
Danger, Danger


03-02-2017, 10:29 AM
The she-wolf was resting, her single orb closed as her son scurried around the dirt at her paws. Tiny was still full of energy as ever, despite being older now. It brightened Akemi’s heart to see the little pygmy jerboa running about, to her his little squeaks of laughter. What remained of her ears twitched slightly upon her head as the femme kept eyes closed, a low sigh leaving her lips as she dreamed. Her dreams were not always full of the most pleasant things, but at least after reuniting with Ravine the femme had the hope of a brighter future once more. They were going to be going to Lirim soon, to join the pack there… if the alphess would still have them. Almost blissfully unaware the female slept on, unaware that danger lurked perilously close to both her son and herself.



4 Years
03-05-2017, 02:33 PM
OOC: not the best in the world, but...

There was a need to travel, to get out of the icy ship that she and Lucifer shared in the north, but not to be rid of the male. She wanted to see what her newest companion was capable of. The little wolverine baby was quickly growing on her, as the first true gift from Lucifer, the girl had earned a place of warmth in the otherwise cold woman's heart. Though the lightly colored beast was young, she had already shown Vianni what manner of spirit she had. There were small, healing scabs all over her ash-black toes from Solara's attempts at play. For the monochrome monster, it was something new to get used to. More changes. Corvus had never drawn blood from her in their play, and while Vianni missed her bird-son, Solara was enough of a paw-full to keep Vianni's mind on curbing the roughness of her new companion.

After nudging Lucifer awake, Vianni announced that she would be taking Solara out to teach her how to hunt. Telling her mate that she wanted to be the only one present for such lessons to avoid confusing orders from the more dominant Lucifer, she knew that he would most likely follow along anyway. He seemed...crestfallen as of late, but there was a massive difference after he found Solara for her. Perhaps, it had been guilt that drove his actions, or maybe the fact she had shown something of a soft side to him. Vianni had been ripped apart, having to give Corvus to another had shattered her, but Noctus would have killed him - whether it on purpose or accident, she didn't care. The vulnerability had allowed her to seek comfort rather than fight her mate, and something in him shifted as a result. For a while she had thought she broke him, but he was coming back to himself.

He seemed not to like her going far from where they denned, but Vianni needed a very long walk to work the growing tension from her limbs. Operating under the assumption that Lucifer and Noctus followed not far behind, she made her way southwest, Solara hurrying to keep pace at her heels. Not long after the weather began to get hot, Vianni quickly remembers why she decided to live in the northern part of Boreas. Still, there was more prey down here and she knew there was a better shot at Solara making a kill than not. It wasn't very long before she heard the tiny squeaks of some kind of rodent, something that wolverines were known for killing. Slowing her pace, Vianni watches as Solara's ears perk upon hearing the sound. The young beast opened her mouth to speak, and Vianni quickly gave a look that was a clear don't speak signal. She motioned the girl forward, moving behind her in case there were predators nearby. Her sharp, dusty pink eyes noticed the jerboa and the sleeping wolf not far away. Nipping Solara on the shoulder, Vianni motioned for her to be still and watched for a moment.

They stayed silent, the winds were thankfully still, perhaps they would escape the notice of the sleeping lupine. Solara continued to creep forward, before she pounced at the tiny creature who was playing not far away from the smaller wolf. There was commotion, but Vianni was ready to defend her new charge with her life if the need was present. She watched with interest as Solara made her first attempt at a hunt, she had never imagined the girl to be so fearless. Maybe this would be successful and the wolf wouldn't wake up, though it was unlikely. Instead, Vianni waits for the wolf to wake and find the wolverine attacking the mouse-like creature, and was ready to spring when she needed.
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.