
Presence, Power, Glory


04-07-2017, 01:44 AM

It had been awhile now since he had found his glowing mother and they made their home in the south. He hardly thought about his sister now, glad to finally find someone who was on the same level that he was. It was the first time that he ever felt like he had belonged, and now he was two years old. He strut towards the cave, his fiery head high with a rabbit clasped in his jaws. He had gone out and hunted for Ardra, and peeked into the mouth of the cave to find the fire-born woman. When he didn't spot her, he dropped his catch and stepped inside. "Mother?" he called, only a touch of his accent there. They had been practicing the common tongue, and he was a lot more fluent in it now. No longer did he sound like a stuttering idiot, he actually made sense and carry on a conversation like a normal wolf. Not that he had seen many others in the past few seasons, he had been too busy trying to better himself.

Shaking out his fur, he walked deeper into the caves with a soft click of his nails on the stones. His golden eyes blinked to adjust to the darkness, looking for the familiar glow of the woman in question. Where was she? Sniffing around, he shrugged his shoulders and gave up. He wasn't the most patient wolf... that much was clear. Huffing, he spun around and went to sit by his rabbit. He had tried to look, now she could come and find him. No point in looking much harder. Licking at his bloodied chops, the fire child curled his tail around him and looked up at the rising sun. He had gotten up early and everything to hunt for her and she wasn't even here. Rude.