
Scorpion's Meeting Thing



5 Years
Extra large
07-27-2014, 07:18 PM

.ooc. if you have a scorpion sibling I'd really really appreciate a reply. Or an PM explaining their absence, I'd really like to see who I need to put back ufa

He was pretty much furious at Viridiana's disappearance. He thought he could trust her, thought their plan was flawless, yet here he was without a rank and without a place to keep his possessions safe. He'd have to regroup, but this time he'd have to start with a family in tow. An irritated growl would rumble from his chest, it was aimed at no one but his previous alpha. He'd huff as he paced back and forth in front of the den he shared with Othello, his mind reeling as anger clouded his thoughts. He needed other siblings. He needed to hear their thoughts and their needs, what did they wish to accomplish now that Covari had fallen. He'd sigh roughly and still himself, forcing himself to concentrate as he sat his rump upon the earth. Eyes would close and brows would furrow as he forced himself to calm. When his thoughts would clear his head would tilt back and he would call for his wayward siblings and growing family.




8 Years
07-27-2014, 07:50 PM

She could hear his pacing outside of the den, as she tried to put the children down for a nap. Humming softly and licking the little bundles fur, she tried to drown out the irritated huffs and gruffs that was coming from outside. She knew that Scorpion was mad, she was too. But they had little ones to look after, two extra ones since Ellis had gone out. A frown sat heavy on her lips, she was worried for the smaller female. It wasn't often that she left the children with her, but she had said that there was something that she needed to do. Othello never asked questions, just readily took her two little ones in. At least all the pups seemed to get along, but she was certain that Scorpion was unhappy about having five pups to look after. They certainly kept Othello busy, that was for sure.

Hoping that they all fell asleep, Othello gave their coats one last lick before padding out of the den, flinching at Scorpions howl. "I am blaming you if that wakes up all the pups." She said softly, her brown eyes resting on his handsome face. Sighing, she stood behind Scorpion and rested her head on his shoulder, pressing a soft lick onto his cheek. "I know you are angry baby, so am I. Where will we go now? I can't do much looking after all these pups, I'm not sure where Ellis has gone so we have two extra ones to keep our eye on, two blind and one almost there." Her voice was soft, and laced with concern. It took all her energy to keep them all safe, was she supposed to try and protect them all too? She wasn't sure how that would do that...

baby you're all I need


07-27-2014, 08:16 PM

The boy would stay laying down as Othello would come between the five children giving hem gentle licks and humming a lullaby. He would close his useless eyes, only making the aggravated grunts hit his ears harder. He tried to focus on the tune coming from the mother's mouth, but it would gently fade into the background and his orbs would come back open to her missing shadow.

He was glad to share part of his life with other pups like himself, it was more comfortable with them than Othello and Scorpion's children. He was still unsure on how they felt about him joining their family. And though there was no word on his true mother, his thoughts would drift to her.

He sat up, leaning his back against the wall as he waited to hear the woman's soft voice, but was only startled by a menacing growl that made him cower. He wasn't too fond of Scorpion, but it wasn't him. It was any of the men. But of course Exodus didn't understand that one day, he would be like them.

He gently padded his way to the mouth of the den, hoping not to step on any tails on his way out. It had been a bit crowded. When he came to the entrance, he stood half his body out, raised a paw before quietly speaking, "Othello?"

He could sense the tension, not only from the brute but from the fae as well. And he knew that her tension was not of all the children she had to mend to.


Mercy I


5 Years

07-27-2014, 08:58 PM

The soft humming and calming licks that her mother provided soothed the growing girl, eased her close to a sleeping state. Her fathers irritated grumbles were easily drowned out of her mind, sleep just about to take over when a loud howl echoed into the den. Yelping softly, Mercy awoke with a start and placed her paws on her mouth, glancing around to see if she had woken everyone else up. To her though, everyone seemed to be sleeping. Pulling herself upon long legs, she followed her newest brother, Exodus. She was used to being around pups who couldn't see, although she wasn't too careful in avoiding things that might make it hard on them. "Exodus." She whispered softly, making sure that the boy knew that she was coming up behind him. Ears perked as she smiled, but remembered that he couldn't see that. "I'm smiling at you, so I'm happy at you." She said softly, giggling in hushed tones.

Exodus called out her mothers name, which still sounded foreign on her ears. She knew her parents name, but she called them mom and dad. She knew that her daddy was grumpy so she trotted up to him, sat in between his paws. Mercy stretched her neck upwards so that her purple eyes were gazing at him, shining softly. "Daddy, you howled and woke me up. Why are you mad? Are you mad cause the red woman went away? She was pretty, but not as pretty as Momma." The words flowed from her maw quickly, wanting to distract him from whatever was making him unhappy. She didn't quite get the dynamics of a pack just yet, but she could smell that the red lady wasn't here any more. In fact, it seemed that no one was here. All the smells were stale, except for her family's.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.

Orchid I


5 Years
07-27-2014, 11:24 PM

rchid had gone to Crucifix's meeting and learnt about Vi and Covari there, however through the entire meeting she had waited for either of her brothers Scoprion or Sol to show up and had seen no sign of them. She was fretting and moving back towards the old Covari lands in search of them when his familiar deep call rang out. She would let out a gush of breath and her nerves would finally calm, with no delay she broke into a run and found herself before Scorpion. With a sudden wave of love and worry she rushed forward and embraced her dear Scoprion ? nothing like thinking she might lose him to remind her how much she needed him. She would hold him for as long as he would allow before pulling back and taking him in. ?I was at Crucifix's meeting, he's gathering old Covari members, where were you?? she asked softly, rubbing her head against his cheek. She hasn't shown such affection for Scorp in a while, especially with all the responsibilities she had held weighing her down.

Walk "Talk" Think



3 Years
07-28-2014, 01:57 PM

He'd just got a position he was proud of within that pack and then suddenly everything was gone. First those damn alphas would ditch them and then some fool would challenge for the pack. If he was right, it seemed that some of the former Covari members had left with Crucifix and whilst he wasn't completely sure what had happened, even Soliloquy could tell that things weren't exactly smooth between the Black male and his brother. He personally would remain in the former pack lands for now though, only moving when his brother was ready. It seemed that day had arrived now as the elder Destruction called for the family to gather. Leaving his own den he would make his way towards his brother's to find out what was happening now. Silently he would join the group, taking a seat as his yellow gaze fixed upon his brother awaiting his decision for the family. Issues mended now, even so it was a strong possibility that the loyal boy would have followed his brother anywhere.