
[Amon]Everybody's got a dark side


03-15-2017, 11:41 PM

Naomi moved quietly as she could, though what she left behind her was small holes in the sand. She could smell the clams somewhere here but finding them was a different story. She held her nose to the group as she searched. Her vision was starting to worsen even if it was only slightly, the white film over the top of them starting to form finally after almost a year of blindness. Her ears pinned back and she kept moving forward, her eyes squinting as she tried to distinguish the path ahead. Water was not welcome so she tended to move along its sound always keeping her distance from it.

Sand clung to her nose and muzzle as she stuck it to the sand, stopping for a moment before she began digging a shallow hole to find the clam she could smell somewhere close. They weren't very filling but they were high in protein and she needed it. Her pink paws had sand clinging to them as she dug. A sudden stop of her digging as she shoved her nose in the hole. Bingo. She grasped the shellfish before pulling it from its Sandy home. She dropped then to her belly and placed the clam between her paws. Her teeth then set to work chipping away small pieces of it as she tried to get to the meat inside.

Her scarred body was easily noticeable out her but she was too hungry to care right now. She hadn't found another that was willing to attack her just yet so she felt pretty safe for now. ""

The scars you cant see are the hardest to heal



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-16-2017, 12:31 AM
Welcome to where time stands still,

OOC: Asena said I could crash this <333 Also, sorry it is so short D:

There was a visible confidence that was worn easily by the massive female, as she moved along the coast her tail was in flight behind her, long black fur looking like a waving above her hips. Her paws dance just out of reach of the playful water that fanned out to grasp her with the foamy, broken waves. Today has found the woman in a miraculously good mood. It wasn't long before the sight of another had her pausing in her stride, observing the vibrant female as she dug up clams from the sand. It was much better to get them out of the water, they weren't as gritty and didn't taste like sand. Her paws were unnaturally quite against the sand as she moved closer to the dark, yet brightly colored woman. "You know, it is better to get this from the sea? They are not so...full of the sand." Her voice is colored with a mixture of German and Latin accents, making for a strange and broken common tongue. Her tone was surprisingly sweet, and Lilith was silent in the presence of this female. Naamah wondered why, but Lilith wasn't talking, not yet.

"Naamah talks." | "Lilith talks." Scroll over for translations

Where no one ever leaves,  And no one ever will!!
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
03-16-2017, 07:20 AM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2017, 04:33 PM by Pyralis.)

How wicked these,
How wicked these hours

Where the hell had she gotten herself and how had she gotten here?  Pyralis squinted at the boiling summer sun as a murderous growl slipped from her lips.  If she could she'd rise up and rip the sun spirit a new one for its attempt at baking her alive but she had a job to do and the worthless lowlife that insulted her was going to pay for those insults with his life.  If she could find him of course…. go figure the coward would seek to run as far south as he possibly could.  Well, if he was hoping to wear her down and take her by surprise he was in for a surprise of his own when she strangled him with his own entrails.  

Pausing to pick the scent up again she stared out at a bridge of sand that seemed to sparkle and glow in the sunlight like a rainbow.  It would have been beautiful if not for the two blotches sitting upon it.  Pyre glared out at the creatures but neither wolf was her quarry.  Perhaps they'd seen him slip by?

She strode regally forward, tail aloft as she approached the two.  The taller femme, cloaked in gray caught her attention first.  Goodness they were in a land of absolutely huge mortals but it didn't matter, they didn't bear the blood she did and she was certain she could wipe the floor with both of them.  She was about to speak when her gaze turned downward and she found herself eyeing the smaller, freakishly colored one. "What the fuck is that?"  Pyralis made a face at the brightly colored bitch.  She'd never seen such a creature before and couldn't imagine what had spawned it.  She shook her head.  "You know what it doesn't matter.  I'm looking for a man, snow white pelt, deep blue eyes with a black spot on his hindquarters.  He's wounded on his right shoulder.  Have either of you seen-"  Pyralis realized the smaller woman was blind and she barked out a laugh before turning to the taller woman. "Oh, excuse me.  Have you see such a man?"

Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-16-2017, 05:03 PM

Amon was hot on his sister's trail. Pyre was one to start shit and take names, so he wasn't terribly surprised to find her covering more ground that he was at his leisurely pace. He was of course a bit surprised when her course pointed her towards Auster, but who was he to predict the whims of a mad woman? He chuckled, wondering if she'd laugh or try to take a chunk out of him for the comment, never mind that it would more or less prove his point. He had planned on asking her to take the yearlings on a longer trek to test their endurance, he was eager to get a second opinion on their progress, fearing that he might have become biased towards them. He loved them as much as he was capable of loving anything, but that didn't mean he wanted them to grow soft. Some time with Pyre would do them a world of good.

What he didn't expect was to come upon her and two others, one face familiar and one... less so. He saw their figures in the distance from across the flat, sandy terrain, picking up his gait until he travelled at a rolling lope. He was upon them just in time to hear his sister exclaim, "What the fuck is that?" and... he couldn't help but agree. The smallest of their gathering was covered in scars, and bold lines of vibrant color. Her coat was unlike any other he'd seen, and he eyed her suspiciously. He noticed the fog covering her eyes near enough to when Pyre did to laugh at his sister's poorly concealed joke at the other woman's expense. She may have been subtle to some, but Amon knew when his sister was trying to get a rise out of someone else. Yes, he'd grown very well acquainted with that indeed, often the target of her acerbic tongue in the past.

To further his surprise, Naamah was in attendance as well. He had seen more of this woman that his own children recently, it seemed. He was growing a bit concerned with that fact, wondering in the back of his mind why they kept crossing paths. He gave her a nod of greeting, but said nothing. Instead he directed his attention to his sister. "On the hunt for some poor, damned soul, sister? I'd be more than happy to hold him down for you." He sent the fiery woman a wink. He turned back to Naamah, looking between her and the freak scuffling in the sand. "A friend of yours, Naamah?" he asked, tone neutral but guarded. To think she was companions with such beasts through his perception of her into question, and raised questions he rather wanted answers to. The smaller girl had obviously been touched by some sort of divine power, but to be covered with scars in this manner? He leveled the unknown among them with an even stare, waiting to see what the small blind creature might have to say for herself.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!


03-17-2017, 12:11 AM

She kept gnawing on the shellfish until she got its shell to break open and happily sucked the meat from its shell. The approach of another was rather muted but her ears lifted quickly as some female voiced herself. Her form jumped in a moment of fright only for her to move her head towards the sound of her voice with pricked ears. The words that came out of her mouth next were of apology and explanation as to why she did not embrace the water. "Sorry it's habit, you just startled me... I don't like going into the water, it frightens me that I might fall under and be unable to come back up for air..." a visible shudder embraced her form and her face saddened at the memories of her torture. The feeling of being forced under and forced to stay until she blacked out was horrible, but she turned her sad smile towards the blurry form she could sort of see. "besides the clams on the shore are likely to be larger for the very reason you just spoke of and I don't mind getting my paws dirty if it means I get to eat."

The shout of another had her jumping again. This time she lurched into a sitting position. Her shout had her ears pinning back and her face averting. Did she truly look that bad? She knew she was scarred but never knew the true extent of it. She gave a small sigh even as the female made note of her disability. Just because she was almost blind didn't mean she should be disregarded. Her voice offered an answer for her immediately, "Sorry I haven't seen a blur such as your describing, but perhaps if he has wronged you somehow you should seek the help of a tracker? Surely there must be someone with a nose for such things in these lands." the approach of another didn't go unnoticed this time. Her head swung to the male, whom was distinguished by scent from the females as such.

He was the one that she kept her ears trained on. Her words for both before had been polite,but her experience with males had her picking silence in his wake. There were worse things than death and she knew them, she knew them well in fact. Though after he asked if her and another were friends she gave a shake of her head, she had no friends and wouldn't let others close, for them to get close would mean they would know everything and that would lead to them abusing her or turning her over to Cairo. She of course had no idea these creatures around her were of the mind that they were gods nor did she even know a thing about gods or religion. "I'm sure whatever this male did it doesn't warrant a two on one, such odds would be unfair.I should know about unfair things, as nothing has ever been fair for me." the first part was said with a tone of pure respect and minor concern for who they hunted. The second was under her breath to herself.

