
Not Too Hard, Please

Finch I


4 Years

02-25-2017, 12:46 PM

She knew it had been a mistake to come the moment that her fathers angry howl was tossed into the sky. Flinching where she stood at Storm's side, she watched the pale man with a wary gaze. She knew that he was getting tired, but he had been more and more on edge lately. Swallowing hard she thought about sneaking away, but then who wandered in next nearly took her breath away. Lark and Lillie came in together, both stinking of each other. Her baby blue eyes grew wide as her brother came back to sit at her side, quickly turning her head in his direction. She didn't miss the scent of the woman's heat, and opened her mouth to comment on it. But when she caught Bass and everyone's stares directed at the brown man, she fell silent. He had been kind when she had introduced Tib to him, so she would show him the same. Digging her nose behind his ear, she places a swift kiss there.

Turning towards Bass when he spoke, she groaned softly when she was paired up with someone. She hated fighting, but knew that there was no sense in arguing. Besides, the numbers seemed to be perfect right now. Once her partner was named, she glanced around at the see of faces. She hadn't met this woman before, and guessed that she was the bright red one with long fur on the top of her head. Fixing Lark with a sympathetic gaze, she gave him one more kiss on his ear before rising to her paws. "Come talk to me later if you want," she whispered to her litter mate, turning to nuzzle Storm's shoulder before she trotted over to her training partner.

When she reached the other woman, her blue gaze inspected her silently. She looked rather fierce, even more so when compared to her gentle demenor. Taking a deep breath, she dipped her head in greeting as Civetta landed between her shoulders. The small bird gave a chip of greeting before nuzzling down into her fur. "I'm Finch, and I elect you as captain." She said with a firm nod. There was no way she was taking charge, hopefully her father wouldn't come by to switch them.



03-02-2017, 10:28 AM
At the bump Pyrr turned her attention to the older female, her fiery gaze dancing with excitement. “A few. Though none quite big enough to suit me I’m afraid.” She grinned, for it were true; with her larger size it took larger meals to satisfy her and birds, while they were tasty, could be more effort than was reasonable when you had to catch more than one. Though that one she caught in the range was rather tasty… and she wouldn’t mind getting to eat their kind again. They didn’t seem to have much in the way of brains either, luckily.

Pyrr waited once Bass spoke, looking around in confusion at the faces she didn’t know. Luckily the other female, Finch, came up to her instead and elected her captain. She let out a little laugh seeing the gentle femme, though there was nothing ill about it. “Me, captain? If you wish it~” Her words were playful, relaxed, and hopefully that might help the other femme relax some too. She might have been big, and scared, but she could be gentle too.

She started away from the others, tail swishing back back and forth as she spoke to Finch once more. “Alright, don’t take this the wrong way miss, but where do you currently stand in what you know about fighting? Do you need a refresher course on anything or should we just get into it?” Once she was sure they were a comfortable distance away from the others Pyrrhus stopped, turning to face her opponent head on. This was going to be interesting to say the least.

Finch I


4 Years

03-07-2017, 12:45 PM

Her ears twitched slightly when the younger female seemed to chuckle at her electing the other as captian. Honestly she didn't like fighting, but when she did want to learn it was her brother that had taught her. Gently she shook herself, tossing the little finch off her back. Civetta let out a thrill before fluttering to a nearby tree, eager to watch the training take place. Finch turned her gaze into the red woman's direction, a small smile on her inky lips. There was a playfulness to her tone that she envied, and ease with this sort of thing that she wished that she had. But even at her age she was a gentle wolf, violence was far from her thing.

Watching as Pyrrhus backed up slightly, her head canted to one side as she asked about where she was on the experience scale. Her grin grew at that, a small chuckle pushing out of her throat. "I know my way around the basics and how to defend myself. Do you really think my father would have let me get out of trainings growing up?" She asked in a casual manner, looking over her shoulder to peek at the white alpha now. She needed to talk to him, it would seem that his moods were only getting worse. Sighing, she looked back at the mop haired woman, planting her paws where she stood. "So, how are we going to do this then?" Finch questioned, a single brow raising.



03-29-2017, 01:34 PM
Pyrrhus gave an approving nod as Finch spoke, the grin upon her features widening as she let out a delighted laugh “Ahh grand then! Seems that we’re going to do just fine together then, hmm?” She was still reading her opponent’s body language with her bright, fiery eyes, and she gave a small nod as she assessed the situation. The one before her was not as eager about battle as she was, that was for certain. But perhaps that might be a good thing. Sometimes Pyrr forgot all about the simpler things within life. For her living and breathing battle was ideal, but not always the most realistic.

Pyrrhus took a deep breath, debating about taking the first move and going at the other femme to test her skills… but that wasn’t appropriate for this spar. She canted her own head to the side slightly, throwing up her defenses. She widened her stance, claws biting into the soil as ears flicked back and eyes narrowed. Her tail flagged out behind her body like a banner, ready to aid in balance. But despite the readiness in her form she didn’t launch the first attack.

“You can make the first attack, Finch. I’ll base my own movements off your own.” In other words, the fight would only be as hard as Finch wanted to make it.

Pyrrhus vs Finch for Spar
Round 0 / 2 ?
Height:: 45"
Build:: Heavy