
Our Sick Story Thus Far



4 Years
Extra large
02-14-2017, 11:02 PM
ooc: Completely open thread. idc if your wolf is evil or whatever. Mortar needs all kinds of interactions, good or bad.

The male was still, undoubtedly, alone which was nothing new to him. He'd given up on Ricochet and he was about ready to call it quits with Seraphiel as well. He'd trusted her a second time, hoping that this time she'd trust him enough. He'd promised to help her look for her family, no matter how he felt about them for abandoning everything at the drop of a dime, but in the end he felt incompetent. Did she feel like he was weighing her down, or did she just prefer to be alone? Her story of pirates the last time was a joke, he really hadn't known why she'd left, but he could imagine the next lie she'd come up with if she ever came back.

And he didn't want to deal with it.

So he figured that if maybe he moved away from Donostrea's old lands then maybe he'd never have to see her again. He missed her, he missed Glacier, and he missed Anais, but he didn't trust any of them any more. He didn't trust much of anyone these days. He found it harder and harder to open himself up when in the end all it brought was disappointment. Despite the fact that Ray had left a gaping hole in his heart, and she would for as long as he decided that he didn't want to be around her anymore, he knew it was better than letting her constantly stab him in the back. He couldn't let her get away with hurting him any more.

He felt more free once he'd gotten away from Obsidian Beach and the prairie. It was like some weight had been lifted off his shoulders. With spring in full swing (really it was almost summer) the northern temperatures were more bearable and the male didn't fear starving to death on his own. It was during these times he could manage. On this particular trek he'd managed to find himself in a valley, a crater was really a better term, with a dense pine forest. Once he'd made it down to the bottom though he soon realized that this place wasn't one he could stay in for very long. While it was pretty, and remote, it was desolate and held very little edible plant life for any prey. Finding a den site would be easy here, but finding food to sustain him would not. A sigh fluttered past his dark lips as he stared around the quiet forest. Perhaps staying here a day and traveling farther west was a better idea? There was no use exhausting himself all in one go and this place at least had a lot to offer in terms of exploring.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



5 Years
02-15-2017, 09:23 PM (This post was last modified: 02-15-2017, 09:27 PM by Delaney.)

'Oh no no no no no!!!'

She was panicked, she was pacing, and she was deeply worried. She didn't know what to do, how to get back, and was beating herself up mentally for the path she had taken. Now she was lost within the north and didn't know how to get back home. She had traveled here yesterday, but got caught in a freak storm that covered her tracks leaving her with know idea how to get back home. She had been pacing at the makeshift den since she had discovered her tracks were gone. She had been worked up since also and the young female was beginning to wear herself down.

The young healer had originally traveled north to gather herbs that were not normally available to her. Being spring the weather was a lot less harsh, but still she had managed to find herself in some trouble. Now everything was hitting her at once and stressing the normally happy creature out. She normally didn't get worked up, but she ad a lot riding on this new rank promotion and what was worse is she had finally felt like she found her permanent home. Her big mistake could ruin everything.

Huffing she flopped down onto her rump and yawned in a nervous matter before looking around. Softly she whined unsure of what she should do to figure out the path back home. Her bright green eyes darting around as she sat in the worn down path caused by her pacing.


[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]



4 Years
Extra large
02-15-2017, 10:16 PM

As it turned out this place did have a nice assortment of interesting places for him to check out. So far he'd managed to find a few broken down bird's nests that had been knocked out of the trees, some old feathers, some barren dens, and even some pretty rocks. The only downside was that finding a suitable place for him to sleep for the night was going to be harder than he thought. It appeared as though not many animals had thought this place would be a good living space and he couldn't blame them. He'd managed to find a fox den, but he was considerably larger than a fox and he didn't want to put forth the effort to digging it out. Finding food later to make up for using that much energy on digging wasn't going to be worth it.

So he moved on.

Paws crunched through the snow as he moved with his head low to the ground. A few animals had managed to pass through here. He could smell a few rodents, some birds, and a badger. The badger would have been big enough for a meal if he didn't know better already. Fighting one of them to eat it wasn't worth the effort either. A small huff escaped him and scattered the loose snow in front of his maw as he walked. Without someone to accompany him this place was rather boring and so far it seemed as though he'd be sleeping with just pine trees as cover.

