
Water Fountain



3 Years
02-16-2017, 01:44 PM

The south had no packs in it it, therefore it had a lot of land worth exploring. It also meant that she had the chance of meeting a variety of wolves. She realized the closer to the pack lands she got the higher chance of meeting a pack wolf. Which was not unusual really. Heather just wanted to know what kind of life a loner had as well - a life she had almost considered at one point. Now look at her, she smiled and laughed mildly. Well, regardless she felt her paws hit water and suddenly everything around her brightened up. Heather raised her head and realized it was like a sea of tiny rivers and streams. This one was smaller than the rest - some held fish as they were deep enough and others like veins through the land. It fed the green vegetation around her.

Heather was curious now, as she lowered her head to take a drink she caught a glimpse of her appearance for a minute. She would rather not think about it now. She rose her head and started to walk towards one of the deeper streams, that way she could watch the fish. Their shadow visible just below the water. To think of it she'd never caught a fish before - well she certainly wasn't going to try right now. She'd probably only disturb them rather than catch them.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.


03-06-2017, 03:26 AM

God damn it all! Where the hell was he!? He'd spent what felt like forever looking for his brother! But he couldn't find a trace of him anymore...they had been up North, and when Roc took off to go track a herd of deer, he had returned after a couple days to find his brother gone. Did Darrow think that he'd abandoned him? Roc had never thought of doing such a thing, and who knew what his brother thought...He growled to himself. He should have had Darrow come with him, but he wanted to be able to track the herd without being hindered. Now look where he ended up. Down south, in a place he had never been before and it had been seasons since he had seen his brother. Roc admittedly, was growing lonely. And had ultimately given up on finding his brother. If Darrow didn't want to be found, then who was he to try and drag him out from wherever he had wandered off to? Still...he worried. And he could see that worry in his eyes reflected back at him as he stared in the water. Huh...who knew that he'd feel like this. It felt like he was missing a part of himself. Without Darrow around, what was he to do as an older sibling? They had always been together since they were born. And now...

He had no one to protect. No one to look after. Even though they were born in the same litter, Roc always considered himself older despite them being just minutes apart. He felt sort of empty inside, and he didn't like it one bit. Sighing, he moved away from the water, the summer sun at his back as he slowly trailed up the river bank. It wasn't long before he realized that he wasn't alone, however. Several yards away, a female of unknown origin stood on the rivers edge. He stopped where he was, staring at her. He hadn't really come into contact with anyone else, his main focus and priority had been his brother. What was he to do now that he was by himself? He'd never spoken to anyone without Darrow by his side...he had no clue what to do. So he just...awkwardly stood there.

"Speech" Thought "You"