
a crooked nook



3 Years
03-31-2017, 03:34 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2017, 03:35 PM by Varon.)

It had been an interesting journey across the large bridge. Found randomly through his travels, Varon decided to take a risk and cross over into an island-looking area. Curiosity got the best of him, and now only time would tell if the Russian was going to run into anything dangerous. Many trees covered the lands, providing plenty of shade from that blasted heated sun. The pelt that had grown upon his body didn't do so well in the summer, as it was built to be a bit more thicker for the almost year-round winter that covered his old homeland. Of course, fur would shed during the warmer times, but it wasn't enough to escape the heat, and Varon greatly despised warmer weather. It didn't take long before a small clearing suddenly came into view, brown audits pushing forward in interest. There were many shrubs full of berries, even some he'd never seen before. What were these.... blue colored orbs? And the strawberries that were spread across the ground looked completely different than those back in the old lands. Bending down, the man wrapped his tongue around one of the strawberries and bit down. It didn't take long for the strawberries to be spat out, Varon completely disgusted by the sour taste. It was a berry that had yet to ripen, and it was further reason to avoid berries in general. He never liked them in the first place.  



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
04-03-2017, 02:10 AM

She was debating venturing back across the land bridge again, but she was hesitant. Granted, she probably didn't have any reason to be...after all, she was a very large wolf who probably looked intimidating, but as it was, she was far from it. Not that anyone knew that until she started talking. Honestly, she acted like a shy kid despite her size, but she had yet to come out of her shell after living practically sheltered. She wondered if spending more time with her brothers might pull her out of it, or maybe...No, it's pointless...I'm a lost cause... She sighed as she flicked her ears, rump pressed against the cold ground as she sat. It was weird...on the other side of the land bridge it was warm and hot. Here, it was cold and...wet. She knew it was summer, but for some weird and strange reason, Auster's weather and seasons seemed backwards and completely opposite of what was going on in Boreas. She had decided to stop in the berry grove hoping to maybe find a light snack before finally deciding on whether or not she should go across on her own, but she was disappointed to find that the berried weren't ripe right now.

Blue eyes looked about, a sigh passing her lips as she stood and absentmindedly wandered a bit, hoping that maybe she might be able to find something to munch on before heading out. Wherever that might be, anyway. It wasn't long, however, that she heard a faint sound nearby which caused her to stop in her tracks, audits perked as she stood tall and looked around. Who was that? Cautiously, she searched for the source until she found it. Or rather, him. A smaller brown male, spitting out a strawberry that was not as tasty as he probably thought it might be. She giggled a little at the sight, though inwardly flinched when she realized she had probably just given away her position. Well, too late to hide now..."The berries here aren't ripe yet...but I'm sure you already figured that out." She stepped out from behind some berry bushes, head lowered slightly so she could try to look less tall, though she wasn't even sure if that worked at all. Her voice was soft, sweet...shy. But that's how she always sounded, and she couldn't figure out how to sound any different.

"Talk" "You" Think

Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag



3 Years
04-04-2017, 01:36 PM

Ah, the taste of berries was never something the man could get acquainted with, ripe or not. "The berries here aren't ripe yet...but I'm sure you already figured that out." Head snapping to his right, the Russian set his sights on a new soul. As white as virgin snow with a light pink nose, amethyst eyes had laid upon a wolf larger than him. It was clearly a female, young, simply by what the tone of the voice was. This stranger had all the appearances of an albino, yet the ocean blue eyes upon her face deceived this conclusion. Varon had come across another similar like her, but most of these strangely born creatures were born with red eyes to accommodate the gentle pink skin. It was also a bit strange to see a female, who while still young, was taller than him. Based upon the others he had met, it seemed like it was a common occurrence for larger wolves to live around these new lands.

Silent for a moment, the Russian tried to think of something to say, not feeling particularly anxious to talk to someone new. In fact, he was rather flustered, being caught spitting out some ripe berries like a silly pup. Regardless, he kept his head high and gaze rather neutral. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to have a small conversation, maybe even learn about this area further.  "Я не люблю яго-"... Oh, right. These creatures spoke the common tongue. Every day he went on his own alone, he would forget to switch back. Clearing his throat, he tried again,  "Sorry... I don't really like berries. Who are you?" Perhaps Varon sounded rather blunt or even rude. It was a simple mistake, he didn't mean it. But what was said was said, voice betraying the fact that he was an outsider and simply didn't belong. Audits pulled forward, attempting to straighten his posture so he didn't appear as rude and more... intrigued.



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
04-12-2017, 01:32 AM

Her head tilted with confusion when the stranger spoke. She had no idea what he had said, nor even what language he had spoken in, but it fascinated her. Her tail slowly wagged, tapping her ankles as she watched him curiously. While he was smaller than her, he didn't seem intimidated by her size. She nearly sighed in relief. Good. She kinda hated when others felt intimidated because of her size, but in truth, she was just a big sweetheart. Then again she didn't really have a reason not to be. She was naive and innocent, that much was obvious. But she had yet to encounter anything different that would make her not be that way. The male would speak the common native tongue then, which further piqued her interest. So he could speak two languages? Amazing!

