


03-08-2017, 06:08 AM
What a strange place this was. Forest green gaze roamed the vast tallness of the trees that seemed to rise up into the sky. He stood among them, a speck on the ground if viewed from above. He felt so small and insignificant, like he was in a world of giants. Did those even exist? He was large for his species, but perhaps not the largest. The male moved, muscles rippling beneath his thick pelt as he walked quietly through the forest. This place felt ancient, like an old soul that had long been forgotten. Perhaps at one point, it had bustled with life and activity. But now? It was quiet for the most part, save for the crunching of leaves beneath his paws as he walked. It was cold in Auster, though he hadn't traveled very far yet either. He had no idea that Boreas lied in the northern parts. And the possibility of traveling there was still unknown, as he had yet to search every territory here for his mother. They had become separated when the ice broke apart, and after a year, he had managed to find his way here in search of her. It had been a long and arduous journey, and it seemed he still had a lot of ground to cover before he could find her. Assuming of course, she was even still alive. Part of him felt like she was. He could feel it. Now he just had to find her.



9 Years
04-25-2017, 01:25 PM
ooc: Still set in the time frame that Creed is visiting Talis.

They hadn't been staying in Talis for very long, their visit would be a short one, but Creed was determined to make use of his time while they were still here. When he wasn't visiting with the family or looking around Talis he'd taken the time to look around Auster for a bit. He'd come to the place when he was younger but he hadn't explored it thoroughly. He'd mostly stayed near the northern part of the continent and then he'd returned home. He was regretting his decision not to explore more when he was younger - the continent was truly beautiful with the added bonus of seeing things he'd never seen before.

He hadn't traveled very far from Talis (there honestly was no reason to with the plains and the castle to explore) but he was still intent on learning what he could of the land. He couldn't travel very far very fast anymore, but he was a determined and resilient wolf. Old age could try and hinder him but he'd push his limits as far as he dared. He wasn't disappointed either when he came to the towering oak trees. They were massive, far taller than any he'd seen in his life time, and the sight was absolutely breathtaking. How could he have not come here sooner?

He hadn't exactly expected company on his short journey, but when the scent of another wolf was carried to him on the light breeze that rustled through the trees he didn't hesitate. His gray head turned towards the scent and he spotted the other man's slate colored coat easily enough. Strangely the other man bore markings similar to his own - more family that he'd missed in Talis? No, they were all from Gargoyle's line and he didn't smell of the pack. This couldn't be a coincidence though - he didn't meet many that resembled him.

"Excuse me, do Ah know ye?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]


05-13-2017, 01:32 AM
The slate blue male was curious about the world. Particularly this world that was not constantly gripped in ice. Where he was born, ice and snow and water was everywhere. The world was always a white blanket, and to see so much color was fascinating and surreal for him. He wondered what kinds of animals lived in this world free from ice. Free from the cold. Free from...eternal winter. Would he experience the other seasons that he heard so many tales about? Moving through the foliage, he was unaware of the approaching male nearby. He was too engrossed in the sights before him. Too curious about the plants and the smells, the greenery and the colors that were so different than back home. Granted it was cold here too, it was nowhere near as cold as it was back where he was from. Only when a foreign voice touched his ears did he quickly turn, forest green eyes finding an older male. It wasn't his mother, that was for certain. Nor was it anyone he knew, but he found it strange that the man had markings similar to his own...his head tilted slightly, eyes narrowing as if trying to focus on the old man, trying to determine if he really did know him.

After a few moments, however, he shook his head. "Aakka." The male felt familiar, however. He had the thick coat of his tribe, and coincidentally had similar markings on his face, just like he did. Denahi, however, was the only one in his tribe that bore such markings...maybe the wolves here were all similar to him and...whoever this was? "Kinauvit?" His deep and monotone voice questioned, unaware that the wolves here did not speak his native tongue.



9 Years
06-23-2017, 02:18 AM

Creed watched as the male turned to face him and he got the sneaking suspicion that he'd somehow managed to sneak up on the younger wolf. It wasn't surprising really. Creed understood how easy it was to get caught up in the beauty of your surroundings and the trees surrounding them were no exception to this. Their magnificence wasn't something he found could easily be ignored so it was nice to find another nature lover. Despite the fact he couldn't travel as much like he had in his younger days it was still rewarding when he found a new place to explore.

He still couldn't quite get over the fact that they looked rather similar and this male had a coloring that reminded him of someone but he couldn't quite remember who. Strange words filtered into his ears and his head cocked slightly to the side as he tried to make sense of them. The language was lost to him though and finally he admitted defeat. He had no idea what the other male had said whatsoever.

"Ah'm sorry, I don' understand."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]