He continued walking for a while until the scent of a female was carried to him on the wind. His head raised curiously as he took a long whiff. It wasn't anyone he recognized, but he couldn't see the harm in seeing who else was around. So he padded off in her direction with a purposeful stride. He reached her in minutes and instantly he could see the pacing she'd done by the packed in snow. He glanced towards her curiously and paused some feet away to give her some space.

"You okay?" He asked. She appeared nervous to him, but then again he wasn't the best at reading wolves' emotions.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



5 Years
03-03-2017, 07:16 PM

'Alright...... Just calm down you can't think clearly when your worked up'

She closed her eyes and drew in a few breaths trying to calm herself down. She needed to sit down and think about her options and really focus on where she was. When she came through the day before it was in the middle of a storm and it was dark. Opening her eyes she looked around before her. she tried to pick through her memories to try and recognize her surroundings. Before she could really get into it her ears picked up the crunch of snow behind her. Soon after the male's words were spoke and she looked back to him, her bright green eyes looking over his dark face.

"Well honestly I'm a little worried.... I'm kinda lost," she admitted with a sigh. "I came through this area yesterday and ran into a freaky storm, found this den and took cover. When the storm was over i discovered my tracks were covered and I have no clue how to get back home."

Standing from her spot she turned around and sat down facing the male. She was also feeling rather hungry, but had been so focused on how to find her way home that she didn't put much thought into her hunger. Perhaps this male would want some company? So far he didn't seem to be a threat and it would make her feel a lot better to have some company.

"Are you from around here?" she asked.

"Talk" & 'Think'

[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]



4 Years
Extra large
04-12-2017, 11:27 AM

Yeah she was definitely a little anxious, that much he could pick up on, but she hadn't attacked him yet so that was a good start. He watched her with his mismatched gaze of fire as she turned around to look at him. She didn't seem overly startled either which was good because he certainly hadn't meant to sneak up on her. His muscles remained rather tense though and he couldn't shake the feeling that he always needed to be prepared to fight or flee - it was a feeling that came naturally now. He'd been on his own for so long now that it was just easier to avoid tense situations than it was to tackle everything head on.

He relaxed slightly when she admitted that she was worried and lost. He could see why she'd get a bit disoriented. Every tree looked similar and it had snowed after all - no wonder she was a little stressed out. Sympathy blossomed then and Mortar sat down and looked around for a moment. Other than her recent tracks from pacing he couldn't see any others and he had no earthly clue where she came from. He wasn't sure where her home was, she hadn't mentioned it yet, but he didn't mind the idea of helping her find her way back to wherever it was if she had a general idea of it's location.

"I'm sorry you got lost. Maybe if you tell me where you came from I can try and help you find your way back?"

That had been the good thing about traveling all over the place looking for Ray and then having to do the same when she'd wanted to look for her family. He had a good idea of the layout of the land. He wasn't so familiar with the north, but he'd been accustomed to the lands that surrounded the old lands of Donostrea and had even become familiar with the south, east, and even a few of the western lands. So long as she was from around there he could help.

"No I'm not from around here." Where was he from? "I haven't had a home in a while so I guess you could just call me a nomad?" Which was true. He never stayed in one place for long before he left again to go some place new. It wasn't a lifestyle he enjoyed, but he was stuck with it all the same. "I'm Mortar by the way."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



5 Years
05-13-2017, 08:19 PM

He seemed reserved which made the young girl feel more comfortable. She tried to relax herself, calm her mind, and focus on him since he was potential company. A brute of dark colors and mismatched eyes, but to her he didn't look intimidating. Call her naive, but the female always seemed to see the good in others. He then offered to try and help her find home. Her eyes lit up a little and her tail wagged. She would love if he could help her find her way home. She was relieved at the offer and found herself settling down more.

"I would be so thankful if you could. My home is in the East a pack called Ivory Ridge," she replied with a smile.

He then went on to state that he didn't have a home which made her head cock to the left. No home, what did that mean? She pushed back through her memories to the day she was taken in by Max. Without him taking her in she never would have survived (at the age she was) she was by herself and had been before she joined Ivory ridge. Nomad, was that what others called being on your own. She wondered if he had always lived that way, but she felt it was an improper question at this time. He then introduced himself and her tail wagged again.

"I'm Delaney Callen, it's a pleasure to meet you Mortar," she replied. "Have you traveled all the lands in Boreas?"

"Talk" & 'Think'

[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]