
I got you babe

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
03-04-2017, 12:07 AM (This post was last modified: 03-07-2017, 02:34 PM by Lucifer I.)
He had left early in the morning hours, before Vi had awakened. He left no scent trails for her to follow since she wouldn't be left alone for long. That had been the plan anyway. He had ended up going on a run and loosening up his muscles. It had taken him to the shores once more and he had ended up finding what he now clutched in his fangs by the scruff. Vi would be either less than thrilled or she might truly love this one. He has no use for it since he had Noctus but perhaps this one would be able to play with Noctus the way the boy needed.

He entered their now seemingly shared room and glanced towards Noctus, who slept at Vianni's stomach. She seemed to dote on him after giving away Corvus and that was fine by him, except now she would need to do so less.

In his jaws was the scruff of a blue eyed, lightly colored wolverine cub. It slept after its long walk with Lucifer, but he knew it would need to awaken soon. The sun was kissing the horizon now and painting the sky with pinks and oranges. He moved in like he owned the place, his mind cleared this morning during his run. He had sorted through his feelings now and he had decided how he would deal with them. He would show her only harsh love in the eyes of others, but behind closed doors he would indeed allow her to teach him to be gentle.

He crossed the room and leaped into the bed. He was gentle with placing the wolverine cub next to Vianni's cheek. She would understand when she woke to it. He curled around her then and pulled Noctus to be between his forelegs before laying his head over him, like a teddy bear.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
03-05-2017, 04:26 PM
She had become aware of the cold that was created when Lucifer left her side, but she knew he wouldn't be gone long. He never was when he left her, just as she was careful never to keep herself parted from him for too long. Pulling Noctus to her and curling around her gave some comfort, and she was able to doze back to sleep.

The sun was just beginning to lighten the horizon when he returned, though Vianni somehow managed to sleep through the pickling awareness that came with his presence, she did feel the room seem to shift. Feeling an odd pressure on her cheek, Vianni gives a cranky warning growl and a twitch of her lip before fully waking. Dusty pink eyes pop open as she smells a female version of Noctus, and they find the wide-eyed creature at her cheek. As Lucifer curls around them and picks up his pet, Vianni looks between him and the small creature he has laid before her.

Surprise clashed heavily with anger, but the thing that outweighed them both was unable to be named as she stared down at the little wolverine. The creature's blue eyes returned her gaze, and Vianni saw something within that resonated in her soul. "You need a name, I suppose. Solara, for the sun in your pelt. Sound alright?" The newly named Solara nodded her head rapidly with excitement. Bold little thing she was, the girl showed no fear.

Looking to her mate, she smiled. "Where did the inspiration to get her come from, love? Where ever it came from, thank you!" Reaching over her shoulder, Vianni licks Lucifer's cheek with a happy fervor. Her tail thumped against the bed and she smiled, truly content for the first time since Corvus had to be sent away.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
03-07-2017, 01:32 PM
Vianni's first reaction brought a growl of his own. He did not just go through the trouble of bringing the brat to her for her to eat it. His blood red gaze caught hers and the warning was there. It was an unspoken understanding between them that while she may be the only queen he would take he was not above ripping her to shreds. Nor was he above making her unable to walk without pain once more. He was the king here and the dominant between them. She held no candle to his power, had he not held back in the claiming fight she would be dead now and his new throw rug.

As soon as she settled he did as well. His one growl should be enough to tell her he was back to being himself and her antics would no longer fly. Her name of Solara for the girl had him scoffing. Matching his name for Noctus then? A brow lifted at that and his head lifted. Was she trying to play it cutesy with the pets? Whatever the case it didn't matter. Vianni next looked to him and asked him where he had dragged the girl from and he gave a smirk. He gave Noctus a nudge before speaking to the boy. "Noctus go and take Solara with you, show her our territory and teach her your secret passageways." only when the boy jumped um and gave a bark of yes boss to him and moved to Solara did Lucifer sit up. He watched as the boy aimed to nudge Solara with him and then disappeared out of the room. Once he was certain both were out of hearing range he looked to vi.

His eyes held their new light for her, the hidden rage cloaked with a softer look for her. "I found her mother forcing her from the den. She is young enough to forget that by my fangs did such a female die. It was likely the odd coloring of her that made the female not want her. Solara already knows I am the king here and while she may be yours any and all commands I give are to be obeyed. Just as Noctus knows he is to obey you but me above you." his eyes then moved to the doorway and a smirk grew on his face. It had been quite some time now since he asserted himself over vi and now was also a good time. His eyes moved back to her with a devilish grin on his face that lit up his eyes. His lips twitched, giving her small glimpses of his fangs as he gave a low rumbling growl.

