
Is There a Use?


07-28-2014, 10:26 PM

Valice was in deep thought, her hinds planted well onto the ground below her. Everything she knew was changing, morphing into something she didn't exactly mind yet found weird. The name had a good ring to it. "Regium," Valice would whisper, her delicate lids closing over the lanterns of green while a breeze would blow through the fluffy mane of hers. This was a new beginning, a second chance. Might the she wolf be able to get a high rank? Become someone important, rather than a wolf to nod to and then walk by without a single hello? Yes, the dame liked that idea. It was time she shed her pup-like behavior. She was no longer a year, nor two. Her time in this world would only grow shorter, and with that a craving for somebody to love and little babies to care for.

But no, Valice would shake her head to that thought. For now this did not matter. She could not be burdened with such things until she was an idol to others and a shoulder for Roman to lean on. This would take time, for sure, but with other wolves leaving the pack, it gave her a greater chance. Would Valice step up to the plate? Would she fight for it if she had to? The she wolf could not decide, and would then open her emerald green optics to see the terrain around her. Scents and sounds would reach her, crafting a world only acute senses could see. Would she find someone to talk to? Perhaps. Fate seemed to be on her side so far.



Your Speech


07-29-2014, 01:59 AM
Spring was nearing its end in Alacritia, singing its swan song with a welcoming cool breeze and an overflux of prey animals throughout the north. Even here at the devil's spout, Melody could smell the fear scent of a few different braver creatures. Amongst them all, the tri colored femme could pick out her own pack scent. Curiosity would bring her closer until she could finally make out the pelt of a female.

The girl was pale and snowy just like many others of Tortu- oh yes. Regium. A soft laugh would escape her throat as she drew closer. Perhaps the gods were trying to purify the wolves of Alacritia with alabaster pelts and brightly colored eyes. It wouldnt be such a shame, really. The ivory wolves were a beautiful race.

Her own multitoned pelt would stand out against the moist ground surrounding what would soon be a dormant geyser. It had quieted enough now to only appear as an inverted waterfall, yet she still wouldnt dare go near the center of the thing. No, instead she would approach the fellow packmember whom she had never met.

"Hello there, my name is Melody. Opti of Regium. What may I call you, friend?" She greeted the woman, using the standard inclination if her skull out of respect for the girls unknown rank and title. She felt poorly for not knowing the girls name, yet inside she was too exhausted to worry.


07-29-2014, 09:36 AM

The arctic-appearing female would turn her head to the sound of a voice, her green eyes viewing the wolf as a smile would appear on her maw. "Hello there, my name is Melody. Opti of Regium. What may I call you, friend?" Ah, a fellow pack member. This would be fantastic!

Allowing her muscular hinds to push her body gently off the ground, Valice would allow words to flow from her frosted maw. "Hello Melody! I am Valice, a simple civilian of the pack. It's great to meet you," The she wolf would tilt her crown to Melody in respect, eyes curiously engulfing the Opti's appearance and her nose would begin to explore the the scent. Hopefully this would be a great talk and the lonely she wolf would start to get friends? Yes, that would sound fantastic.



Your Speece



07-29-2014, 11:45 AM

He moved with a bounce in his step, tail up in the air and wagging. Head tilted left and right to the rhythm in his head, the dead snow hare in his jaws swinging with the movement. Salamander was out exploring, going beyond the comfortable warm areas he had been staying in to check out the snowy northern region. Was it just as interesting? He would soon find out, paws carrying him to a spot he had visited many seasons ago when he was just a youngin.

Just an hour in with nothing happening, the boy considered leaving and checking a new area. But voices would catch his attention, head lifted and wears swiveled around, trying to pinpoint a general direction they were coming from. There! With the hare still firmly in his jaws, the boy's lips could only curl up slightly in a grin. Quickly he would go from a walk to a steady jog, tail wagging calmly and violet gaze scanning his surroundings for the source of the voices.

There! Sal crouched low to the ground, attempting to hide behind a small bush. Sticking out like a sore thumb because of his dark pelt, and for the fact that the bush was only half his size. Ears forward he'd catch some of the conversation, but only the part about the white wolf being named Valice. Carefully the boy would take a small step back, then would toss his dead snow hare up into the air in the direction of the two wolves. "Check them out Fuzzy." He barked softly. Yeah, Salamander was not good at being sneaky.

"Talk" -
Think -

Awesome table by Briena <3


07-29-2014, 01:50 PM (This post was last modified: 07-29-2014, 01:57 PM by Melody.)
A soft smile would appear on her lips as she sat beside the ivory beauty. Ah, so she was correct in analyzing the girls scent. She was of Regium. The thought was comforting to know that after so long in the pack Melody was finally making friends with its members.

"Valice. What a beautiful name." She told the girl in honest tones. She loved names and how unique they were. It was easy enough to name a child after its parents, but to name a child to be the first of its name seemed to be a greater honor in her eyes. She wondered if Valice was first of her name, but pushed the thought to the back of her mind.

Instead she redirected her curiosities to the dame herself, aiming her hazels to lock onto the womans own emeralds. "How long have you been in Regium?" She asked kindly.

Suddenly the conversation was cut off when Melody had to dart to the side to dodge a flying hare. In her avoidance of the thing, the tri colored girl had to push against the side of her ivory packmate in an attempt to keep them both from harm.

The snowy white hare flopped lifelessly on the ground beside them and the girls eyes widened with disbelief. Had that thing just fallen dead from the sky? Her eyes were still narrowed in confusion when she heard a voice, male, speaking from a short distance away. "Check them out Fuzzy."

The fur along her spine would rise dangerously as she pinpointed the source; a dark pelted wolf with amethyst eyes peeking out from what was left of a shrub. Her eyes were ablaze as she rose from her spot and picked up the hare, tossing it back in his direction and praying it hit him in the face.

"He seems to have escaped from you even in death, my friend. Allow me to return him to you!" She lowered her crown and raised a paw in a mock curtsie before turning away from the male and returning to Valice.


07-29-2014, 02:12 PM

The pale colored female would continue smiling as she'd listen to Melody speak, ears perked to catch the vibrations that would escape the tri-colored maw. "Valice. What a beautiful name." Lowering her head in shyness and acceptance of the comment, the dame would look to Melody to thank her for the comment. "Thank you! Melody is quite an intriguing name. Like a song: beautiful." With that, Valice would also hear a question directed towards her. "How long have you been in Regium?" Snow white lids would blink a few times before she would sigh and look over to a nearby bush. "What in the world?" Turning her attention back to Melody, Valice would speak. "I joined about a year ago, right when I had turned two years. Of course, the plague happened to go on and when I got infected, I left to keep the pack safe and thankfully someone got me help when a cure was found. I returned just recently, in fact, right when Roman announced news of the siege. It is great to be back," her voice would be cut off near the end as a hare would be sent their way. She'd stumble a bit, feeling her friend's body be pushed against her to be protected, her head turning to her in appreciative shock. "What in hell's name?" Valice would think before a voice would be heard.

"Check them out Fuzzy." Valice would step from Melody, her pillars taking a few steps to the voice. No sooner than that, emerald eyes would watch the hare be returned to the strange wolf via air and would giggle to the curtsy, head tilting in a gentle way. "Hello, could you please step out from the bush?" her gentle voice would escape the jaws of the curious female, eyes looking in the direction of this strange wolf. "We won't hurt you, right?" Valice would turn her head to Melody in a worried, questioning way.



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