
Faith in the heart



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
03-08-2017, 06:09 AM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2017, 11:45 PM by Tealah.)
The sturdy adolescent had slowly come to realize that it wasn't her imagimation: the surrounding land really was starting to look quite familiar. She had pushed on all that night in excited determination until, tired and foot sore but burning with triumph, she stood at the borders of a pack. It hadn't much bothered her to do so after months of travel had built up her endurance, and it was clear from the layer of fat that existed between shaggy coat and toned young muscle that she had managed to do quite well for herself despite her age, and it had served her well to bring her here. Home.

She did a pleased little caper there on the border before throwing back her young head and howling with a voice that had already gained much of the timbre it would eventually hold when she reached maturity, a clear, bell-like tone that broke the early morning silence that lay over the pack. She wiggled impatiently on the border but didn't cross. She'd been gone so long, what if no one recognized her and thought she was a trespassers? That wouldn't be fun for anyone. So instead she stayed put, though finally she started pacing the border right there, barking out at a volume intending to rouse her family from their beds, "Muuuum! Daaa! Guyyys I'm home! Fable! Valor! Guys I'm back! I made it!"


03-08-2017, 02:23 PM

He had been rather grumpy with everyone in his family being rather distant. It was so quiet around here and he hated it. Gone were the carefree days of running around and meeting new wolves. His father was getting old and was hardly able to do anything with them and their mother... Well he didn't know about her. She wasn't really there either, leaving the child to his own devices. It had been fine before, but since the challenge the pack had grown still. It made him want to go and explore the world, but he was... hesitant. He wanted to be here if one of his siblings wandered back, since Valor was off doing his own things. Fable wasn't used to feeling so alone, he had been so busy when he was younger but now it felt a bit odd to be so happy. What was there to be happy about? He obviously wasn't good enough for anyone to stick with him, so what was the point?

Moping, he kicked a rock around the plains when a howl sounded. His head jerked upwards as his ears pointed towards the caller, freezing for a moment. Was it just wistful thought that brought his sister back to life? But no, he could hear her calling. At once he came to live again, racing headlong towards her without any intentions of stopping. Soon she came into view, lingering on the boundary line with obvious excitement. "Justice!" He yelled, barreling towards her at full tilt. It was too late to stop, and he was too eager. If she didn't move he was going to crash right into her chest. Now at full height and taller than her, he didn't doubt that she would go over. But at the moment, nothing else mattered.

Fable's tongue flung out of his mouth as he covered his sister in sloppy, messy kisses. His whole body was wiggling from the speed of his tail wag, panting from his sprint over here. "Where have you been? I've missed you! So much has happened I don't even know where to start. But you're here! You're home!" His words flew out of his mouth a mile a minute, his large paws beating the ground as he continued to cover her in kissed. "You're home! You're home."




9 Years
03-09-2017, 01:33 AM

Their journey to Talis has been a short stay really, but Creed had no intentions of being gone for too long. He still intended on heading north to see his birth place once more before staying in Celestial's lands for good. His energy for traveling was limited and he knew that getting there would probably take the last little bit he had out of him, but he'd do it and get home. He felt as though it was something he needed to accomplish before he died.

He knew he also owed his children a lot more than he'd given them lately. He'd hoped that the trip to Talis would make Valor and Fable feel slightly better, but he knew it didn't make up for the loss of training and their missing siblings. Without the help of the pack, to give them mentors, or Kavdaya's help he just couldn't do it by himself anymore. He was getting too old and tired to be able to teach them what they needed to learn. They deserved someone younger and more spry to show them the ropes - and that wasn't even including healing. If any of them wanted the take up the craft then he certainly was no help in that department.

Creed was alone, dwelling in his thoughts when a very familiar call reached his ears. Dark tipped ears flicked forward and he was on his feet as fast as his body would allow him to. He set off at a trot towards the borders and wasn't surprised to see that Fable had beaten him there. A grin stretched out across his face as he padded towards her. He certainly didn't approach her with the same amount of energy as Fable, but there definitely was the same amount of enthusiasm as he moved to her side to envelop her in a hug.

"Ah'm glad ta see ye've come home. Where 'ave ye been?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
03-11-2017, 11:48 PM
Her pacing was interrupting by the sound of a body crashing through grass and scrub. The little bear spun around and set herself firmly, all four sturdy legs rooted to the earth. But upon seeing what - or rather, who - was barreling towards her, she suddenly dropped to her belly, allowing the oversized pup to stumble over her back instead. Holy crap, was that monster Fable? He'd gotten huge! In a moment she was up again to return his affectionate kisses with mock growls and pretend nips, bumping against his chest and shoulders with her own as they whirled around. She was too breathless with growls and laughter to answer his questions.

