
Saffie's Adoption


07-27-2014, 03:39 PM

Babies In Need of Some Homes

Cataleya x Taurig

First we have Sora, previously owned by Dragon. He will be up for adoption as of immediately. His profile can be found here. His name will be changed to something of your choice, but his design will remain the same.

user posted image

A little history about Sora. He was the only boy in a litter of 3, his sisters being Senka and Zaria. His father, Taurig, abandoned him shortly after the boy decided to go and live with him, this left Sora bitter and made him slightly darker aligned. He joined his mother, Cataleya, in her pack, but when the plague struck, she left, causing him to once again feel abandoned. Nothing major has happened in his life, other than the leaving of his father, his sisters death, and his mother leaving and now returning.

You may choose to play him however you wish, good or bad, but do note that Cat will be seeking him out, and those three major events in his life must remain. Any past grievances he has had with any wolf will no longer exist unless you want it to.

Syrnix x Eos

Next we have Sevan. Her name and design will remain that same. She up for adoption immediately. Her profile can be found here.

user posted image

She currently has her own adoption thread, which can be found here



Character: who are you applying for? If Sora, please rename

Personality: how do you intend to play them? 200 words

History: just briefly tell me what you plan on including in their history, doesn't have to be long, this is more for Sora, since I play his mom.

RP Sample: 250 words



4 Years
07-27-2014, 04:50 PM

Name: Lazuli
Character: Sora, now Valentine
Personality: Wit and sarcasm are this boy's favorite weapons against the world. He has a lazy, natural way of delivering slights that make them seem harmless and he loves it when they go unnoticed because it confirms his suspicions that whoever he's dealing with is an idiot. It's not superiority that eggs him on (although arrogance is part of the facade), he knows he's a sinner like everyone else, he just enjoys messing with others.

Valentine would like you to believe that he cares for nothing. Not for life, for good or evil, not for the future, not for himself and certainly not for you. He's not reckless in his actions, but gives off the impression that he couldn't any care less about what happens. 'It is what it is' would be his mantra. Of course presentations can be deceiving. While he would like wolves to believe that he is apathetic, it's not quite true. Beneath the facade is a being that cares very much. Deep down he struggles with questions of right and wrong, good and evil. He craves destruction and the slow death of his enemies, but is plagued by a conscious that can't be stomped out no matter how hard he tries. It would be easier if he were one or the other, but he isn't. To his core he is at war with good and evil.

While he doesn't allow the idea to be entertained seriously, in his weaker moments, Valentine struggles with the question of whether or not something is wrong with him. Not once but twice has he been abandoned by the very wolves who should love him the most and their abandonment is at the core of his questioning. Perhaps they see something in him that he doesn't.

Trust is something Valentine doesn't have an abundance of. What little he does have is gripped with an iron fist; he's been let down too many time for it to be held loosely. For those that work their way into his heart he'll pour every last bit of himself into their relationship. For them and only them will he sacrifice himself for.

Trust issues aside, Valentine is a bit of a romantic. He views love through cynical lenses, believing that few are actually capable of it and fewer still could feel it for him. That doesn't stop him from wanting it, although he handles it and romance with a kind of despair that is hard to describe. It stems from insecurity and in this one area is it obvious that he is indeed insecure. There is a wound in his soul where love was suppose to grow.

He's not prone to anger or violence, but is capable of both and unafraid of the consequences. If it were up to Valentine everyone would mind their own business and leave him alone, and he'd do the same to them, but that's not usually the case. It's not his fault all wolves have some amount of stupid in them that causes conflict when mixed with the stupid in him. When it comes to fighting he's as game as they come. Unintentional knack for starting wars aside, Valentine is generally very easy going. He has a lazy, come what may approach to life and his natural pace is found somewhere between a mosey and a jog. If it weren't for his mouth life would be easy.

History: (His history will remain the same up until his mother leaves him. From there I'll have him go on a short adventure outside of Ala, which is where this next bit starts.) Bitter and wounded, he took up wandering after his mother abandoned him. Without a purpose and with no one to guide him, the boy let his darker tendencies run wild. Valentine did what he wanted, when he wanted and no one could tell him otherwise. He experimented in all fields of gratification that interested him. His mouth frequently got him into trouble, costing him blood on more than one occasion. Now, some months after leaving, he's found himself in Alacritia once more.

I'd very much like for him to find his mother and join her pack. While he'd be standoffish and angry at the beginning, Valentine desperately wants to mean something to someone and would greedily seek her approval. I like the idea of him getting to reknow his family.

RP Sample: A soft exhalation signaled the waking of the brute. He kept his eyes closed, clinging to the darkness in a last ditch effort to hold onto the dream he'd been living in sleep. He wanted to keep it, to save it for later and wrap himself in it when the world was cruel and trying to crush him. Despite his efforts the fantasy world slowly dribbled away from him and he was left with the cold, uncaring world that was reality. His eyes opened reluctantly. A new day was upon him. Time to rise and shine.

For a moment he lay still, allowing himself time to become fully aware. He savored the well-rested, content feeling that came with rising. The dream was gone, but they never stayed anyway. It was a loss that he was accustomed to. Valentine took a deep breath, held it for a few heartbeats, and then let it out slowly. It was then that he became aware of a warmth radiating up his left hip. Lifting his head slowly, Valentine looked over his shoulder. He didn't have to look, he could guess at what it was, but he did anyway. Allegra lay curled up beside him, having huddled up against him to combat the chill of night. Her presence surprised him. That she would seek him for comfort was a new twist in their relationship. Since she'd been given to him, the fae had been careful to avoid contact with him. She did everything he asked, never complained, never offered resistance, but at the same time, she kept her distance with him. She feared him. He knew this. Part of him enjoyed this fear, this power over her that kept her from running from him. Her own mind was her jailer. He'd never had to do anything to keep her close.

A pang of guilt echoed through his chest and he looked away. Sometimes the very sight of her made his stomach twist. Other times he was filled with pride when he looked upon her. She was a testament to his prowess, living proof that he was a capable individual. She was his spoils of war, his trophy. And yet...he had no idea what to do with her. There was a part of him that wanted to use her, but in all of his encounters he'd never been with anyone who didn't want him. Control was his motivator, satisfaction in knowing that he could possess someone body and soul. Guilt and empathy were her saving graces. Valentine knew he should set her free. He craved the rush of relief that would fill him, but knew once she was gone that he would be alone again. He did not want to be alone anymore. The young brute was selfish and greedy, his young core rotting more and more with each passing day. He recognized it, knew it with every fiber of his being, and knowing was part of his reasoning for keeping her. Bad wolves did bad things. He was a bad wolf. Because of this, he was within his right as an unsavory citizen to keep her, right? ...right?

He sighed.

He did not know what to do with her.
[Image: 2z9gv88.png]



4 Years
08-16-2014, 08:14 AM
I edited to remove Alegra from his history. While I still like the idea of her, I think it's a hard idea to sell and I doubt I'd get her adopted. I left his rp sample the same though because it's an accurate representation of how I'd play him if I got him.
[Image: 2z9gv88.png]


08-17-2014, 06:19 PM
Congratulations to Laz!! She will now be the proud player of Sora now named Valentine.

Sevan is still open for more applications!