
Old As Time



9 Years
Dragon Mod
03-09-2017, 05:23 PM

This was the first time she had ever been here. The smell was so strong that it felt like it was burning her nostrils. She gazed up at the mountain, wondering what was at the top. Bits and pieces of ash fell around her, lightly coating her dark form and she wasn't sure what to make of it. Curiosity was drawing her, wanting to investigate and see what was at the peak of this place. But she refrained...for now. She was here for one thing, and that was to find Elderberry for her uncle. He was getting up there in years, and she knew that the older one got, the weaker they became whether they realized it or not. Winter was probably one of the worst times for elder wolves, so she wanted to get a stock of berries to strengthen his immune system so he could fight off any colds or illnesses he might get later on. He was her only family in Abaven, after all. He had taken care of her since she was a pup, and did everything he could for her. So she wanted to try and give back, however small or insignificant the action was, she wanted to try. She knew he'd appreciate it, he always did. But she always felt like she'd never be able to make it up to him for all that he'd done for her.

The midnight girl wandered the base of the mountain, head down and nose to the ground as she searched out the berries. Would she even find any here? She supposed she'd just have to look around and see, and if she couldn't find any then she'd probably ask Storm to see if she knew where to find some. Focused on finding any sign of the berries, she didn't notice the small patch of ash on the ground until her nose went right over it. She inhaled a decent amount, which in turn caused her to cough violently followed by a series of sneezing that in the end, left her a little disoriented.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



5 Years
03-17-2017, 08:58 PM
There's a place for your burdens

Lydia found herself in the east for the summer as she worked to build up her stores. Draped across her back was a dried rabbit skin that she'd been using to carry about herbs from here to her more permanent den site. It wasn't a perfect method by any means but it was good enough to get the job done. Gazing about she set a course, looking for the tall bushes that would yield her quarry, elderberries. Autumn was just around the corner and with colder weather there was likely to be an increase in colds and respiratory illnesses. She definitely didn't want to catch anything and it would compliment the yarrow well. Of course, it was difficult to hunt for the berries, with the falling ash serving as a constant distraction. She felt anxiety raising in her gut. She wanted to get the heck out of here. Even though it was unlikely the mountain would blow she couldn't help but feel that the possibility was growing with every moment she stayed there.

As she walked she kept her eyes peeled for anything else that might be of interest and as she was walking she heard a violent cough followed by sneezing and she quickly, almost instinctively, followed the sound. Lydia caught sight of another woman of a darker pelt. "Uh, hello? Excuse me, ma'am are you alright?"

Lay down, lay down all your burdens



9 Years
Dragon Mod
06-12-2017, 10:45 PM

Her eyes squeezed shut as she coughed, the ash feeling like it was choking her up. Her tongue felt dry as she seemed to inhale more than she thought, her nose drying up and feeling dirty as well. Her eyes watered, and as she stepped back from that spot, she tripped over her own feet and fell back on her rump. She shook her head trying to get rid of this...this...whatever it was! And the smell and taste of the burned substance made her feel ill. As she slowly recovered, (or tried to), she heard another voice asking if she was alright. She looked up, crimson eyes squinting as her breath wheezed a bit. She wasn't alone, and by gods the embarrassment she felt all of a sudden began to flood her. "I-I'm f-fine, I think.." Was she? Her throat and nose burned, the ashy taste making her head swim with a headache. Her throat definitely hurt from her violent coughing, and suddenly she wasn't feeling so good. She wondered if there was water anywhere, but judging by the area, probably not. She supposed she'd have to suck it up and deal with it. "S-sorry, I was just...caught by s-surprise, is all.."

She sat there, trying to breath and clear her head. She wished her uncle were here, she was sure he'd know what to do in a situation like this. She closed her eyes tightly again as she tried to make her headache go away, the girl shaking her head to further clear it, though she'd be left with a dull headache. Hopefully, it wouldn't get any worse. When she opened her eyes, she looked at the other girl. She was younger, and on her back was...a rabbit? No. A rabbit pelt? She was curious about it, but didn't feel okay asking about it just yet. "D-do you have a-anything that m-might help with headaches?" She asked, shyly of course, but hopeful. She could detect the scent of herbs, barely, but it was there. If the woman didn't have anything to help, that was fine, she'd live, but she didn't want to go back home so soon just to get something for her headache.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!