She broke off the enthusiastic greeting suddenly as she spotted her father approaching. For a moment she froze, grin plastered in place as her gaze slid over him with a spark of startled surprise. Maybe it would have been less obvious to her if she'd been here to see him day after day in slow decline, but she'd left so long ago and...

He'd gotten so old.

The surprise hidden behind her enthusiasm - no less genuine but somewhat spoiled by this new knowledge, this knowledge that her parents were aging so obviously - she strode out to meet Creed right on the border, returning his hug firmly. "Hi Da! I have no idea where I've been, haha, but it was definitely not Mum's homeland. I found my way back though! You aren't mad, are you?" she asked, eyeing him searchingly though with no dimming of that air of self-assurance around her.


03-12-2017, 01:29 PM

She was quite cunning, his smaller sister. Instead of letting him barrel her over she lowered the upper half of his body, sending the boy over her and flopping on his side. Picking himself up he bounced around her, matching her growls and nips with his slobbery kisses. It was hard to contain his excited energy, even when he heard his Da's voice. Fable still bounced when she turned away, panting hard from exertion. Folding himself on his rump he looked between Justice and Creed, his face falling somewhat as he saw the shock on her face. It was true that Creed was getting up there in age, perhaps it was harder for him to see it because he had never been away from here. Licking at his lips he settled down, letting out a gentle whine as he brushed passed his sister and nuzzled under their fathers chin. It was good to see him out and about, these days it seemed like it was harder and harder for him to leave the den. "Hey Da," Fable said in a calm voice, his tail slowly wagging behind him. He had always thought of his father as such a strong man, it was odd that he felt the need to treat him like he was fragile. Pulling away, he backed up and allowed the two of them to embrace, watching from a few feet away. Did Creed feel it? That he was being treated like an old man? It made Fables mix matched ears cling to his head, he certainly wouldn't like that if he were in his fathers paw steps.

Now feeling a bit nervous, he shifted his weight across his paws as Justice spoke. Oh, had she gone to look for Kav's homelands? Perking back up, his head canted to one side as he inspected her. She was full grown now too, her muscles well defined. While she was probably a bit more on the thinner side, she looked good for being out there on her own. His blue and yellow eyes grew wide, a new note of respect in his gaze. "How did you do it Justice?" He asked in wonderment. Here he was never having left the pack lands, except maybe once, and she had gone out there all on her own! She must be really brave, he would grow quite lonely after all that time away. And she had made it back all by herself! His eyes sparkled with pride, a large grin breaking out across his black lips. She was the coolest sister in the world!




12 Years
Extra large
03-12-2017, 05:24 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

One eye slowly slid open as the distant barks and howls of a young wolf penetrated his sleeping brain. She sure sounded excited… Who was mom and dad? Oh! He was on his paws as the next names reached his ears. This must be one of the missing children in Kavdaya and Creed’s litter. Returned home. A glance was cast to the back of the main chamber. No white figure stirred in the black shadows. She must have taken a small dose of valerian. He knew she’d been having nightmares, but this needed to end, and soon.

First, however, he needed to meet with Justice, and bring her back into the pack’s ranks. They were all yearlings now. They needed mentors. Did they even have enough active wolves to handle the task? He trotted from the den and down the ravine, and by the time he reached Justice, Fable and Creed had already arrived. Regulus hung back for several minutes, letting the three reunite, before he stepped forward.

“Welcome home, Justice.” The crimson archangel’s voice held no reprimand; she’d been gone so long he wasn’t going to chew her out for not listening to both himself and Kavdaya when they’d told her to stay home. It certainly looked like she’d done well for herself on her own. That meant she would already know something about hunting. The way she held herself, though… That said ‘fighter’.

He stepped closer, adding “Perhaps you can help your mother. She’s hurting. We lost my mother; nothing we could do to save her. Kavdaya hasn’t taken the loss well. I think she blames herself for not catching the severity of the illness in time.”

To all three, he said, "I'll let you catch up. I should be getting to patrolling. I'll be calling a meeting in a fortnight or so." And hopefully, enough adults would show up that he could choose mentors for the yearlings. He gave Justice a light smile and turned away, padding off to start his patrol.

"Make yourself at home. It's good to see you safely returned."