He was fast with his decision, though first he spoke to put her more at ease. "At least this pet Noctus can't kill easily and can play just as rough as he can." as soon as the words ended did his teeth snap. His aim for her scruff, aiming to pin her head to the ground by it. His chest heaved with a dark laugh. He aimed to be standing over her then with his direction the same as hers.



4 Years
03-07-2017, 05:18 PM
The woman was suspicious at her mate's smirk, but said nothing, even as he ordered Noctus and Solara to leave them. The younger wolverine looked at Noctus once he moved and came toward her. When he reached for her, Solara gave a low, hissing growl and stood up herself. "Do not be so nervous, Noctus won't hurt you." Vianni said the encouraging words and they seemed to work like magic, the young wolverine got to her feet and toddled off behind Noctus. "Play snow! Play snow!" The girl shrieked joyfully at the boy as they left, and Vianni found herself charmed beyond reason by the lightly colored wolverine. Once both pets were out of sight and earshot, Vianni watched her mate as he turned to look at her.

There was something new in his eyes, something that seemed to be trying to drown out the perpetual rage he carried. She could see something akin to tenderness forming, and the thought had both her spirits and her heart soaring. His deep, smokey voice gave Solara's story and Vianni didn't miss the similarities in the girl's story and how Corvus came to be with her. "It is common, I think. Look at you, rescuing wildlife. I am officially impressed, love." She gave a small wave of her tail, and a smile formed on her face as she watched Lucifer's gaze slide to the door and then back to her. The grin on his face was one she was unused to, but it was welcome and made her stomach give an enchanted flop. Here was her hellfire heathen, returned to her in full, with nothing held back from her.

Her own grin grew into a fully fledged smile, her muscles tensing and making her jump slightly with every twitch of his lips. His growl excited her and she felt the fires he alone could create grow within her. While his words were comforting, they were not what she was focused on as he spoke, and she gave no response to them. It was the way he flashed his fangs at her, the way his voice had dropped an octave to hint at the plans he cooked up within his mind. There was a heaviness to the air that seemed to drape over her back, and she felt the mood change around them. Once he was done speaking, his fangs snapped down into her nape with what she hoped would be a surprisingly firm gentleness. She gave him a low purring growl as she allowed him to pin her beneath him, though her lax position would only last for a few moments. His dark, husky laughter saw her shiver as her flesh prickled delightfully. Anticipation tore through her, and she wondered if his gentleness would continue if they were to lose themselves now.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
03-23-2017, 02:52 PM
With her successfully beneath him and his jaws on her nape, gently for the moment, he allowed himself to sit with her rump firmly upon his stomach. His fangs released her only for him to start placing methodical nips behind her ear. Whispered words of promise came into her right ear as his eyes narrowed on her. "I still need to punish you for running off on me and getting rid of Corvus. Perhaps i should tear you apart, make you hurt from the inside in ways you never knew you could hurt." a nip was delivered rather roughly upon her ear after he spoke. He honestly wanted to drag this out, make her beg. He knew that she must love the pain for her to ever consider staying.

He gave her a long and slow lick between her shoulders ending with a nip that wasn't hard enough to break skin but was rough enough to bring blood to the surface. His eyes watched her face from behind, reading every emotion she fed him. His hackles stood on end, making his form appear even larger, as if he needed to be larger. His eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. His nose he pressed into her fur near her skull and aimed a more than rough nip, not quite intending to break her skin, just below that.

Ooc: horrible post sry <3
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
03-26-2017, 12:31 AM
There was a sizzling awareness of his motions as he hovered over her for the moment. Her hackles raised excitedly and she felt her tail curl around her hips as he sat so tantalizingly close to her. The monochrome woman pressed herself back while she remained in her laying sphinx position, enjoying the sudden rushes of pain and pleasure that he caused as he nipped against the backs of her ears. His words of punishment caused a pleased growl and a shiver to escape her, the harsh and promising nip he delivered to the back of her ear caused her to make a small, delighted squeal.  "Well, if you tear me apart now, how will you continue to give me the pleasure of your punishment? Much better to take this one slowly...I am sure I will be begging for your mercy by the end." She gave him a wickedly charming grin, a mischievous light in her eyes as she gave him a sidelong look. His tongue rasped against her shoulders, his teeth following up the sparkling pleasure that he had created to replace the sensation with one of sharp, intense and burning pain. She released a deep, growling moan and fell over to her side so she could look up at him.