The scars you cant see are the hardest to heal



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-17-2017, 11:47 PM
Welcome to where time stands still,

Naamah simply looked the woman over as she responded, her expression dead and unreactive as loud, piercing cackles erupted through her mind. Mentally, Naamah laughed as well, but she gave no outward sign of her own amusement at discovering the woman had the sheen of cataracts over her eyes. Whatever manner of creature she was, the brilliantly colored woman was obviously someone's chew toy at some point. She gave a subtle shake of her head before she heard the sudden exclamation, her dark crown rose to eye the starkly marked female that approached. A subtle grin formed on her face at the woman's quip and she had to fight to keep her tail from waving in amusement. There were so many wonderful wolves arriving in Auster! She opened her white tipped maw to speak, only to have her mismatched ruby and garnet gaze land on the dark shadow. Surprise marred her painted features momentarily before she regained herself and hid the expression with a wider smile. "I have seen no such wolf." She replied to the woman before giving her focus to Amon, not bothering to hide the flick of her tail at his insinuation.

Giving a negative shake of her head, she makes a snort of derision and looks to the poor wretch in the sand. Had it been only her to find the woman, odds are she would have attacked and rid the world of her weakness. Lilith was practically seethed with the want to destroy both women, but the smaller woman would have been the first victim. Pyralis, Naamah and Lilith would simply fight for fun. Maybe one day when she found herself bored she would look her up. Nevertheless, Naamah had sidetracked herself, staring almost cruel at the neon socked female laying in the sand."No, she is no friend to me. I was trying to make better her food, she basically eats sand...there in the shell, inside...this creature eats sand. When it is in shore like this, there is gritty meat...sand all in the teeth, very dirty. I try to help, but she says she likes them this way." The woman's heavily accented speech was a clear indication that the refusal of her advice had irked her, but if the woman wanted to eat sandy clams, Naamah would have to let her. She gives a shrug upon the last notes of her explanation of association, and looks between the females and Amon.

"Naamah talks." | "Lilith talks." Scroll over for translations

Where no one ever leaves,  And no one ever will!!
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
03-18-2017, 03:33 PM

How wicked these,
How wicked these hours

Pyralis turned and greeted her brother with a smile as he spoke.  "Oh, Amon, you know its my job to take care of damned souls."  She winked at him then considered his offer.  She had intended to deal with the man that had wronged her herself but there was an element of certainty to two vs one that held expanded opportunities. "I think I'd like that.  Maybe we can drag him back as an example for the children."  The gray woman had seen no such wolf which likely meant that her quarry still had a fair amount of ground on her or was trying to give her the slip.  She eyed the water wondering if he'd have the gumption to swim… no, the gray woman's words confirmed her suspicions.  The man she was pursuing had doubled back. "I see, I feared as much.  Slippery bastard." She was about to turn and pick up the muted lines of trail when the neon bitch spoke again.

"Silence yourself fool or I will remove your poor excuses for eyes!"  Her hackles raised, ears pinned back as her shoulders rolled forward.  "I have tracked this piece of filth across the entirety of Boreas, I do not require the help of a tracker as I am one.  But not one so arrogant as to waste time untying mixed scents when I can glean the information I need with a few words.  Insult me again and I will leaving you as food for the gulls."

She glanced at her brother then back to the woman he called Naamah and then back again to her brother with a coy grin.  Ohhhh… now what was he doing with this creature.  Goodness was he courting her?  Amon really was putting the rest of his siblings to shame in the procreation department but she really didn't care.  He could have the job!  Naamah stated that the neon girl was no friend of hers which was a partial relief.  Pyralis would have hated to eviscerate the girl in front of someone that had found herself in Amon's graces.  She chuckled a bit at the mention of the girl eating sand.  Well, that seemed about right.  The girl was clearly an idiot.  

