



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
04-12-2017, 01:03 AM

She was nervous, that much was obvious. She'd never sparred before, and to be honest she was afraid to do it. She never really wanted to hurt anyone, and the naive girl hadn't really been exposed to the bad things that could happen out in the world. Not yet at least, but surely her cousin wouldn't be too hard on her, right? They were both about the same size, so they might end up being able to do some damage to each other, but she wasn't purposely trying to hurt him either. After listening to her mother, she soaked in the defensive information, and decided she would probably mostly focus on that. She didn't know if instinct would take over, or if she would simply close her eyes and flinch and then it would all be over...that was a possibility, wasn't it? What if she bit Fable too hard? What if she made him bleed? What if they knocked into each other so hard that both of them got knocked out cold? There were so many what ifs that she was beginning to think too much about it, and in turn it sort of made her...freeze up and feel reluctant to fight. She had moved away from the rest of the group, tail wagging nervously as her blue eyes followed Fable. "I um...I've never sparred before so...I guess you can go first?" Okay, maybe she should have asked her mom how these things worked before doing it. But oh well, too late now. Her mom was already starting with Steel, and she was too shy and embarrassed to ask for help. Best to get it over with and figure it out as she went, right?

"Talk" "You" Think

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