
A forced goodbye



8 Years
02-19-2017, 01:24 PM

Charm promised dragon that she'd see mother before she left, but she couldn't help but to feel a heaping amount of anxiety in herself. Her throat was extremely dry and when she thought about what she wanted to say it was as if the words were just going to get caught up in that trap of hers. Her paws carefully pushed against the terrain near the castle - she raised her head to call for her mother. Her voice rather rigid and nervous, since that was something Charm had a hard time hiding in the first place. After that she stayed still and played the waiting game.

In the back of her mind she thought about, what if her mother didn't let her go. She was rather small, it almost seemed like she wouldn't be able to defend herself out there but she was so determined she wouldn't have it any other way. It didn't matter if she had the blood of a traitor in her or otherwise - perhaps it was her love for her mother that just made her so nervous that she was disappointing her family. She only wanted her mother to be proud of her.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-20-2017, 12:51 AM

She'd been pretty sleepy for a while. Almost uninterested in much lately. It was very unlike her, and she knew she had to get out of this funk she was in because she had responsibilities to tend to. She needed to start training the apprentices. To prepare them for the world. Shifting her position, she stared out the open window and looked out over the forest that surrounded them. Time was passing her by rather quickly. Or so she felt. She was getting old. She'd be eight soon, and it was kind of sad when she thought about it. She had two litters, but no mate. She still held onto the first one for reasons that fueled her on in a way that she didn't want to let go. He reminded her that not everything was sunshine and rainbows. And Vereux? She regretted telling him what she did before he died. She never did want to hurt him...she loved him, after all. And as time went on, she felt she had been rather selfish in their relationship. She wasn't sure if she was ever in love with anyone...or maybe she had the illusion of love the entire time.

But what did she know? She only knew the love of her parents for such a short time before they disappeared. After that? She'd been so broken and lost that perhaps she clung to the disillusioned thought of love that she had blinded herself when the first male came along and told her pretty things. And the same thing happened the second time. Sighing, she turned away from the window when she heard Charm's voice calling her. She was confused for a moment, why was Charm calling her?

She rose and followed the crumbling walls, the tattered hallways, the broken objects that littered the castle grounds. Was her daughter okay? Was something wrong? She found herself walking hurriedly until she was bounding down the castle steps, her daughter coming into view. Amber gaze fell on her tiny daughter, a close replica of herself. Slowing when she approached, her tail wagged a bit. "Charm dear, is everything alright?"


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



8 Years
02-20-2017, 01:10 AM

Charm really didn't blame her mother for not being around as of late. Maybe it was the other way around though, Charm had been so depressed she stayed in her den for most of the time. She had avoided family and just felt so empty. Which was why she was doing this - she wanted to spread her wings and get rid of that feeling of dread. Pay her respects to her father up in the north and then decide where to go from there. Avalon approached her daughter with a wag in her tail, but Charm expected that to change very soon as she started to talk and ask if everything was okay.

"I'm leaving Talis. Dragon told me to come see you before I left - and I also wanted to say goodbye to you properly." the words almost got caught in her throat. Charm watched her mother for her expression to change. Though for a moment she stepped forward and pressed her forehead into her mother. "I'll make sure to come visit. I'm sorry I was just so worried you'd be disappointed in me." she breathed carefully. Trying to keep herself from showing the fact that her muscles shivered under themselves.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-28-2017, 12:07 AM

She didn't expect to hear what she did just now. It was the first thing out of her daughter's mouth, so she was taken by surprise and at a loss of what to say. The surprise was evident in the way her eyes widened a bit, her tail stopped wagging as she stood there. She...her daughter was leaving? But why? did she not want to be here anymore? She had questions running around in her head now, and she wasn't quite sure where to start or if she even should. Was it that maybe she hadn't spent time with her like she wanted to after she retired from being an alpha? That plan had obviously backfired...and now Charm was leaving. She was too late now...

She looked down at the ground, sitting down when Charm touched her. She leaned down and almost seemed to curl around her daughter, saddened by the thought that this was goodbye. For a long moment, she said nothing as she merely held onto her. It felt like only yesterday, they were all helpless pups who depended on her and needed her. And now? They were yearlings. Ready to take on their own adventures and walk their own paths and go their own way. But her? She wasn't ready to let them go yet...she messed up with Lykos already. Held on too tightly--or maybe not tightly enough--and he had distanced himself. A rift had been created between them, and she had to admit that she hated it. And yet, she was afraid to go back and find him to tell him she was sorry. And Charm? While a rift wasn't there...she feared that maybe she had pushed her away enough that she felt she had to leave. "I...I could never be disappointed in you, sweetheart. I love you so much Charm, remember that." She gently licked her daughters head, not quite ready to say goodbye as she continued to hold her close.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



8 Years
03-05-2017, 10:07 PM

For all that it was worth Charm was glad her mother didn't hate her. In all honesty that was all she could ever ask for. All her life it had been a constant battle to feel wanted - while at first it hadn't been so important to her but the death of her father hit her like hail in a storm. It struck her hard and she hated how it had happened. When he died to soon and she blamed herself for not being able to heal him and protect him. She dug her paws into the ground and pressed her head into her mothers fur. She tried to hold back tears but they shook her to her very core. Charm breathed carefully but it came out into sobs. "I'm sorry." she breathed helplessly as she drank in her mothers scent. For a single moment she wanted to remain in Talis, but she knew her destiny lie elsewhere. Calling for her from the very bottoms of her heart. She let the tip of her tail flick. She said nothing of a word about her grief, all she really needed was this right now. Charm would never forget her mothers warm voice - her strong sense of responsibility.

"I'm going to become a healer you all will be proud of. I'll come visit and show you that I'm a master at what I chose to do. I'll be able to cure any disease, heal any wound. And you have to promise me, promise me you won't die before then!" She released her grip but stayed enveloped so she could lift her head and look at her mother. Her green eyes reddened by the tears that stunk them. "I love you mom, and you've always been a great mom. So don't ever doubt yourself, it doesn't matter what anyone says. I believe in you and don't think you could've done a better job at what you've done." she smiled through her tears and lifted a paw to wipe them away. Starting to feel herself calm down from it all. "I love you." she repeated gently.