As if to prove the point she opened her mouth again to speak and Pyralis rolled her eyes as she glanced at her brother.  "Well if things are unfair for you why on earth would they be fair for anyone else?  Welcome to the world.  Come brother, we have lessons to be taught and I am missing my instructional… materials."  She moved to brush along side her brother as she headed back towards Boreas, pausing to see if he wished to continue talking.  She would need to ask about Naamah and what his plans were for her.

Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-20-2017, 09:38 PM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2017, 09:42 PM by Amon.)

For some reason, Amon hadn't quite expected the disfigured creature to open her mouth. For something so small and meek to make itself known among three titanic wolves such as her present company well... It seemed safe to say that it was not to her benefit, nor did it speak to any profound intelligence. Of course he wasn't surprised, as she was currently digging for aquatic creatures in dry sand. Clams made their home buried in mud and muck in the shallows. He eyed her with unconcealed derision. Let her eat sand, if she so chose. He glanced quickly between his sister and his recently acquired acquaintance. As he approached his keen ears picked up on her speech. She was frightened of the water, she claimed. She prattled on that she found the largest clams here, even. He curled a lip, not feeling any strong urge to acknowledge her presence, but praying to his God that she at least keep her ignorance to herself. A quick glance to Naamah showed an expression as perplexed-bordering-frustrated with the pathetic creature as he was rapidly becoming.

He had laughed at his sister's jape at her ability, immediately interested in the effect it had on the fourth member of their merry little band. Her ears pinned backwards, clearly not concerned with hiding her emotions or how easily she might be wounded. Perhaps it was this emotional imbalance that convinced her to speak so freely with his sister, but the words which followed were enough to throw her into a rage. He was no less pleased himself, but he knew better than to attempt to fight his sister's battles. Pyre would hardly appreciate him butting in, and he knew the vicious woman was more than capable of handling things on her own. In fact, he let out a low and raspy chuckle. This blind fool had a death wish...

Naamah replied that she had not seen the man, her tone concise and with no further inflection. He leveled the smokey woman with a cool but eager gaze. "Well, no matter. It's a lovely day for a hunt, after all." Naamah would go on, gesturing to the smallest of their gathering and with in an irritated tone explained her half of this whole clam debacle. He couldn't help but agree.

His brows shot skyward as the neon bitch opened her maw again. This time his head whipped towards her, caught off guard that she would have the gall to do so and at once enraged by what she said. The force of his anger slammed into his veins like a tidal wave, crashing from his quivering lips to the tip of his tail. The behemoth heaved to his feet, and a growl tore from deep within him. His eyes narrowed to slits as he regarded her, looming overhead like a thundercell come to earth and eager to wreak destruction over whatever lay in his path. He could not hear Pyralis speak over the blood which roared in his ears. "You dare tell me what is fair and what is not? As if you know fuck all about what this man did? I would gladly rip his throat out for merely looking at my sister wrong, and yet you see fit to pass judgement upon us?"

The idea of a mortal attempting to give him moral guidance of any kind was not only laughable, but it was enough to have the hulking man seeing red. This pathetic, beaten, fearful, stupid creature sat before him not only underestimating the skill and prestige of his kin, but would reach so far as to tell him what was not fair. Being cast from the heavens to skulk about with the likes of her filth was an injustice so great it weighed on his shoulders every waking day. "You don't know the first thing about unfair. Unfair is when my friends and I here take turns passing you around, ripping off whichever body part we favor first. Unfair is when we peel your pelt away from your very frame, and flay you alive. Unfair is when we break your legs and leave you for the gulls. You believe you know unfair? If so, you do not know the name Abraxas, but I am more than prepared to teach you." His frame was clenched with a seething rage. Oh, how he thirsted to taste her blood on his lips. Oh, how sweet it would be...

