
Do You Wanna Play?


07-29-2014, 05:47 PM

Faun missed their little tropical island, but this new home was wonderful too. As she grew bigger she was allowed to explore more and more, sometimes straying almost ten feet beyond the den entrance alone! Needless to say, the little ball of snow wasn't exactly the type to push her boundaries. She never wished to disappoint her parents, so she never disobeyed them. That was how it worked for her. Still, she always felt a little curious about what else was out there.

Today, the babe was playing just outside the den, watching the tiny ants that crawled through the dirt. Her mismatched eyes narrowed as she stared at the little insects. She loved the wonders of nature and wasn't afraid to get her paws dirty, as long as she restored her fur to its beautiful white color soon after. She giggled lightly as one of the ants found her paw and began to climb. Faun lifted that foot and pulled it closer so she could watch the ant move its little legs. "Hello," she greeted, a smile in her voice. She lifted her posture and puffed out her chest, putting on an air of mock sophistication as she introduced herself to the insect. "My name is Viridian Black. What's yours?"

Then she found herself laughing uncontrollably, because of course ants couldn't talk. Life was as perfect as it had always been for the babe. The ant seemed to like her, too, because then it traveled from her paw to her nose and paused there. Faun would feel her eyes cross as she followed its movement. The little antennae were tickling her nose, however, and to her horror she began to feel a sneeze coming on.




2 Years
07-29-2014, 06:00 PM

Crucifix was dying to meet his little family members. Between setting up ranks, scouting out new lands and organising training he had barely had a moment to until now. He would make his way to his sisters den with a spring in his step. Before he was fully there however he would come across the sight of the little silver child sitting on the grass. He would pause to watch her, she seemed to be talking to someone before she found herself laughing. When she sat still he realised there where little black dots against her nose and before he knew it her was laughing to. He moved into view then as he watched the merry figure of his niece. ?Hey little Faun, do you know who I am?? he asked cheerily, he wasn't certain how much she had taken in at the meeting and before then the last time he had seen her her tiny little form had still had its eyes closed, he felt an odd blissful sort of pride at the memory.

The Cross Marked boy moved closer until he was seated across from the young girl. He found his eyes straying to the beautiful little cross adorning her shoulder. She truly was kin of his, and it was strange how that mark always bore true. With that thought came another and he found himself wondering if she was named after the Black family, or Alpines. Surely Twig would have won that, she had pride in her lineage.



07-30-2014, 09:41 AM

The tickling in her nose grew until she finally sneezed the ant away. As soon as the burst of air left her lungs, she drew it back in with a gasp. Her eyes squinted as she searched for the little insect. But it was nowhere to be found, and she let a small whine escape her throat. But then she was presented with a new distraction as a large adult male stepped into her presence. She quickly recognized him as her Uncle Crucifix, and a grin overtook her happy little face. Hey little Faun, do you know who I am?

His voice was low and friendly, and she felt her rump wiggle into the dirt as she wagged her tail. "Of course I know you!" Faun replied, laughing as she leapt up and embraced him. But from her height, all she could to was hug his lower legs. "How are you, Uncle Crucifix?"

The last time she had seen the man, he had dissolved into a giant crowd of other wolves. But she still knew who he was. He bore the same cross on his shoulder, representing him as part of the Black family. Faun stepped back a bit and gave him room, suddenly remembering who else he was. Crucifix was alpha. He needed to be given respect. So little Faun dipped her body into a bow, showing her maturity in the respectful gesture.




2 Years
07-30-2014, 05:48 PM

The little girl would let out a giant sneeze and he would hold back a laugh as she began to search for her little ant friend. The moment she noticed her Uncle she seemed to grow new life and would wiggle with the impact of wagging her tail heavily behind her. She remembered who he was from the meeting it seemed and called out his name and relation to her. She would move then to embrace him and he would laugh now and pull her in to an embrace with a fore paw. She was still so tiny! But already she looked like a miniature Twig, the sister he would give the world to.

He got a chance to get a proper look at her now and realised she had multicoloured eyes, one to match Alpine and the other to Twig. She did however have his sisters face markings and of course the family cross. As he was examining her the little girl moved back and gave him a bow fit for a king. He would love and gently swat a paw at her. ?Where family first, little one!? he told her. He would never have Twig bow to her, why would he want the same for her children? ?Actually little Faun, your a Princess here! Your mum and Uncle both are leaders here? he would tell her then, before moving on to more serious matters. ?Have you seen the Lake at the end of the territory yet??


08-11-2014, 01:35 PM

The babe would lower her head gracefully as she bowed to the alpha, when suddenly a large paw would swipe in her direction. Faun would duck her head further and give a small yelp, laughing as she pounced toward her uncle once more. Her small body would dive at his foot, pinning it down as if it were prey. All the while her laughter would ring in the air. We're family first, little one! Crucifix would tell her, and she would stop attacking his paw for a moment to grin happily at the fact. She had such a perfect and wonderful family. Already she felt such love and devotion for them... the girl would rather have given her young life than see something bad happen to them.

Bicolored eyes would widen at his next words, however. Faun was a princess? Oh, that wouldn't do. Not at all. She shook her head in a distracted way as she imagined herself being a leader someday. Of course, the babe was compassionate and wise (even in her youth) and these qualities made for a good leader. But leaders often had to fight for the freedom of others, and while she wouldn't hesitate to make such a sacrifice... well, the little lady wasn't exactly a fighter. She felt sad even hurting an ant. Faun didn't deserve to be a princess, all pampered and proper. But if it was the life she was born into, then it was the life she would lead. And she would lead it well.

