



5 Years
04-07-2017, 08:40 PM (This post was last modified: 04-07-2017, 10:51 PM by Faine.)

Perhaps she was like her mother, deep down inside a sea nymph instead of a fiery sylph. Right now, Faine had no idea where she was but that did not bother her. So far, she had lived her life rather unscathed, healthy and safe just by herself. Though, there was that need to be a social animal, to find a pack and to be surrounded by those of the same species. She was on the coast though, the coast of a land she did not, at least this region wasn’t Cylin though. A soft sigh leaving her lungs as she slowly sat down and watched the last sliver of the sun slip behind the horizon. The scarlet skies turned violet and dark, small stars twinkled above and her carmine gaze latched onto the waves....

What was that? Were the waves… Glowing? At first she thought perhaps it was just the reflection of the stars but as she continued to watch the waves were the color of cyan. It confused her but intrigued her as well, slowly she got up from her seated position and approached the sea. The glowing blue waves reflecting from her ruby gaze and she slowly stepped into the cool waters, watching the glowing waters wash past her paws and limbs with a look of pure awe on her face.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: hQBYkJZ.png]
ᴏʜ, ᴡᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ʟᴏᴄᴋ ᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜʀᴏᴡ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋᴇʏ.



5 Years
04-10-2017, 07:19 PM

It'd been some time since he'd returned home and yet Kharnage didn't feel much guilt for it. He was aware of the duties he owed to the pack, owed to Dragon, and yet it was hard to feel guilty about leaving to explore. This land was packed full of so many surprises that weren't akin to anything he'd ever seen before that he felt almost no remorse for taking the time to go enjoy them. Then again he tended to be selfish, often putting himself before others, but when it boiled down to it he could also be loyal. He hadn't traveled far from Talis so if anyone ever needed him they only had to call and he'd be there in a heartbeat.

The sun had already set by the time he'd reached the beach and Kharn was surprised to see that the waters were glowing a bright and vibrant neon blue. It was certainly noticeable from a distance and it would be impossible to miss unless you were blind or just plain stupid. Giving in to his curiosity was easy and he padded towards the waters edge to peer at the ocean as the mild waters lapped at his toes. No matter how long he stared though it was impossible for him to discern what made the water shine with such luminescence.

Sand and sea spray spattered his coat as he padded further down the coast with his nose to the ground. The scent of sea salt whipped into his nostrils and prevented him from noticing the girl until he was but ten paces away from her. He didn't notice her at first and if it hadn't been for the glint of blue on her whiter bits he might have strolled past her without acknowledging her at all. As it was, he did finally spot her and he took in the impressed face as she stood in the sea staring at the glowing waters.

"Do you know why it glows blue?" He questioned her as his head finally rose to its full height once more.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



5 Years
04-10-2017, 07:47 PM

The calming sound of the waves and the bright waves almost had her in a trance, but suddenly a voice brought her back to reality and her carmine gaze looked up to see who the voice belonged to. A taller brute, his eyes were that of sapphires but that was all she could see in the dark. Other than the glowing waters that lit up their surroundings, she could barely make up darker patterns on his pelt if she examined hard enough. He simply asked if she knew why the waters glowed in such a way, and she took in a deep breath. The scent of salt water, the scent of the ocean, filled her nostrils and entered her lungs.

Unfortunately, she had to shake her head as a signal for no. She didn’t understand why they illuminated in such a way, and as much as she wanted to know, it was actually a bit more fascinating that it was but a mystery to her. “I have no idea,” she asked, “And I can only assume that you do not know either?” she asked carefully, her eyes moving to meet his fearlessly. She stayed in her position, trying to pinpoint anything remarkable about him but alas any scent she tried to get from him was overwhelmed by the surrounding sea water. As she looked closer though she could see that he was a muscular brute, build like a tank. Unlike her, she was built to be a graceful and lithe femme, thin limbs carrying her dainty body.