Round 0/???
Height 45"
Build Heavy

"Talk" "You" Think

OOC: First off, want to leave a note here that I can't help Amon being a bad dude, I tossed over this reply for days! I'm not trying to jack up a donation character, so Asena if you want Naomi to flee Amon won't pursue her. I can't envision him entirely letting her go though, so who knows what might happen in the future but I feel like that would need some further discussion between us. Feel free to skype me (User: foxipaw) or PM me to discuss!

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
03-29-2017, 08:24 PM

How wicked these,
How wicked these hours

Pyralis stepped back as her brother's anger came ripping viciously from his throat in words laced with venom at the blind woman.  The piratical woman grinned.  Exactly!  The idea of some scrappy, chewed up mortal passing judgement on her betters was laughable and Pyralis had more than half a mind to hurl the fool into the ocean.  Let whatever monsters stirred beneath the seas claim the little wretch.

Pyralis left the girl to address Amon as she moved opposite her brother, attempting to leave the hapless girl stuck between them and vulnerable to whoever struck first.  After all, the girl had insulted Pyralis first so the vicious bitch felt she was owed at least a little of the girls blood.  She glanced at her brother.  He seemed to be giving the scarred woman a chance to beg or grovel or flee for her life but the more she thought about it the more Pyralis was ready for this little encounter to end.  She had a scum bag to track down and the wretch wasn't worth more of her brother's time or attention nor her own.  The vicious woman grinned.  Time for their new 'friend' to go for a little swim…

Pyralis moved with silent and deadly precision as she set herself up to engage her quarry.  Her skull and tail shifted gracefully to align with her spine, her chin tucking against the curvature of her neck.  Pyralis rolled her strong shoulders forward as her neck drew back pushing a protective covering of excess flesh and fur over her vitals.  Her condescending gaze narrowed as her ears lay tightly against her lowered crown.  Pyralis would shift her weight evenly among her grounded limbs that were spread equidistant apart and bent slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity.  Her toes splayed and claws bit into the sand for better traction.  Ebony hackles lifted and laced down her spine as her jaws parted, revealing fangs thirsting for blood and the skin on her face bunched in a silent growl.

Silence filled the air for a moment before Pyralis sprang forward, attempting to close the distance between herself and the girl.  Hoping that the girls attention would remain fixed on her brother (whom had the girls previous attention) Pyralis sought to come up directly behind the girl.  With a powerful leap her head twisted slightly to her own right as she sought to dig her jaws directly into the center of the girls scruff, seeking to bury her fangs deep and gain a solid hold.  In addition Pyralis sought for her weight to fall entirely on the girl's dorsal side with the focus being Pyralis' chest and upper body slamming onto the girls upper back and shoulder blades with the goal of using her greater weight to force the other completely to the ground and into submission in addition to bruising from the impact.  As her jaws sought the girls scruff Pyralis would also attempt to wrap her forelegs around the sides of the girls neck, just in front of her forelegs.  Pyre's left foreleg attempted to wrap around the left side of the girls neck while the right foreleg sought to wrap around the right side of the girls neck in a brutal hug.  

PYRALIS vs NAOMI for DOMINANCE (Right to toss Naomi into the ocean)
Round: 1/?
Height: 42"
Build:  Medium

Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!

The Judge


04-03-2017, 08:26 AM
And the winner is...

Pyralis! Due to Naomi not posting in the allotted time, the fight has defaulted in Pyralis' favor. Naomi must give up by submitting or passing out, and Pyralis has won the right to toss her in the ocean.



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
04-05-2017, 06:40 PM

How wicked these,
How wicked these hours

Fangs dug deep as Pyralis crashed into the nearly blind girl, fangs latching tight in the girl's scruff gaining a solid hold. She shifted and with a mighty twist used her powerful limbs to hurl the girl into the ocean. She barked out a laugh, tail wagging behind in in amusement as she licked her lips, tasting the sweet tang of blood. Ahh… that was fun. With a grin she bounded playfully toward her brother. "Well, now that we have that bit of business taken care of I have prey to catch and he's getting farther away by the second. I'm going to continue my hunt. You and your friend are welcome to join me." With a vicious grin on her face she turned and trotted along the shore, focusing herself once again on the task at hand.


Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!