Faun blinked and stared up at her alpha, smile growing as she worked these things out in her mind. "I haven't explored much yet. My parents don't like us to wander too far." The pup would say this with a sharp nod, her voice quite authoritative as she spoke. She wanted Crucifix to know that she never disobeyed her parents. She wouldn't even dream of it. Her love for them was stronger than her curiosity. But now that the door was being opened... "But I would love to see it, Uncle Crucifix. Can we go? Please?"




2 Years
08-11-2014, 08:26 PM

In the eager playfulness of a pup the little girl would yelp and chase after the movement of his paw, pouncing it as it returned to the ground and holding it capture beneath her tiny, petite frame. The Alpha boy would laugh and protend to cry out in horror at her successful capture of his paw. She would stop and look up at him as he spoke of family and he would smile fondly down at the little girl. She resembled Twig in so many ways and the boy knew already with no doubt that he would protect this form as furiously as he had Twigs, and he would always love this newest little family member of his.

She would then explain that she wasn't allowed far from the den, which Cru understood at their young age. The way she spoke of his sister as her mother and nodded so gravely at their words melted any hardness that might ever have been on his heart. She would then speak up asking if she could, all eager and ready and so polite in her asking. Unable to help himself Cru would gentle kiss her forehead. ?Thats why I mentioned it Little Faun, I would love to show it to you? he told her, looking a moment longer at her tiny tiny form, would she walk all the way there? Then again, he supposed, she had walked a fair distance from the island so perhaps she could manage it.



08-12-2014, 08:19 AM

The little princess would feel a swell of excitement in her heart as she imagined what the lake would be like. She couldn't wait to explore it herself, searching its shores for treasures and swimming in its depths. This would be another fantastic day. Viridian would let out a giggle as her uncle placed a kiss upon her forehead. As he pulled away, she would stretch up on her toes and give him a kiss in return. Her small tongue would brush his chin lightly, being the only thing she could still reach. She pressed her nose to his briefly and giggled once more as he explained his intentions. They were going to the lake.

"Hooray!" she cheered, skipping a few feet away. "Let's go, Uncle Crucifix! Let's go!" Her tiny white form was practically trembling with curiosity as she bounced off into the woods. She knew the man would follow and eventually take the lead. The babe didn't know where she was going, after all. But she ran ahead nonetheless, showing her obvious excitement. "Is the lake safe? Can I swim when we get there?"

Faun had already experimented with water, and she loved it to death. The pup had swam many times with her mother, in the soothing ocean waves by their temporary island home. She felt a short pang of sadness as she thought about that island. The white sandy beaches and the smell of exotic flowers. Her own little tropical paradise. Hopefully Faun could return someday. But for now, her smile returned and she awaited instructions from the alpha as they headed for the lake together.




2 Years
08-12-2014, 08:27 PM

In response to his gesture his little neice would reach up and plant a kidd on his chin. He found himself looking down directly into her bright eyes and seeing pieces of both her parents there. He chuckled softly at the little girl, nudging his nose against her as she made the gesture. The moment would then be over as she danced off, calling out for them to go. He would start after her, until he was right beside her and then he was leading the way to the lake. He watched her for a moment, ensuring she could match the easy pace he set. ?You can swim, but dont swim too far out, its connected to Lucidel territory on the other side? he would explain to her.

The walk to the lake wasn't far from where they had been and soon they would be breaking out of the woods and into the open of the lake that bordered his territory. He would move to the edges and stick his feet into the water. It was warmed from the sun and the surface was pleasant to the touch. He smiled down at the girl before said. ?Race you to that tree!? and plunging into the water. 'that tree' was a small growth part way out into the water, where it just started to get deep for Cru. He would pad out slowly, keeping an eye on the girl in case she needed help.
"My sounds""My Soul"


08-21-2014, 11:53 AM

Faun smiled as her uncle set a comfortable pace, and she followed easily. Her snowy feet disturbed the bright green grasses as she walked, her fur collecting the dew that waited there. It was a beautiful day already, one of many to come, and the babe was very happy. But when had that smile ever left her face?

Soon they would come to the lake Crucifix had spoken of, and bicolored eyes would sparkle once more as Faun took it in. The sun danced on tender waves, its rays breaking and piercing her eyes. Her small teeth glistened as her smile grew into a grin. She trailed after the alpha as he came to the shore and placed his feet in the water. Little Viridian did the same, and she sighed as the coolness wrapped around her paws. "It's nice," she said simply.

"You can swim, but don't swim too far out, it's connected to Ludicael territory on the other side," The girl would feel her head lean to one side in confusion. Her brow furrowed as she asked "Ludicael? What is that, another pack?" and looked up at her uncle. The pup was only just beginning to fully grasp the concept of pack life, having been born on a solitary island. The idea of another pack so close to their own was even more confusing.

Maybe Crucifix answered and maybe he didn't, but before the pup could say another word he was diving into the lake. He called out to his niece, challenging her to a race. "You're on!" she yelped playfully, giggling as she jumped in after him. Immediately her body felt cool and refreshed, almost rejuvenated by the water all around her. She felt a bit of adrenaline in her tiny veins as she paddled along behind Crucifix, bobbing up and down in his wake. And all the while, she was laughing.




2 Years
08-23-2014, 06:07 PM

He would mention the pack that lay upon their other borders and he would smile with the girls question. ?It is another pack, yes? he would agree, although he didn't know a great deal about its leaders and wolves, it was something he would have to correct soon considering they where sharing a border. He would dive into the water, challenging little Faun and she was quick to jump in onto the game. He would grin as he heard the splash of her little body entering the water, but he was already on his way, paddling at a light speed and occasionally looking over his shoulder with an exaggerated worried expression. He would ensure he didn't get too far ahead and thinking of a way to allow her to catch up he pretended to trip in the water, that was still shallow enough for his paws to touch the ground. He flailed a moment to give her a bigger boost before continuing on to the tree he had pointed out to the other.
