
The Only Way Is One



5 Years
07-27-2014, 09:08 PM
One - Creed

It was late. So late that it was early. Same as last time. Accept that this time, the wolf that sat here was much, much different than he'd used to be. It showed on his body. His frame was now filled out and sturdy. He wasn't the skinny punk kid that crawled out of the desert. Now he stood tall as he sat on the wall, the sun just starting to come up over the horizon. Broad shoulders boasting more muscle than before, and powerful hind legs behind him. He was a man now. He was head strong and he was determined. The world used to be able to harm his spirit. But now, now he was unbreakable. His mind was no longer that of a lost kid struggling to find home and a place to belong. No. Now it was that of a leader. A man who had a goal and a purpose to live and a reason to keep pushing. All this was very much a gift to his mother. His birth mother. The one that had told him to run from that vast and empty desert when he'd been little before it had a chance to swallow him whole. She'd told him that his heart was a light, and that he needed to share that light with the world. And so, ran he had.

And he'd grown. Grown strong and proud. And that light of his, it had grown into a blazing inferno deep in his soul. It hadn't been through the method that he'd wanted. No. And perhaps that was for the better. The growth that Newol might have achieved if he'd gone down the road that he wanted might not have been the same growth. But all these days past of running across Alacritis, trying to scavenge up his people and direct them back together, that had produced a favorable outcome. There was a time where he had wanted to leave a long stain across this land of blood, and make the tyrants watch as he beat everything they held dear to death with the bones that he'd ripped from their children's corpses. But no. Instead, he'd kept his head down, and waited for the storm to pass. And he'd met wolves along the way, beautiful and gorgeous wolves who's souls had taught him that he wasn't alone in his quest to just live a good life and leave the world a little better than he found it. And that keeping his head down, it had taught him that those who saw to lead needed to also understand that there was a time to lay down your want for violence and be Civil.

And that was why he was here. It was well past time that he spoke to her. There was no violence in his Expression as he gazed out calmly into the horizon. He didn't want Violence. Not anymore. Not with her. He didn't know what he wanted really. He just wanted to talk. Closure. Because in a weird ass backwards underhanded way, he owed her. If not for her, he would have never become a man, and instead stayed as he had been. Care free and ignorant. That had been fine for him at the time, but now it wasn't. Now he understood just how much it meant to have a purpose. To have a goal to work for. To have something to try and accomplish. It wasn't just a pretty thought anymore. He was genuinely going to try and leave this world a better place than he'd found it. And she'd given him that. So he wanted to see her, one more time before she disappeared. Raising his maw to the sky, he howled out her name in a calm and peaceful note, leaving no indication of hostility. This wasn't any of that. She'd been the driving force that had turned him into something. And for that he was endeared enough to say goodbye.