
now i can't turn back


01-29-2017, 02:49 PM
It had been several days since anybody had seen him. And it was just as long since anybody had heard from him. He was just...gone.

So I took it as my time to run away and escape his vicious reach. Escape his threats and taunts. Escape his abuse. Escape him period.

Quietly in the night, I took off and left my family..the Frei family. It took me some time secure passage by the sea, but eventually someone was able to provide me with a form of transport to get away. And it was only once the land in which the Frei now called home fell below the horizon that I began to feel safe.

Then the storm came.

The water churned and the waves grew bigger and bigger as the sky grew dark. Desperately I clung to the structure that I floated upon, but eventually both it and me were tossed into the water. I struggled within the water. Gasped for breath as soon as I broke the surface only to be pushed back under with the next coming wave. Eventually, the sea managed to toss the structure against me and pain radiated throughout my body. Then everything went dark.

Unconsciously, I drifted in the sea, unable to control my direction. Unable to know where I was heading. Until one day, my weak and weary body was carried by the currents and washed upon a beach. Pale golden eyes dazed at the sand beneath me and then closed again as I decided I could just rest for a few minutes before doing anything else. And so I drifted off into the dreams that began to take shape behind my eyelids and began to sleep.

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ooc notes;; this post sucks...but i suck at starting posts...oh well.



10 Years
01-31-2017, 10:07 PM

Cae had been wandering again, a habit she was beginning to accept would not be easily broken. It was just easier to process things when she was moving. Of course this time she did have more of a purpose, hoping to explore a bit further beyond her usual favorite places and gain a bit better sense of the lands beyond those she'd finally began to grow accostom to. Pale paws pushed off of the dirt with a spring in her step. Even though Caelum was finally beginning to feel her age catching up with her, the warmth of spring seemed to do a great deal to lessen the aching that was starting to throb deep within her bones. Winter was hard, but thankfully it was over now and the ivory woman could now step out and do some proper exploring.

The day was young and she was excited, and so when Caelum saw a long stretch of beach up ahead she bounded forward gleefully, tail wagging at the prospect of getting to spend some time admiring the salty waters ahead of her. She'd only been padding through the dark sand for a few minutes, fascinated by the dark color while also observing some tiny creatures swimming and scuttling about in small pools of water, when she noticed the form of an animal amidst the waves, just at the edge of the shore. Eyed widening, Cae didn't bother trying to discern what it might be from a distance but rather loped forward to go see up close in case the poor thing needed help. The tiny form of her black and white speckled avain companion came gliding into sight over her head and Cae barked a greeting to him and then turned her worried gaze back to the form of what she could now clearly see was a wolf, drenched entirely as if they'd been in the water for some time and not moving a muscle.

When she reached the soggy lump of wolf Cae gently nosed the tiny female, brows furrowed with deep concern. She was no healer, all she could really do was try to rouse the little thing and hope she was all right. Perhaps if she was mostly okay but needed help then Cae could go in search of someone, though she realized now that she regrettably lacked in connections and acquaintances. Putting that aside for now she continued nudging the wolf, asking in a gentle, concerned voice, "Are you alright, love?"