
I'm not gonna write you a love song



2 Years
07-28-2014, 03:07 PM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2014, 03:07 PM by Ainsel.)

The teen had went away from what had been Covari lands, to clear her mind. Of course, it didn't work as well as she wanted it to. In fact, it didn't work at all. All she could think about was Solo, and poor Arisu.....And if he even cared. Right now, it seemed that he didn't. It seemed that her family was falling apart in front of her eyes. It wasn't, of course, but it sure felt like it to Hestia. It was Solo who had left, and he would visit soon....Hopefully. The black and white female knew that she would probably have no wolf to call her prince, or her king. But that wasn't so bad, was it? If you were a strong female, who needed no protecting. Which obviously was not the case for Solo's princess. To Hestia, the wolf that had stole her brother's heart was nothing but a brother stealing coward. But she would not start a fight, because the pack had alliances. Solo and his princess was an example of that. When Hestia found the wall, she paused and stared up at it, hoping that she could see the view if she managed to climb all the way to the top. It didn't seem that hard, despite the crumbling rocks and large height. With a low growl, and all scars aside, Hestia began to struggle up the rocks, her ebony chest heaving with the effort of climbing up the rock. But, somehow, she knew the view would be worth it. It had to be worth it.

After a few moments, the teen stopped, glancing down with narrowed blue eyes.....And found that it was taking longer than she had expected. With a low sigh, she moved closer to the edge, hoping to see a view. There was nothing to see, so Hestia struggled closer to the top, until she could finally see a great view. She stared into the distance for a while, unsure of how much time passed as she stayed there, unsure of how much time passed as he stayed there, unmoving, like a statue. At least, she didn't know until the sun set cast the land in orange and gold. And then the view was better than before. The teen stood for a few moments longer, then turned to leave. That's when it happened. That's when she slipped. With a huge scraping noise, Hestia's back end fell, leaving her clinging to the edge with her front paws. Fear was obvious in her blue eyes, as her paws slowly began to get tired. Everything seemed to go in slow motion, as Hestia felt herself fall a few feet to the ground. She laid there, unsure if she was okay. She was unscarred, luckily, but she was mostly more stunned than anything. Shaking her head, the black and white female got to her paws, sending a glare at the wall. "Stupid wall." She muttered, then cast her blue gaze to the creature moving closer, her eyes icy and piercing.

"And who are you?"



07-28-2014, 04:42 PM

He had heard strange things and he simply had to investigate what was happened towards the icy wall. He heard a fae exclaim about a wall being stupid and he grinned. He headed towards her and she appeared to see him since she called out a demand for identification. He stopped and dipped his head. "I'm Octavius Rook Amend but you can call me Rook or Octavius or whatever really." He proposed, loud enough for her to hear, to her as he hesitantly took a step back. "Permission to approach ma'am?" He asked her with a small frown. He had seen her fall and was concerned as he felt he should be. It was only the honorable thing to do to make sure that she was alright. If she was injured then he could go seek medical help or stay with her until she felt better. It was simply his personality taking control over his body once more.

His smoky gunmetal fur was caught slightly by the wind and it ruffled it slightly but he did not waver despite the biting cold winds that the north produced. He was curious as to why she was alone. She certainly was a looker in his eyes. He took a calming breathe as he formed a small smile. He hoped he could be of service to her in some way. His dull yellow eyes held kindness in them as he awaited permission to approach or a request to leave. He'd refuse to leave of course and he'd approach anyways, but he felt he needed to ask for permission before he did head towards the dark colored femme.



2 Years
08-05-2014, 01:22 PM

At the male calling himself Octavius Rook, Hestia nodded and waited for his next comment, hoping that he wouldn't notice the thin, pale gray and pink place where her scar was, the fur just beginning to grow back. When he asked if he could come closer, the black sheep sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I guess." Finally remembering her manners when meeting a stranger, she dipped her head. "Hestia Sovari, the only black and white wolf in my family." She was rare, in a way. And if her red siblings didn't realize that......well, she didn't know. With a small grin as she moved closer, listening to him ask her if she was alright, she nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. I've fought with coyotes before, and a little fall into snow isn't gonna hurt me." She smiled again, and sat down next to Rook. "Nice to meet you, Rook." She said softly. She glanced at his dull golden eyes, and had to bite back the comment. His eyes are really pretty. So is his fur color. She shook her head, breaking the awkward silence now that she was thinking about his fur color.

"So, that sunset's pretty, right?" A glance at the male next to her made her smile a little. "So, do you have any family here? I have four other siblings, three younger than me. Fiamette, the oldest, is mother's favorite. She's red and black, like mom is. Then there's Solo, but he left to live with his princess. Arisu is my younger sister, the only russet one. She's a good friend. And Vivek is the one who looks most like mother. I've been told that I look like my grandmother, except for my white markings and blue eyes." A small chuckle came from Hestia as she continued to speak. "It's awful to see how we treat each other. Fia is mean to everyone, and everyone except Arisu and Vivek pick on me. It was worse when we were younger. I guess we've grown more mature as we got older."

While that was the most she said to another wolf, something about Rook made her want to talk even more. She wasn't entirely sure what it was. At least, not yet.