-Exit Regulus-

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



9 Years
04-12-2017, 10:53 AM

Creed hadn't missed the playful enthusiasm between the two yearlings and the smile remained plastered on his maw and his fluffy tail swayed back and forth behind him. It was obvious that Justice had been missed and more than anything he was glad his daughter had returned home. It was amazing how much she'd grown too - more filled out, larger (though not as large as Fable), and she even seemed a little older too. Less pup like, but then again he had to remind himself that none of them were pups any longer.

He enjoyed their embrace for a moment before pulling away to get another good look at her half expecting her to disappear again. He accepted Fable's nuzzle before playfully nudging the large boy's neck with his nose. Creed was certainly in a good mood. His attention turned back to Justice as she responded and he was only slightly surprised by the fact that she'd done to look for Kavdaya's homeland. He couldn't even begin to guess why, but it wasn't as though he hadn't tried the same thing when he was younger. He'd had his fair share of adventures before he'd even turned one so he couldn't be mad.

"No' mad. Jus' happy yer home, tha's all."

Creed's head turned slowly at the flash of red that appeared in the corner of his eyes. Part of him was hoping that Kavdaya would have shown, but he was aware of the large amounts of time she spent in the den. He greeted the Archangel with a dip of his head before listening to him address Justice. Regulus' bluntness about Kavdaya caught him off guard, but the truth of his words were still there. Maybe Justice could help her recuperate somehow? Creed certainly didn't know how to make her feel any better. He watched as Regulus left again, so they could catch up, and he turned his attention back to the dark colored girl.

"Did Exodus and Knight follow ye?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
04-12-2017, 11:27 AM
She rolled her eyes playfully at Fable's question, not at the question itself but rather at the answer. "I spent a loooooot of time scavenging from other animals before I got good enough catching grasshoppers and rodents to live off," she laughingly admitted, carefully omitting how often she'd been chased off those kills and was nearly killed herself, and how sometimes the meat she scavenged was so old it was half-rotted and full of maggots but she'd ate it anyway because eating maggots was better than eating nothing. She'd pretend that her adventures were all fun and exciting, now that she was actually back home and could just remember the fun and exciting parts.

She beamed at her father in relief when he assured her he wasn't mad, but before she could say anything the alpha had appeared. Justice drew herself up straight, taking a deep breath. But Regulus didn't scold her, just welcomed her back and... Justice's brow knitted when he said maybe she could help her mother. "Yes sir," she said slowly. "Thank you," and he went away again, leaving her with just her brother and her dad and the knowledge that something was wrong with her mother.

And more than that, too, as her father's next words hit her like a falling rock. Did her brothers follow her? "They're gone?" she blurted out, then shook her head queasily. "If they followed me I didn't see them at all. Maybe they actually found the Nomads instead of getting lost." She tried not to show her suddenly despondence. Coming home wasn't anything like she'd imagined. So far it was just one blow after another.

She took herself in hand, though, firmed her jaw and drew herself back up in determination. She would just have to see everything fixed, then. And in the meantime she wasn't going to add to her family's worries by moping around like a wet rag about it all either. Instead she flashed a grin at her brother. "So what have you been up to, Fable? Have you been keeping Valor out of trouble? You guys haven't been giving Da ulcers, have you?" she questioned, mock-severely.


04-12-2017, 01:17 PM

He curled into Creed when he nuzzled him, nipping playfully at his cheek before he noticed the Archangel coming up. Dipping his head, he listened to his words with a touch of pride. His sister was allowed back with no questions asked! But when he mentioned Kav, he physically flinched back and hung his head in shame. It was all his fault, he wasn't good enough to go and make her happy. He hadn't even been trying! What a terrible son. Squeezing his eyes shut, he kept his head low until he heard the retreating paw steps of the red man. All that came after that news was one blow after another, and Fable scooted closer to Justice until his shoulder brushed against her. There wasn't much good going on, and he had known that his mother was sad but... How could he be so blind to her pain? Swallowing back a whine he just sat there, ears flickering when his sister answered his questions about hunting and about their brothers. She was so brave, going out there all on her own and here he sat, pretending that everything was okay when it wasn't. No wonder why his brothers left, that was probably his fault too.

When his darker sister asked if he was keeping Valor busy he just shrugged his shoulders. He hadn't seen him much either, Fable had been trying to find wolves to train him and someone to learn from. All that time his mother had been struggling... Lifting his head to toss the girl a half hearted smile, he rose to his paws and started to walk into the heart of the territory. He needed to go see Ma, to apologize for being such a terrible son... It was because of him that she was hurting so badly. Before leaving the area, he looked over his shoulder one last time. "Welcome home, sister." He whispered before taking off to track down their mother.

-exit Fable unless stopped-