
Ain't nothing gonna stop us



5 Years
Extra large
04-10-2017, 06:57 PM

Padding through the deep gash in the earth, the dark and light woman gazed at the odd land, taking note of the winding, twisting paths made by the bed of the once river. It was a curious location, littered with rocks and possessing many twists, turns, off-shoots and what she thought to be small caves. Sadly the place was severely lacking in the herb department, so she wouldn't be finding any of those for a while.

Liquid gold eyes glittered, betraying her whirring mind while the woman slowly padded along, taking careful whiffs of the air. Not a lot of activity here. Perhaps she could still find something of interest despite how few the plants and company were. Fox-colored ears twitching, she decided to peek into one of the passages leading to a dark cave entrance. With a shrug of her shoulders she meandered her way there. Since she was unaccompanied and seemed to have ended up all on her own without the presence of her relatives nearby there was really nothing stopping the woman from doing a little exploring and searching of these unfamiliar lands while she made her way to look for the rest of the Abraxas bunch at some point.

Walk, "Talk" Think


05-15-2017, 11:55 AM

After the meeting with her aunt Pyralis Rahovart had decided that things in the North were sadly too dull for her tastes. So she began to travel once more, wondering when her father might call them together for a family meeting and who might show up there. A slow breath was given through her nose as Rahovart padded along, ears perked and eyes interested in the land she scoured. She felt… as though she’d been too lazy lately. There was a need for training without a doubt… and sooner or later she’d need to get back on that path. She couldn’t afford to fall behind, she thought with a mischievous smirk.

A familiar scent crossing her path brought a delighted laugh from the girl. Razi! Her scent was fairly fresh, the young woman realized, and that meant that Razi was still somewhere close by. Wouldn’t that be some wondrous news to give to her father? Her tail thoughtfully swished back and forth as she began to follow the scent trail, wondering where her aunt might lead her. If she was half as fun as Pyralis, well, this was certainly going to be interesting!

It was to a cavern that her aunt lead her, and it was here that Rahovart paused, ears twitching as she peered into the darkness. What on earth was her aunt thinking, heading into some dingy cave? Raho gave a soft snort before glancing around. From what she remembered Razi was far more interested in plant life… what the hell could she be hoping to find in there? With a sigh Rahovart decided to give a bark, waiting to see if she might attracted Razi’s attention.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Extra large
05-16-2017, 03:04 PM

The passages here were so interesting Razi found herself completely consumed by exploring and wandering around within these dark spaces, moving from one room to the next with wide eyes souring her surroundings hungrily with every step she took. Eventually she stood before several possible paths, seating herself in the middle of them with a hold in the ground above filtering light down into the space, a beam of light stretching down to settle and glow atop her head. It was only when a familiar bark came bouncing its way to her ears that Razi broke her concentration. The voice of a young woman... One of Amon's offspring? How long had it been since she'd seen the youngsters? Rising, she wandered through the passages in the direction of the voice, but took a different turn and found herself out in the open alone. Whoops!

Rather than turn back to go the right way, Razi tip-toed her way towards her niece, moving silently following the younger woman's scent until she appeared behind the paler Abraxas and gave a loud, "Boo!" while ensuring she was a safe distance away so she wouldn't get attacked should the child actually be startled by her.

Walk, "Talk" Think