
ten months until avengers: age of ultron



2 Years
07-27-2014, 11:46 PM


The giantess was finding out that she rather enjoyed the orchard, despite her wandering nature. She'd returned once more, and the heady aroma of fruits was welcomed. She let out a contented sigh, her pallid banner sweeping happily across her heels a few times as she walked. Despite her constant stumbling over unseen roots, the femme was loving it here. Her two toned eyes glittered with joy as she looked over her ground zero, fondly admiring the knolls in the tree bark all around her, the rich undergrowth. Her mismatched audits twitched occasionally as birdsong filled them, a gentle, soothing ambiance to her visit. Tea cupped paws touched down upon the terrain gracefully, despite her frequent tripping. Just because she looked graceful, didn't mean she was. Slowly, as she became a little more assured that she was as alone here as she thought she was, her voice escaped to utter a quiet tune. Just an absent humming, but it followed the set pattern of the birdsong all around her quite well.
Gentle hips swayed as she walked, like she was dancing to the beat of her own little drum set. It was a wonderful, warm day today, the sun was just now cresting the horizon, and she was paying her farewells to this lovely locale. She would soon be returning to Ludicael with her mother, though it was doubted that she would remain there very long. A wanderer can not be kept in one place, not for very long. She would stay until the sun reached it's peak, and then she would regroup with Song for the journey back. It would be a nice visit to the orchard, though. She couldn't see a cloud in the sky, so rain would not be likely (little did she know that there was a group of rain clouds making a beeline for her, due in the middle of the morning). Finding the same clearing she'd been in the last time she was here, she sat herself down happily. A contented sigh would leave her dark lips, and a serene expression would tweak her features.



5 Years
07-28-2014, 12:17 AM

The bitterly heavy aromas of the large orchard wafted ever so confidently into his nostrils, making the massive beast want to gag. The boy was never fond of fruit or vegetables. Not their pitiful taste, nor the aroma that coiled around them and made them smell horrific. So attending the area as if the place was at his favor wasn't what the behemoth intended. He'd rather be curled in a den...sleeping, dreaming about his dead wife. Dead children. Faults and achievements. But life just wasn't fair. Life always backfired, throwing massive rocks at his head and chipping away at his brain day by day. And he had to deal with it all. To stand there motionless, staring ahead and wishing an angel were there to bring him up to his wife. --- Though today the BEAST was here to collect flowers for Roman when he returned to rejoin her pack...a sign of his kindness and sympathy for all the things he's committed and witnessed.
wip for a moment