
They See Me Rollin' They Hatin'



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
03-17-2017, 02:03 AM

The summer heat was getting to be a bit much for her, and her fur felt icky and gross from the humidity. She kinda missed the snow, the cooler temperatures. And yet, it didn't keep her from exploring outside instead of staying in the den. She couldn't help it, rain or shine she liked being outside. She wasn't quite sure what she was going to do today, but she was sure something would come her way. And if not, then she would just keep looking. She bounded her way down towards the river that cut through their territory, maybe she could cool off down there for a bit before continuing her exploration. On her way, she began to think...she hadn't really been down this way, had she? She didn't go to the river too often, but since the puddles that littered the terrain had dried up, she didn't really have a choice but to go to the river to get some water. Her last remaining puddle was almost gone, and she figured it would probably be all gone by tomorrow. Oh well, she would just have to hope that it rained soon, because she really liked that puddle. It was her favorite one!

Little more than halfway to the water, a glint of green on the path she was on had caught her eye. Her head cocked to the side as she slowed down, and then she realized what it was! "Poop bug! I found you again!" Despite the bugs nasty weird habit, she was enthralled at how it managed to roll it up into a perfect little ball. Come to think of it, she forgot to ask her parents what it was, so she stuck with calling it a poop bug for now. She got as close as she could, flopping down onto the ground and watched it doing its daily task.

Walk, "Talk" Think



03-18-2017, 09:39 PM
Tsenu's steps were cautious, as they had been since she'd first set foot on the land bridge that brought her north from her homeland. She'd learned little from the few wolves she had met thus far - it seemed that using the northerners' common tongue was much different than memorizing it, and the language barrier caused great frustration for her. She had made her meandering way north, find it startlingly like Auster in the summer, with the sticky humidity that she had grown up with. The further to the northwest her journey took her, though, the more the differences became apparent. It had shifted to desert, and while there were deserts in Auster as well they had been far from her tribe's birthplace and she had never seen them. The odd lands had fascinated and disturbed her, until she had made her way here to the grassland that looked so similar to many she'd seen in her life. Unused to the northerner's way of marking their land boundaries (thus far, luck had led her to manage to avoid any other packs on her way here) she passed over the border unknowingly. She was not caught by surprise though, when the wind sent the scent of a pup her way, the predator constantly on guard. She slowed from her ground-eating lope, pale eyes wary within the mask of paint smeared over them. Where there were pups there were adults, and adults were, rightly, rarely comfortable with strangers around their children. But there did not seem to be adults anywhere near, and it would be... simpler, to continue on her path. She had been sent to learn about northern ways, and she had always seen that it was from children you were most likely to learn. They were more open, more truthful in their innocence than adults.

She stopped beside the youth, who seemed to have her attention focused on some sort of a beetle rolling a ball of... a whiff of his burden told her exactly what it was he was rolling. "Oel ngati kame," she said quietly in greeting, dipping her head, then eyed the bug with amusement. "What is it you have found on your hunt?"