
I Got Issues But You Got Them Too [Death]



8 Years
Chrono I
03-09-2017, 10:33 PM

An aching in her bones, she felt her life slipping slowly away. Maybe it was her lust for battle in her younger days. Her rebellious faze. A trophy placed in her eye socket to remind her everyday of her evils.

She didn't think she would die today. In fact, she thought she had many months to go. She never birthed children. Never loved a man. Never would have a wedding that her mother could have dreamed of. But in some sick and wonderful way, she was happy with the life she lived. She over came Charon just as her mother told her to all those years ago. He was still present, but he never would have controlled her again.

Standing at the edge of the cliff, which she found herself doing a lot now-a-days, granite orbits looked down at the pointed rocks facing the evils she had once again. She took a seat, and eventually laid down, chin resting on her paws and she would now notice the beauty of the summer horizon in the distance. She was always looking down at those rocks, she never saw any beauty in her once-homeland. Pantheon no more, Olympus no more; she felt she was the only one left of her blood line. Thanatos had now kept the family going but they were no longer as big and powerful as they used to be.

She would slowly slip herself into a sleep that she would then never wake up from. A peaceful death that came very unexpectedly. Just the itch of tiredness in her eyes as she never knew her life would end here.

-Exit Chione via Death-

A comfortable blackness surrounded her, an average view to her as her dreams were usually filled with evils and horror. But something felt off in this "Dream." She felt... Safe. She was usually greeted by her dead mother or by the big, bad red-eyed man herself. A flash of blackness, a whisper in her ear, a mock, an intimidating harassment. And here? There was nothing.

She walked around blindly, though completely aware of her own placement. After so long she would notice that she was being followed. A deep and tiny warping voice hazing around her. Turning her head, she would be greeting by a black brute with piercing red eyes. She was not afraid though. Instead she would eye him gently with a small grin a silence held between the two. And then she turned away.

All the years of her life Charon had convinced her when she died, she would by trapped with him for all eternity. And as was all of his words, it was all a lie. Chione could now continue on in her after life with her mother and the rest of her family.

Peaceful and free.