There was a fire to him today, something different shone in his eyes, though she wasn't able to place it just yet. Everything about the wolf above her excited the hell out of her. He was a giant, and made her feel small, dainty even. His strength seemed to have no match other than her, just as hers had no match other than him. He was fierce, even with her, but she knew she was better off than most poor souls they came in contact with. She rolled in an attempt to rise, but his mouth caught her first, his grip was powerful and was met with no resistance. Instead she welcomed his touch in any form. She purred and her body stiffened, what would he do? Anticipation was killing her.
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
03-27-2017, 01:34 AM
Her words caused an excited snarl to rise from deep within that soulless depth. His eyes were alight with his fire, hellfire creating a path of death and destruction, passion and brutality in their wake. Each went hand in hand for the man and he knew exactly which went where. He was a brutal devil, one that none would stop from getting what he wanted, and right now that was Vianni beneath him. He wanted utter submission, his dominant nature coming off him in waves. He had given her the only chance she was going to get to play a game of escape that she would lose, but she did not take it, which pleased him more.

His fangs began tightening down upon her behind her skull, intent on marking her and drawing blood. He did this until blood came to his tongue which he was quick to release her. No squeals or pleas would stop him. His tongue began lapping at the blood he had created there and then moving down to where it now would aim to touch upon her jugular. His lips peeled back exposing deadly daggers to her. This was now his game and it was deadly. His eyes were focused on her, sharp and deadly. His jaws opened as a snarl came out strings of bloodied saliva coating them . His right forepaw came to hook under her stomach aiming to lift her slightly by it. His head would move then a nip placed upon the base of her tail.

He would drag this out forever, she must of known that by now.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
03-28-2017, 03:23 PM
As she searched the depths of those hellfire eyes, the sound of his excitement rumbled through her and she could almost feel the flames of Hell licking at her spine. His eyes promised sweet violence if she didn't do as commanded, just as her own made promises of vicious submission. She would not allow him to walk away from her unscathed, if he wished to have her, she would have him. There was a deep want to make him submit beneath her as well, but she held on to it for now, storing the feeling and allowing it to grow within her. They still had a deal, even if things had gotten more than complicated between them, even if the exact terms of that deal had been lost to her.

She kept still in his strengthening grip, only the involuntary reactions that stemmed from his fiery touch rose to the surface. Her head raised and tilted slightly, a deep and pleased growl escaped her as she felt his fangs penetrate her skin. He marked her, tasted her life-force, then released her from the throbbing heat of her wound. There was a whimper of loss as his fangs retreated from her flesh, but she could feel the hot trails of blood that rolled down her neck, and that meant that he would be touching her again soon. Fangs were replaced by the tender velvet of his tongue, while the wound sent stinging signals up to her brain when he touched upon it, her body reacted as if it was the greatest pleasure. Her frame tilted to the side as she lost herself in the delicious fire that was brought to life by his ministrations. Dusty rose eyes watched his face as he made his way to her throat, his lips peeling back and exposing rubied ivories to her, showing her life on his fangs.

Unbidden, her tail waved slowly behind her as her excitement grew, the sight of her blood falling from his lips causing her own silvery curtains to rise and show her stainless fangs. He withdrew then, his paw pressing at her abdomen in an attempt to make her rise. She did not obey immediately, but there was a nip on the base of her tail that told her punishment would come in a far harsher form than he seemed to have planned for her. Smirking, Vianni half listened, raising her front half and sitting with her back pressed firmly against his chest. With his body over hers like this she could feel his heart beating against her spine, and an odd heat began to fill her. It crept up from the pit of her stomach to rapidly fill her entire body, her blood heating to what felt like a near boiling temperature. There was a slight change to her scent, one that said he had triggered something within her. But, it was summer. She wasn't due for a change until winter.

Suddenly, her demeanor changes and she narrows her eyes on Lucifer. There would be no backing away from this game he started, but she wouldn't let it go too far. She wasn't that far gone, but she knew the time would come when she would be unable to hold him off. Vianni could only hope the slight change in her scent wouldn't send him over the edge. She would have to fight him, and that could cause a rip in their tenuous peace.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.