When he said he didn't like berries, she was about to ask why until he asked who she was. She stepped forward a bit, head low and her tail continued wagging slightly, showing she wasn't a threat. "My name is Okami," She offered a shy smile, blue eyes briefly looking at his amethyst gaze before glancing at the currently bitter berries. "Strawberries are my favorite, but they're not really ripe until summer time..." She poked at one on a nearby bush with her nose, breathing in it's scent but was dismayed when it didn't smell as sweet as when she first found them. "It's a shame they're not ripe now, I'm dying to try another strawberry..." She didn't know of any other fruits in the area, that or maybe she just didn't know what they looked like to know that they were edible. The berries in this area was all she knew.

"Talk" "You" Think

Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag



3 Years
04-17-2017, 07:33 AM

She seemed rather confused when he had accidentally spoken in his native tongue, but Varon was un-phased. It seemed to be a common response. If there was anything that made him rather uncomfortable, it was her size, but even then, it didn't bother him enough to be thrown off. She seemed rather nice and non threatening. "My name is Okami," she introduced. The name was foreign to his ears, but still beautiful. Purple orbs would follow where she was looking - the strawberries. "Strawberries are my favorite, but they're not really ripe until summer time.." The girl tried to make some small talk, though it was one of the things he disliked the most. Regardless, he looked in interest as they were different than the ones that grew in his home town. "It's a shame they're not ripe now, I'm dying to try another strawberry." Okami seemed rather saddened to see that the berries weren't edible, but all Varon could think of was, why would a fellow wolf like him like berries in the first place? There was a need to sometimes eat some vegetation to help get over an illness, but she wanted to eat those strawberries because of the taste.

Nostrils flared, attempting to catch the scent of the strawberries. It was sweet, indicating that they would soon be ripe enough to eat. "Varon," the Russian replied, staying silent for a few moments after, eyeing the scenery that surrounded them. "The idea of someone eating strawberries for the taste is strange to me. Are they really that tasty?" Perhaps the berries here taste better than the ones near his home pack. Earthly-toned body began to roam around, swallowing the whole area up with his eyes so he could remember it for the future. They then had settled down upon the bigger albino female named Okami, now trying to decipher her nature out as well. It was then that the scent of her pelt had fully reached him - a pack wolf. She was a pack wolf, which was expected due to her age. Varon kept silent, waiting for a reply. He was unsure of what else to really say, hoping that the girl could keep the conversation going so he didn't have to.



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-10-2017, 11:37 PM

It took him so long to reply, (or so she felt), that she almost missed it when he said his name. "Varon." One ear cocked slightly to the side as wide and innocent blue eyes peered curiously at him, her attention broken off from the unripe berries. Varon? A short yet interesting name. She wondered if it was a name from the common tongue that they spoke, or if it was from his native language of...whatever it was he had spoken. "It's nice to meet you, Varon!" She replied shyly, though she did make an attempt at giving him a cheerful and friendly greeting. He seemed to be of the serious type, and she hoped that she wasn't annoying him by trying to be friendly. Blue eyes narrowed slightly, though not in suspicion or anything like that. She was trying to get a better look at him, since her eyes sometimes had trouble seeing up to certain distances at times. She hated it. It didn't always happen, but if it was way too bright or too dark then it did get hard at times.

Her ears perked at his question, head tilting slightly as he asked about the berries taste. She smiled somewhat shyly, tail gently waving back and forth against her ankles. "Well, I guess it's up to personal preference...I think they're sweet when ripe. Raspberries too! I discovered them not too long ago...we didn't have them in my birthlands up north." She abruptly stopped talking, mouth shutting as she realized she was probably droning on about things that were probably boring to him. "Er...sorry, but...yes, they are sweet. I guess not everyone would like them if they don't have a sweet tooth.." Maybe wolves were just too used to eating meat. But she often liked adding berries to her diet. "Anyway...erm, may I ask where you're from?" She wanted to ask about the word he had spoken, sure that it was a new language she'd never heard, but she wasn't sure if she should ask for fear of potentially offending him.

"Talk" "You" Think

Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag



3 Years
05-17-2017, 02:28 PM

The girl expressed her happiness to meet him, though he didn't return it by all that much, posture still rather neutral and even a bit anxious. She then began to talk about other types of berries that he hadn't even heard of. What were these... raspberries? Once Okami expressed that she was from the north, earthly-toned audits suddenly pushed forward in interest. "Anyway...erm, may I ask where you're from?" Of course, it was a question that was bound to be asked. Once gain, Varon eyed the larger girl, from the bottom of her large paws to the tip of her pointed ears, and then he had set himself back onto the clean blue eyes. Despite the big difference in their statures, the Russian was now keen on answering her.

"You're from the north? I'm also from far north, maybe even a little to the west as well," foreign tongue crossed each word with smoothness, the man actually quite fluent in the common language. Taking a step forward, he would dip his head slightly to show his non-aggression. It was clear this conversation wouldn't meet any violence, and rather, maybe even more friendliness than he had original expected. "Okami?" he questioned, making sure the name was pronounced correctly, "And where are you from? Perhaps I've crossed your lands at one point during my travels." Varon took a strange interest in her, leaning back on his haunches now in front of her so the two could talk at a more personal level.