
Five Vicodin Chased With A Shot


02-15-2017, 11:49 PM

Long lanky legs, slim face, (slim everything really) long silky fur - it was all things that made him the creature he was. All were groomed to perfection and each curly hair was sitting perfectly in their place. But why the interest in his appearance? The creature certainly didn't have a hot date to be attending to. He had no place to be, no one to see, and didn't even have a place to call home anymore. In short - Veth just happened to be an arrogant, homeless, asshole.

The borzoi just liked the way he looked, it was as simple as that, and he took the measures to take care of himself. Every morning he woke up, bathed himself in water if it was warm enough, or settled for a tongue bath if necessary. He didn't look this good for anyone but himself - and anyone else if he ever came across someone. He had to make a good impression after all. Flirting was an art form and he liked to think himself a master of it. You couldn't flirt if you weren't clean.

He'd already groomed himself for the day and had set to traveling. That was the thing about being him. He wasn't overly tall in this world (he was pretty lengthy for his breed though) and yet his legs could carry him anywhere he wanted in a decent amount of time. He was fast when he wanted to be, but today he wasn't in a rush. He'd recently come to an interesting set of trees, like nothing he'd ever seen before, with blood-colored sap oozing from them. It was magnificent really. He paused by a tree to sniff one. It was amazing that they grew in such areas - the territory around them offered so little to look at. Dry shrubs here and there and overall an unimpressive amount of plant life. Really, how did anything grow here at all? He snorted once before continuing on his merry way. He had a lot of ground to cover - even with no destination in mind.

Walk, "Talk" Think



6 Years
02-16-2017, 02:14 AM
Poser had been asleep for what seemed like a long time. That was the thing about the woods out here. They were dead and alive all at once-- Schrodinger's grove. Such was the way that he was feeling. Such was the way he was thinking. Things were weird. Things were always weird. He's losing his mind, day by day, bit by bit. Something strange was in Poser's bones. Something weird was always just beneath the surface.

When he wakes, it's with a bit of delirium. Naps do that to you. He's cranky, vision blurry, getting to his feet with a shake of his shining, dark coat. Grumbling under his breath, cussing in his mother tongue, stretching out with a pop of his spine. Ah yes. He was feeling... alive again. Slowly. Waking up. It's then that he catches a scent on the edge of his consciousness. Stranger. Stranger, but not the usual kind.

"What the fuck." The words fall forth from his mouth, loudly, but long before he sees the dog. Before he sees... oh shit. Yeah, no, there it is. Though there's a bit of dust in his coat, he feels like he could probably get that flirt thing on. Or he could, if he wasn't in utter shock. "Where the hell have you been all my life?" The words are loud, colored heavily with his accent, and... well, it's Poser. There's never a dearth of charm. Things, though, were clearly very strange in his mind.

How often was it that a stranger looked just like him?
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]


02-24-2017, 04:44 PM

He hadn't managed to walk very far before an odd, yet very familiar scent, reached his nostrils. His long snout raised to the sky as the dog took in the scent with an air of excitement about him. He hadn't seen another dog since ... well since his father, but that had been ages ago. He hadn't even gotten to know his father very well - his family had been so well liked before he was born. But then he'd come out, killed his mother on the way out, and he'd been called an abomination. A creature straight from hell that brought only death and destruction in its wake. His father and him had been chased out then, far away from their home, and then had spent a short life on the run. As soon as Veth had been old enough his father had left him with a new family to raise him and that was the last time he'd ever seen a Borzoi or a canine that wasn't a wolf.

And yet here this magnificent creature was underneath one of the trees napping. Veth came to a halt to stand and gape at the other creature that so closely resembled him. This man was much darker than him with no markings to mar his silky dust coated pelt. It seemed his presence had alerted the man though and Veth watched with his bi-colored intense gaze as the other man awoke. He saw the glint of sapphire blue eyes as they instantly zeroed in on him and Veth's body shivered with excitement. This man was definitely like him.

"What the fuck."

He couldn't stop the grin that suddenly made itself apparent on his face. He wasn't sure why he was loudly screaming profanities but he liked it. He'd probably like it less if he was saying it right before he was about to chase Veth away, but in the mean time he found the words amusing.

"Where the hell have you been all my life?"

Now those words were enough to cause the smile to fade. A look of confusion took over - well that certainly hadn't been the reaction he'd been expecting to disturbing a stranger from their nap. Either way he much preferred it to the teeth and angry shouting he'd grown more than used to in his life. Plus this man was like him and Veth was more than curious - not being chased away right from the start was a good sign that he'd at least get to know a little bit about this creature.

"Places." He retorted with a chuckle. "I should say the same to you. Haven't seen one of us.. well since my family." Ah, where were his manners? Non-existent he chuckled to himself. "The name's Ioveth, but you can call me Veth."

Walk, "Talk" Think



6 Years
03-07-2017, 02:45 AM
There's something strange about the way Poser looks to the man.  If he'd been human (as he is, in his dreams) it would be undressing the man with his eyes.  Brilliant gaze, burning bright and hot and blue.  Glimmering.  He shines almost as if surrounded in a heat wave, but it's a trick of the light.  Of the mist, of the way things are settling in the morning light.  Though today would be long, the sun wouldn't be warm.  It hadn't been for a while now, as if winter was descending upon them.  It was about that time, now that Poser thought of it.  Couldn't catch a break, pinging between continents as if it wasn't... really any problem. Was it supposed to be? He couldn't tell.

The grin splits his face, wide and wolfish. His tail wags, eyes brilliant. Everything about him is brilliant, watching the stranger, graceful and supple over his knees, his ankles, his legs. Elegant, but that's his breeding. It's in his breeding and sees it in Veth too. He sees... everything he's missed. The charm is dripping from Poser's very existence, where he stands. It's beautiful. Everything is beautiful.

"Well, I have to say, it's a pleasure." Tail wagging, taking a few graceful steps forward. The breed posture is so strange, but it works. It works for the way that Poser carries himself. "They call me M--" He cuts himself off. The shadow won't use that name anymore. It's dead to him, and it will remain that way. What is dead may never die. "Call me Poser," he pretends that he hasn't skipped a beat. Pretends that there wasn't something caught, if momentarily, in his throat. "What brings you to this little slice of hell?" Grinning, wildly and freely. It feels good, for once.
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]