
taking flight


04-07-2017, 12:19 PM
Things have changed since Fortune found her way to these lands. So different from the days when she had been driven here only by the will to find her family. Regulus had proved himself a dud, and Faite was the one that was going to build her up and keep her whole. Her sister, now. The family itself had grown too, her nieces and nephews growing bigger and stronger by the day. Maybe the biggest change of all had been her position. Kaliq of Lirim, what a strange thought that was. They were her people, and she would lead them... with what guidance they needed. Not that they seemed to need all that much.

She moves easily at the borders, making sure that the boundaries are marked. Wouldn't want any unwelcome guests. Autumn had come, and it was starting to be comfortable once more. Not so gross, not so hot. She was pleased, of course. The brave wouldn't argue with being able to be out and moving in her own home during the day. Afternoon sun shining on her coat, bringing light to... well, to everything. Things were good.

shock & awe



4 Years
04-11-2017, 02:36 PM

He knew that it was dangerous to be back here, but he hadn't seen Zuriel for quite some time now. The spotted male sat behind a bush, not quite hidden but not out in the open either. His golden eyes scanned the pack lands, just hoping to catch a glimpse of the gray woman. He was still alone, and he couldn't help but come here to see if they could speak. It had been awhile since he had even run into another wolf, so it would be nice to have a small chat. Eniko hesitated to howl though, not wanting to call attention to himself. At least the summer was over now, the cooler autumn air let his lungs catch a break. During the last season he had had a lot of a harder time getting around because the humidity was hell on his asthma. But now that he caught a break... well he could dream of a simple meeting. The longer he waited though, the more he knew that he should move on. The prince wiggled in his seat, letting out a sigh. He just needed to move on and give up on the hope of a normal life, not while his brother knew that he was still alive. Phantom was long gone, which let him know that someone had found his hiding place.

Eniko was about to stand to leave when a speckled woman came into view. She was patrolling the borders, and she no doubt had seen him sitting near the boundary line. Not wanting to turn and head out now, he dipped his head towards the woman. He hadn't seen her last time, but the again it was only Faite in that moment. Her scent was similar though, and he wondered if they were related, or if it was just the pack smell that brought them together. Standing in place, he waited to see if she could approach him or move on, a hint of a diplomatic smile on his lips.


As Eniko's guard and protector, Phantom can enter any thread no matter how it is marked.


04-17-2017, 03:29 AM
Ah yes, things had changed and she was more than happy with that. Rin's face still floated in her head, and she was wondering... just where that would go. It was strange, she didn't know about that. Things were odd in Fortune's head, but she doesn't mind that so much. Things are different and weird and strange, but that's okay. She's more than okay with that. High head and open heart for the day, for the week, for the season. It will be more than lovely, and it will continue to be more than lovely.

The stranger is the same color as the first born fawns. It's funny in that way, and it leaves Fortune tilting her head slightly. He was handsome, sure. Not as handsome as-- the grin plays at her face, she won't think it. She won't dare think it. Still, the rakish grin still plays at her face. It's open and friendly, tail wagging as her eyes fall on the strange man. The brave is pleased to see someone.

"What can I do ya for, stranger?" Her tail wags, head cocking gallantly to the side. There's something amazing in her system today, something breathtaking. Today she's strong. "Name's Fortune, I help my sister run the pack here." Right, that sounded good enough. She grins, eyes on the stranger's face.

shock & awe