attention on Riv again. "...and what of you? How have you been feeling?" She leaned in a bit closer, drawing comfort from the man at her side. She closed her eyes, hoping that somehow, some way, he might ease these troubled thoughts within her mind.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

02-15-2017, 04:38 PM

It seems the pups had already found their way to the meal. Which he didn't really mind, however his ears flicked forward as he listened to his wife and her concerns. The male would look outside the den for a moment in thought. He hoped that Kait was doing okay, he knew that she wasn't a huge fan of him but they had gone a long way. She was a apart of their family just as their pups were and back. Rivaxorus lowered his head as he thought, and heard of Yoshiko's worry. "I just finished burying my aunt next to my mother." he wouldn't lie to her. As his ears flicked - that explained where he had been but he wouldn't delve any deeper unless she asked.

"I know of a cousin who lives in Abaven, or at least I think so. Her name is Renhett she used to babysit me when she was part of imperium. The only connection she has is Abaven so she must've gone there. They're friendly from what I know of them and Renhett..... she a healer of the mind. She could quiet possibly help Kaitlyn." Rivaxorus looked at Yoshiko and gave her a reassuring nuzzle. He couldn't possibly imagine how she was feeling. Having to go through what she had. Yes he had lost those children too - but also he had not been the one to carry them to watch them come out into the world and never breath another breath again. The effects must have been devastating.

"We can head off to the east that way. I can't say I'd be happy to leave home - but for you anything. I think I should just teach the kids a bit of self defense and find Kait before we go." The male would let the soft flick of his tail carry through over her back. His two different colored eyes looking at her in concern as he did look at his children. He was sure it would be fine... itsuki already showed signs of being much bigger than itsume. It was itsume who seemed to be growing a bit small. For wolves their size that was why it was so alarming.




3 Years
Extra large
03-02-2017, 10:14 AM
Yoshi frowned as Riv gave an explanation as to where he’d been. So his aunt was dead now too? There seemed to be more to the story, but the she-wolf did not wish to pry. Not right now. Things seemed to be tense enough without digging at wounds that were not quite healed yet. Still, Rivaxorus seemed to offer a solution to her worry, and Yoshiko continued to listen quietly. Renhett… did he really think she could help her sister? Could her sister even be helped? It hurt to question that, but Yoshiko was beginning to wonder…

“Abaven huh?” The female asked softly, leaning into the gentle nuzzle. “I wouldn’t mind going there I suppose…” Though inwardly she was still fighting with herself. She looked into Riv’s eyes, ears flicking back as she continued to speak. “I know leaving will be hard… but for the sake of the kids, for Kait… It may be better…” The female glanced towards her young ones nibbling upon the meal.

“It’s just… what if we can’t find Kait?” Yoshi closed her eyes. “Our pups have to be our priority Riv… as much as I love my sister we might need to leave her behind for now…” It hurt her to say that. The Gods above knew it hurt her to say that. “But…” She opened her eyes again, ears perking forward as she tried to force a smile onto her face.

“I’ll leave it up to you to begin their lessons… I… I’m going to look for Katie in a little bit. See if I can’t find some sort of scent trail that might hint to where she is.”