

Cyprian I


2 Years
04-11-2017, 05:22 AM
It was getting colder. The rogue male had scented it on the air; felt it from the waning sun. An autumn chill had begun to settle in the wind and it nipped at his thick pelt. Bones peeked out from his pelt and although he had once been strong and sturdy, being alone had begun to weaken him. He could still hold his own in a fight, but it would be messier, scrappier. He would become what he had never dreamed of - a scrapper. His teal eyes scanned the horizon for food. There would be a hare somewhere; its colours shifting from brown to white, atop a burrow. Doing the same thing as he, but scavenging on the plants rather than the animals. Yet he could not find the hare. He knew that there were little critters everywhere; but his nose told him not here. So he left. He picked up his body and continued on.

He walked towards a scent that he had long ago detected. Urine, laid strong in a line. A clear message: Don't cross here. But he did. He lifted one paw and merely stepped over the border. His two-toned bulk walked slowly through their territory, his nose flooded with foreign scents. Dusk had begun to settle in but it was not yet night. His back was dark like the sky, but his undercarriage was bright silver, giving him away. He didn't care. It was design, not accident, that brought him here. He lowered his head and tail to diminish the threatening nature of his body. It was hard to carry such a large frame and somehow seem smaller. But he did; and his eyes stayed on the ground, to avoid potential glares in the distance. He did not howl to be welcomed or wait; but he had already entered. He was here. He made little noise but continued to peruse their territory... He would be attacked, maybe. He would be found - definitely. He wanted to be here. It was that simple. He would explain the rest when he would meet his fellow strangers. He was prepared for the risk and as always had taken it head-on, coming to them rather than waiting for them to come to him. He knew no other way to live.

OOC: I have an exam tonight so I can't reply to this as quickly as I'd like, buut, I was on this morning and thinking what would be fun? So I decided to do something random but ICly it makes sense. (: But yeah, I'll reply as quickly as I can to this!



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
04-11-2017, 05:48 AM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2017, 05:49 AM by Justice.)
Justice lifted her head with amethyst eyes blazing within her dark skull. She had taken up a quiet patrol early in the evening, though strictly speaking it was not her job. Soon, when Regular assigned mentors, though she still was torn between two paths.

Well, this time her path was clear. The scent of a stranger, a loner, had crossed the fresh-laid scent markers and continued deep into Celestial's territory. She knew they were fresh-laid, because she had been taking daily patrols to ensure it was so. The loner could not have possibly missed the scent, and the disregard caused Justice's temper to flare up hotly. She should have just called for Regulus, or another trained fighter, though she was drawing a blank as to who that would be, but her blood was up, now.

The sturdy yearling flashed down the scent trail, looping around to cut off the male she found at the end of it. He was barely taller than she was, and with her burly build not terribly much heavier either, though even if he had been Regulus' size she might not have backed down anyway.q She ignored his submissive posture - if he didn't want trouble he should have stayed on the right side of the border markers - except to shift his own young body into a dominant, aggressively hostile stance of her own. "Let me guess, you're lost, she sneered sarcastically. "Took a wrong turn looking for the latrine?" She curled her lip, partly in disdain and partly as threat, baring her teeth. "You don't belong in Celestial's territory. Leave now, or I kick your ass and throw you out anyway. Option two means you'll really piss me off, so you leave with less of your body parts. So which is it going to be, fleabag?"



12 Years
Extra large
04-11-2017, 02:19 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2017, 02:22 PM by Regulus.)
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Regulus had been investigating a rabbit warren when the scent of a stranger, far too close and fresh to be on the border even with a breeze kicking up. His attention abandoned the rabbit warren as he spun away to trot swiftly through the plains, ears flicking further forward as he caught a fresh whiff of Justice’s scent comingling with the stranger’s; first coming after, then in front of the other’s on the breeze.

His trot picked up into a lope, tail rising above his hips. He arrived on the scene soon enough to join Justice’s side, though a brow point lifted at her litany. He aimed a light nudge at her ribs, lowering his voice to speak with her. The enthusiasm was well noted. But her conduct would need a little polish. “First we inform a trespasser of their error, and ask firmly, and politely, for the trespasser to leave. If they don’t, then we do the ass kicking. If they still don’t, we force claim. Your enthusiasm is noted, and I really appreciate it. Keep up the good work.” He gave her a grin, ensuring she knew he wasn’t angry with her, just teaching her, before the expression shifted to a cold look as those sapphire eyes turned to the male.

His stance held a clear authority, and a readiness to lunge at the stranger. This one had no excuse for his trespass that would stand in a court. He’d been aware of Justice’s patrol, and had been watching from a distance as she’d passed the area, leaving clear marks.

While there was a possibility that the male didn’t know what the strongly scented line meant, the posture spoke that he did know. There wasn’t a relaxed ‘I didn’t know I was in a pack’s territory.’ in him. “And I highly suggest that you turn back, now, and leave. If you don’t, we’ll have no choice but to attack you and drive you out. And if you still refuse to leave, we will do you permanent harm and claim you as a prisoner. And it will be two against one. ”

No uncertainty was to be found in the rumbling voice. He had been willing to give Varon a chance because it was clear as day the wolf had merely made a mistake. Not every loner who traipsed across the border would get the same treatment.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]