“I’m Faine,” she introduced herself softly, “And you are?” she asked for his name too, as she didn’t like staying strangers with those who she met. She looked over to the horizon, where the sea met the sky. “I must admit, I’m very new to these lands.” she said, “I have no idea of the packs around here, or the lands.. Or anything.” she said, was it the best idea to admit her ignorance to a practical stranger? Probably not, but at least she was being honest. A part of her was hoping maybe he was a kind wolf who would give her some information, but she couldn’t be one hundred percent sure about that.

Walk, "Talk" Think
[Image: hQBYkJZ.png]
ᴏʜ, ᴡᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ʟᴏᴄᴋ ᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜʀᴏᴡ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋᴇʏ.



5 Years
04-12-2017, 11:08 AM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2017, 11:09 AM by Kharnage.)

Of course she didn't have an answer for him which was slightly disappointing and rather boring, but then again he was rather boring as well because he didn't have an answer for her either. When she turned the question back on him he rolled his shoulders in a shrug. His eyes shifted downwards once more to look at the water, but he couldn't see whatever it was that made the waters glow in such a way, but strangely enough it reminded him of the glowing blue mushrooms he'd seen in a cave once. Maybe they were related in some way.

"I don't know either, it's why I asked you." He finally said.

He glanced past her, towards the sea and beach behind her, for a moment as she looked him over. He wasn't very impressive as far as some of his family was concerned, but he still had that heavy build and the thick fluffy fur that most of his line had. He wasn't much taller than her, but he certainly outclassed her in weight.

His attention drifted back to her as she introduced herself as Faine. She was slightly more talkative than he was used to, but it reminded him slightly of Heather. She'd talked a lot too, but it at least kept him from struggling to keep a conversation going. Her admittance of her lack of knowledge didn't bother him either - they'd only moved here a year ago anyways. There was still much he didn't know about Auster either.

"I'm Kharnage." He greeted her. "There's only one pack in Auster which is Talis, my home, and the rest are up in the northern continent, Boreas. Other than that I don't know a whole lot about the place myself. I'm guessing you're not from around here?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



5 Years
04-13-2017, 10:04 PM

His name was Kharnage. A bit odd to her, it didn’t make any sense but she would not voice out her confusion on his name. It was interesting in a way, and she offered a small smile. Not that he would catch it in the minimal blue glow, but she still wished to be polite. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kharnage.” she said. He asked if she wasn’t from around the area and she nodded, “I’ve never been to this place in my life, when I was a small pup my mother told me that our family lived on a beach. I suppose that’s why I was drawn to this place first.” she said, pointless information but she was a sociable creature. Of course, being alone and by herself for so long could only draw her to want to socialize more. It’s what only made sense to her, but that was something he wouldn’t know.

“You live here but you don’t know much about…. Auster.. Either?” she asked, she didn’t wish to be rude but if she lived in a new area she would try to explore as much as possible. Along with that question she was already storing the new information in her mind. This region that she was in was called Auster, and the region north of it was called Boreas. From what the brute told her, Boreas was much more populated than this place. That intrigued her a lot, it made her feel a bit excited for the adventures that lay ahead in her future.

“What is Talis like?” she asked, it was all that she would ask. The pack was already intriguing her mainly because the group was by themselves here, to her that sounded a bit nice actually. There was probably little competition for food or territory or any other sources. She had to admit that sometimes solitude was a nice thing, it brought peace and there was little problems to be had when you had little relations. It made her wonder if maybe she should just stay with little relations. Yet, at the same time that was incredibly boring to think about. No… She wanted friends, she wanted to talk to others, she wanted to gain information, she wanted to know all about this place.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: hQBYkJZ.png]
ᴏʜ, ᴡᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ʟᴏᴄᴋ ᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜʀᴏᴡ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋᴇʏ.



5 Years
04-14-2017, 12:25 AM

"It's nice to meet you too." He said back automatically - it was about as polite as Kharnage ever got. Typically his moods were a bit more temperamental at best and was accompanied by foul language and an even fouler temper should anyone happen to piss him off. It didn't take much to push him to that point either which was why he often was alone. It was easier to be in his own company, away from wolves who tended to grate against his nerves, than it was to sit and eventually deal with them.

