
Fly away birdie



11 Years
Dragon Mod
02-25-2017, 02:57 PM

A handful of wolves showed up, though not as many as there used to be. Quak obviously hadn't shown, but that was expected. She wasn't a fighter to begin with, and she hated the thought of fighting. When Bass paired them up, he peered over at Sparrow for a moment before standing and moving off to a spot where they could get down to business. He flicked his tail, motioning for her to follow as he stood and waited. He was older, more experienced. So he figured he might be the captain in this round, but he wouldn't deny it to her if she wanted to be it. It could be an opportunity for her to learn.


Sparrow I


7 Years
02-28-2017, 06:16 PM
Sparrow tried to huff away the anger that flooded over her at Lillianna's appearance. Disgusting. Lark could act all high and mighty about the pack staying together, but when it came down to it, he didn't want to be alpha, didn't want Raba to be alpha, didn't want his family to leave, but wanted to skip a meeting to get the most low-life tail Sparrow could think of.

Maybe that was a bit overboard... Lark was trying to do the right thing too, right? They were all lost still, right?

That wasn't a good excuse.

Lillianna was Starling's sloppy seconds, wasn't she?

Sparrow shook herself. Whatever, what did she care? She and Lark didn't even talk. They were hardly friends and barely siblings. They were still siblings. They shared blood. They both were more or less left by their mother. She still loved him, but why was he like this?

She didn't care.

It still bothered her.

Skank. Being so obvious, coming into the pack meeting and showing off how much they stank of each other.


Not to mention her father probably never even asked about her involvement with the pack. He probably didn't bat an eye that she poofed for however long- bless those days- but still gave Sparrow that sad look when she came back to the pack after her adventures.

Hypocrites. All of them.

Drop it. She needed to drop it.

Another huff and shake.

Okay, she was ready.

Sparrow approached Kakashi and dipped her head, offering a genuine smile. Her qualms were not with Kakashi. They were here to train.

"I- uh- don't know your fighting skill, but I think you have more experience than me so..." The girl hesitated. She didn't want to make Kakashi captain if he didn't want to be.

"Would you mind being captain? If so, it's fine, I just can't promise I have a whole lot to teach you."



11 Years
Dragon Mod
03-05-2017, 08:11 PM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2017, 08:12 PM by Kakashi.)

Sparrow came over, albeit looking a bit ruffled. But he knew she had been for some time, though over what he had no clue. He never questioned it though. He never really questioned anything or anyone when they walked around pack lands looking prickly or the like. He didn't know them well enough, everyone was just acquaintances to him. Maybe someday he'd fix it, but who'd wanna be friends with an old man? Anyway, she smiled at him when she came to him, and he looked at her for a moment as she spoke. He shrugged his shoulders a bit when she mentioned his having more experience, "I'd be lying if I said that wasn't true. Alright, I'll be captain this round and let's see if I can't teach you a thing or two." He smirked lightly, playfully at her almost as if to see if his demeanor could get her into a better mood.

He moved away from her, backing up to give them at least 5 feet of distance between them. Shifting his position, he widened his stance so his legs were equidistant apart. He lowered his head and tail so they were in a straight line with his spine, ears pinned to his head and hackles raise to show he was preparing himself. "I'll go first to get things started. I won't be too rough, and I'll give you pointers afterward if you'd like." It was an offer that she could either accept or refuse. He wouldn't mind teaching her after this if she wanted to learn more. This seemed to be a more hands on approach, which in his opinion, was a better way to learn. Splaying his toes and digging his claws into the dirt, he narrowed his eyes and slightly bared his fangs. Chin tucked towards his throat for protection. Finally, he'd coil his hind limbs in a preparation to launch himself forward.

Kakashi gave Sparrow a few seconds to prepare himself before moving forward. He sought a head on approach, attempting to close the distance between them as he aimed to barrel his chest into hers in an effort to maybe bruise her and get her to stagger back. Simultaneously, jaws opened as he arched his neck slightly, jaws tilting just a bit to his left as he aimed to bite her scruff and attain a grip. It was odd fighting someone who was more than a foot smaller than him. And it would be an interesting fight indeed. As he sought this, he would bring his right foreleg to try and drape across her left shoulder, an effort to try and further push her into his bite.

Kakashi vs Sparrow for SPAR
round 1/2
height: 39"
build: medium


Sparrow I


7 Years
03-12-2017, 08:49 PM
Sparrow nodded as the older man spoke. He did have more experience than her. She would have to try hard to even stand a chance against him.

She knew her defenses at least somewhat. Sparrow tucked her chin to protect her neck, folding her ears back to keep them from being ripped. She rolled her shoulders to pull the extra skin over her lower neck. Her head lowered and her tail flagged out for balance. Her hackles rose along her back for more protection. Her eyes narrowed and her nose wrinkled to deflect attacks away from her eyes and face while allowing her teeth to be ready for attack. What else? Agility! The small girl bent her knees slightly and splayed her toes, burying her nails into the ground for better agility and traction.

Was that enough? Maybe that was enough.

Kakashi came at her, and Sparrow reciprocated, attempting to also close the distance between them. He rammed his chest into hers. It hurt and would probably bruise moderately later, but Sparrow used the momentum, reared up, shifting her weight to her back legs and spreading her back legs for balance. His jaws closed around the side of her neck, gripping the extra skin she had rolled there. His right foreclaws scraped down her left side as she reared up, causing minor scrapes to her skin that would do little more than welt later.

Sparrow tried to grip the older man's head by draping her forepaws around his neck. She tilted her head and aimed to bite down and grip on Kakashi's left cheek. She wasn't sure what else she could do, but she was trying at least.

Kakashi vs Sparrow for SPAR
round 1/2