
learn to fly



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
04-02-2017, 03:11 PM

Nose to the air and amethyst eyes mostly closed, Justice was following a scent she'd caught some distance away and, on a whim, decided to follow. It was an herbal scent, one that she'd always smelled so frequently on her mother. She'd asked her mother what it was, what seemed like a million years ago, and Kavdaya had been happy to share the name. Motherwort. She'd always associated that smell with her mother and so found it soothing even aside from it's ability to soothe anxiety.

She knew she wasn't the most patient wolf, or the most tactful, but the gloom that seemed ever present over her home felt suffocating. Like a storm that refused to break. It was frustrating to the point that she thought she might explode like a rock in a hot fire. With so much looming, she didn't even know where to start in solving it.

She was troubled by her parents' continued lethargy, her mother's depression over losing Surreal and now on the heels of the first death, Falk lost as well. Justice hoped fervently that her lost siblings would take her example and come home, that maybe having her children around her again would pull Kavdaya from her depression. She wondered if Fable or Valor had tried reaching out to the elderly healer, and resolved to talk to them about it. They were yearlings now, though, and might resent her trying to take charge of their family. After all, she'd run off while they'd been obedient, so either of them might feel themselves more suited for it. Besides, it wasn't as though their parents were dead.

Well that was a morbid thought.

She wondered if her father had tried to speak with Kavdaya, but that was a troubling thought all its own. Justice hadn't quite come out and asked, but from the perspective of someone who'd gone from having a happy, whole family to returning home and finding it broken apart, it looked an awful lot like her parents had... split up. Permanently?

Trying not to let the dark thoughts drag her down too much, Justice continued her hunt for the fragrant herb. Maybe she'd gift it to Kav. Maybe she'd harass the pack's other healers into doing something about her mother. Maybe she would. Why not? She had the blood of the Nomads in her veins, and they'd all been equally proficient in herbs and defense. She was already a fighter, albeit self-trained and still and apprentice,. Surely it was just as much her heritage to learn the healing and to, perhaps, someday earn her own mark.

For now she'd find the plant, and soothe the prickly irritation with it's distinctive scent.