Not that she had gotten under his skin so far, but she did come off as far too polite and formal. Ears flicked lazily as she mentioned her family had lived on a beach and he couldn't help but glance around them. He highly doubted her family had ever come across a beach like this so in his opinion she certainly had lucked out. If she wanted beautiful sights and familiarity Auster had plenty to offer.

He shifted uncomfortably under the weight of her comment when she seemed perplexed that he didn't know much about Auster either. She was obviously new here while he didn't have much of an excuse. Sure, he'd explored some, but it wasn't like he'd looked into detail. He'd mostly spent his days close to Talis, or at the Bifrost, or before that he'd spent most of his time in Boreas. He hadn't traveled down immediately with the pack when they'd moved a year ago so he was only just getting started.

"I uh, yeah. This place is backwards. It's cold here when in Boreas it's hot and the seasons are horrible. Other than that I haven't figured out much - I've stuck close to the pack lands since we got here so I haven't been able to branch out. So it's not that I don't know much, it just depends on what exactly you want to know." He explained.

And then a question he was a little happier answering, though asking Dragon probably would have done her a lot more good. He'd spent about as much time outside of Talis as he did in it so how was he supposed to explain it? He supposed he had to answer her - he couldn't very well go home and explain that he'd driven off a potential interest for Talis by being a dick.

"It's beautiful I suppose if you're into a plain full of herbs - and then there's the castle that makes up our other territory. My brother, Dragon, is the alpha of the pack. It's kind of neutral for the most part, but we're not afraid to defend our own when required. It's pretty family oriented. It's been quiet for a little bit since everyone was getting used to the new continent and settling in, but I'm sure Dragon has some things planned for everyone soon."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



5 Years
04-14-2017, 01:02 AM

“Backwards?” she asked, as he explained how the seasons were opposite between Boreas and Auster, and how the seasons were actually not too great. “That’s strange,” she noted, almost half to herself. It seemed like this place held a lot of secrets, many mysteries that probably surrounded them and she wished to understand them all. Yet, she probably doubted that she ever would, she could dream and hope though and that was about it. She flicked her ears as she continued to listen to what he had to say about Talis

“I’m a healer,” she added softly, “So a plain full of herbs sounds like heaven to me,” she noted, as she tried to pick up the knowledge her mother had taught, and that knowledge her mother had gained from her father. She wanted to do good for the world around her, for the wolves around her. She enjoyed being helpful, so with the mention of herbs she was automatically even more interested than before.

“A castle?” she asked, she looked down at the water and realized that she had been asking an awful lot of questions. She stopped for a moment and stared at the glowing liquid once again. Barely seeing her reflection in the blue and black seawater, slowly she would wade out of the water and move to the shore. She stood a good distance away from him, not wanting to evade any personal space and also so he wouldn’t get wet. With that she shook her coat out, freeing it of any water that clung to her body and doing her best to dry herself.

“I’m not sure I know what a castle is, unfortunately. Yet, it sounds very interesting.” she said, she would slowly rest down on her haunches and curled her tail over her paws. “I probably seem clueless, don’t I?” she asked, her carmine gaze peering over at him and looking back over at the waves. “Your pack sounds quite nice,” she added, it was a compliment but she spoke with truth. Living her life with just her mother and then in solitude got lonely, so of course probably any pack would sound nice to her. Yet it was the fact that he mentioned it was family oriented was what sort of intrigued her as well.

Faine had a family, she just didn’t know where they were, she didn’t even know if they were alive. From what her mother told her, she had an aunt and a brother, and of course her parents. That was about it, she’d never met them, well she was with them when she was just a pup, but after that she knew nothing else. At times it was a bit sad to think about, and she wondered, was it nice for Kharnage to get to live with his brother and his family? She didn’t want to pry, and she felt like she was already asking a lot about too much already.

She took in a deep breath, looking around for a moment and then her eyes went back to his dark figure once again. “You think there’d be a place for me in Talis?” she asked, it was straightforward and even though she was asking a lot and getting a little self conscious, she felt that this question was a rather important one. Certainly he must know if his brother was the alpha, right?

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: hQBYkJZ.png]
ᴏʜ, ᴡᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ʟᴏᴄᴋ ᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜʀᴏᴡ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋᴇʏ.