
Meet Me At The Gates

Valor I


8 Years

04-12-2017, 10:13 AM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2017, 11:58 AM by Shrapnel.)

He wasn't quite sure what had possessed him to leave Celestial. Maybe it was because they were supposed to have made the trip to the north weeks ago, but hadn't yet on account of Creed. Their uncle Crucible had died and that had ended the trip. Dragon had gone back to Talis after escorting them back to Celestial and that had been the end of that. He hadn't known his uncle very well so it was awkward being at home, but he felt bad for their Da. He was his only other brother since he'd explained a while ago that Cross had been missing for some time.  

Either way it was weird being home. Justice was back, something that should have delighted him more than it did, but it was a bittersweet feeling. Where were Exodus and Knight? Why couldn't they have come home with her? Perhaps it was another reason, maybe on a subconscious level, that he'd traveled north by himself. It was his first time leaving pack lands on his own and he was halfway hoping he'd find their missing siblings somewhere along the way. Then he'd get to return home and boast about how he'd brought them back!

He knew there most likely wasn't any other family here in the north. He'd already learned that the rest of the Ancora line lived in Talis, but it was still humbling to come to the place where the old family had lived. This was where his Da had lived as a pup before he'd left to another continent for a few years. He could see the allure to the place - the temperatures were slightly more pleasing to his thick coat, even only by a little bit since it wasn't winter, and the towering pine trees were beautiful. He'd also managed to pick up on the scents of elk and some deer which easily gave him the idea that hunting had to be pretty damn great in good years. All around he didn't regret the trip at all even though he was alone and had yet to run into Exodus or Knight.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]



4 Years
04-23-2017, 09:45 PM
There was rarely a still moment for the woman, and hardly a break either. Lucifer kept her near exhausted with his heckling, but Vianni was a strong wolf who had been able to endure so far.  Managing to escape the male's attention, even for a moment, was nearly impossible but the woman persevered. Today she was rewarded with escape from the ship, where Lucifer had gone off to, she didn't know and the queen of mood swings didn't particularly care at the moment. Her heated scent carried as she moved through the pines, and a smile bent her lips as she watched the trees for movement. Her lure had been sent out, and while she waited, the she-beast listened to the angry grumbling of her stomach. In case the smell of her wasn't enough to bring her favored quarry to her, Vianni thought to send out her voice as well, but the thought that Lucifer might come stopped her. She didn't need his wrath, nor did she need him to spoil her hunt. A flash of white and black catches her attention and she puts on her most friendly face as she waits for the other wolf to spot her, even as she searches for others that might stage rescue. She hated surprises, but she could be ready for anything. Today, she was ready to eat.  

"Vianni." "You." Think.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Valor I


8 Years

04-24-2017, 09:15 PM

It was easy to get lost in the beauty of the north and he tried to imagine himself in the pack, Glaciem, as it'd been when Crusade, and then Gargoyle, had been in charge of it. He remembered the stories that Creed had told him, of how Cifer and Crusade had met, and even the pack's downfall. It was depressing to think that such a great pack had such a sad ending, but their will to stick together, even after all that had happened, was inspiring to say the least. They were stories he could have listened to for days. It was certainly exhilarating to stand here and try and picture the old pack's every day lives, the places they hunted, slept, and mingled with one another.

A strong scent snapped him out of his thoughts as he walked. He hadn't noticed the woman at first, but now that her heat scent wafted to his nostrils he was more than intrigued. It was a scent he'd smelled on older women within the pack and the occasional loner, but he'd never given it much thought. Now he was curious as to who else was out here. Maybe he could make a friend.

It didn't take him long to spot the gray marked woman. Amethyst colored eyes rested on her face as he studied her pale pink eyes and her coat for a moment. She was pretty. Maybe friendly too? He padded her way with a smile on his face and his tail waving lightly behind him.

"Good morning! I'm Valor." He introduced himself easily, still having been given no reason to fear strangers yet. "Do you live around here?" How cool would it be to meet another native?

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]



4 Years
04-24-2017, 11:01 PM
She hadn't spotted any other beings in the nearby area, and a warm smile washed over her pale face. Her darkened chin raises as the wolf she had seen spoke to her. The lad had sought her out no less, lured in by her scent as so many before him had been. Vi wasted no time in slipping into the friendly role of a stranger on a stroll, waving her tail behind her, she calls back to him. "Vianni. I make my home a bit further north, but yes." There were a couple of steps taken in Valor's direction, a look of concern flit across her face and she parted her lips on a line that would help make the other more secure, more trusting of her perhaps. "Are you lost? I can help point you where you need to go." Her sooty front paws gave a little dance as she waved her tail as though she were excited to be helpful, the action wafting her scent everywhere in the pines. This game would be fun if the younger wolf was indeed lost, combined with the fact that he was alone made him almost too easy to take. Vianni had always been an opportunist, and this was one that was pounding on her door. It would drag out a bit, but in the end, she would be sated and able to return home to face her heathen and his crazy insistence.

"Vianni." "You." Think.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Valor I


8 Years

04-26-2017, 04:13 AM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2017, 04:14 AM by Valor I.)

The woman smiled at him, a reassurance really that she was nice, and he grinned back with a wide face eating smile that was rather toothy. Even better was the fact that she lived around here. Maybe a bit farther north, not that he had a good concept of the lands around here, but around here nonetheless. "Oh that's neat. There used to be a pack here, years ago, called Glaciem. My grandparents and great uncle used to live in it and then one of my cousins had a pack here as well, but they moved south." He was a bit more chatty than usual, but he was excited. He was in their old homeland! Of course he wasn't expecting her to think he was lost so he shook his head quick. "Not really. I'm sure I could find my way back home so long as I follow my trail, but I don't know the north at all. So maybe halfway lost?" He didn't mind telling her, who was he to know what she was really like, but she was also friendly. How could someone that nice be mean?

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]



4 Years
04-29-2017, 06:48 PM
The woman watched the younger male as he responded, listening raptly to his words as he claimed he was not lost, but did not know the north at all. In Vianni's mind, the two ideas clashed terribly, to be lost and not lost all at once. Of course, the boy would be able to follow his own scent home, that wasn't her question. Rather than acting in her usual manner, the woman gave another smile and a small wave of her tail.  "Well, in that case, would you care to indulge me in a walk? Perhaps, I can help you become better acquainted with the northern part of our world?" As she spoke, she craftily moved to where his trail was strongest, sitting right on his path and waving her tail slowly as she waited for him to speak. There was a small tilt of her head in a westerly direction and she grinned, "I was headed this way when our paths crossed, shall we continue on your path or mine?" There would be a good trap set if she could get the male to follow her. Vianni's eyes looked the man over from head to tail, gauging his strengths and weaknesses based on how he moved, all while looking helpful and friendly. Whatever path the boy chose, it would lead to his demise, Vianni could taste him on her tongue already.

"Vianni." "You." Think.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Valor I


8 Years

04-30-2017, 02:42 AM

Okay so maybe he hadn't exactly made sense, but he hadn't thought about his words. He was slightly flustered, being around the woman. He wasn't old enough to completely understand her heat, nor did he want to act on it, but her scent was distracting enough. She was nice too, as well as a stranger, and he was more than excited to be meeting someone who lived in the north and hadn't been related to any of his family. She wasn't a part of Celestial either so it was nice to see some new faces. Needless to say he was more than blindsided by her so he was happily ready to agree to going on a walk with such a nice woman. Especially if she was willing to show him around.

"Yeah I'd love to go on a walk with you!"

He swiveled his head as she moved to where he came from and he watched her eagerly, ready to see where they were going to go. He wasn't prepared for her to ask his opinion on where they should go so his head tilted slightly as he thought about it. He wasn't quite ready to head back home and she obviously knew her way around way better than he did. Plus it would be rude to continue his way since he was now escorting a lady now.

"We can go your way." He said with a smile. "I didn't mean to intrude on your walk after all so I won't make you stray from it."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]



4 Years
05-06-2017, 10:24 AM
A dark pleasure washed over the masked fiend as he acquiesced to her way, it wasn't often that Vianni got her way, and her grey tail waved happily behind her. She danced on her paws excitedly and yipped at the younger male, "Well, let's go then! There are a wonderful collection of trees I would very much like to show you!" And with that, the hell hound trotted off in the direction of her favorite trap. Once there, she wasn't sure what she would do, but she knew exactly where to do it. There was a formation of fallen trees, a dead spot within the sparsely scattered pines, where some of the oldest ones fell together. It looked to Vianni as though they had been destroyed by fire, and she could think of no better killing ground in this part of the north than that. Now, all she needed was for the victim to be just as interested and invested in learning landmarks as she was in taking his young light and snuffing it out forever.

"Vianni." "You." Think.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Valor I


8 Years

05-08-2017, 12:31 AM

The other woman seemed excited that he'd agreed to go her way and Valor felt grateful that he'd decided to. He'd made her happy which, in turn, made him happy. A broad grin pulled across his face he followed her. He wasn't sure what trees she was talking about but he was sure he'd like it either way. She obviously was excited about it and her mood was contagious. He was so oblivious to the dangers he was walking in to, but he'd never been taught otherwise. Growing up in a pack where the worst thing that had ever happened was someone challenging Regulus for Celestial hadn't told him of the dangers and how cruel others could be. His siblings disappearing hadn't been the greatest on his conscience either, but he'd pushed through it. It never occurred to him though that there were wolves who would rape and murder just because they could.

He followed her readily, his amethyst eyes taking in everything, as he looked around. Eventually he spotted the trees she must have been talking about, but instead of standing tall they were fallen. He stared at them curious and noticed how charred and dead they looked. He'd never seen the destruction of a fire before either so he eagerly padded over to them, calling a question back to his temporary companion without looking back.

"What happened to these trees?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]



4 Years
05-08-2017, 10:58 PM
This was almost too easy, luring the younger wolf in took little effort and only a dash of glamor. Vianni waved her grey tail and grinned as she watched his reaction to the changes in their scenery. "Fire happened. The sky lights up sometimes, and every now and then, the light reaches down to touch the earth. This light is too hot for the trees to withstand, so they catch fire. The flame is as beautiful as it is deadly. It will eat anything it touches, and to some it seems like it is only a destroyer of life." A small smile is given as the woman urges the boy to follow her forward. At the base of one of the massive pine trees, growing in the devestation of the ashes, was a small sapling. "Fire gives almost as much as it takes. Soon, the trees will rot and become dirt. Grass will grow on the dirt and a clearing is formed. The grass attracts deer, those deer attract wolves who come" She looks the boy over, but it is not to ensure he is learning.

Dark intentions ruled over this inspection, Vianni was ensuring that her company was fully emersed in her lesson. She needed him distracted by her words and thinking on them, his focus redirected. Once she was sure that the young male was not watching her, she made her move. Once over given, the last word of her lesson barely out of her mouth and she leaps at the boy. Her mouth opens wide, ready to clamp down with a grip that would be nearly impossible to break. She aimed her fangs for the side of his neck, hoping to use her size to her advantage and bowl the boy over. Vianni wanted his throat as soon as she could have it, so intense was her focus that she neglected to keep an ear out for anything other than the boy's probable screams.

"Vianni." "You." Think.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Valor I


8 Years

05-23-2017, 03:15 AM

Valor happily trotted after the kind female and he listened intently as she explained what had happened to the local scenery. He'd seen lightning before, many times in fact, but he'd never physically seen fire before. As she explained it he found himself liking the idea of lightning striking something less and less. What if that happened in the plains at home? The thought was devastating to him. Would they have to move? He glanced towards the scorched trees again to see the full outcome of something so monstrous.

He still followed her to the base of one of the trees and he spied the small sapling growing underneath it. Why wasn't it burned like the rest of them. He studied it but he flicked an ear towards the ashen woman as she talked to show he was still listening. The fact that things still grew after a fire was fascinating and he had to admit it seemed as though it had useful properties as well, but the fact that it was so destructive was still a depressing thought to him. There just wasn't enough good to outweigh the bad, but the sapling was still nice to look at.

He wasn't even paying attention to the female at his side. She was so friendly that his posture was relaxed - he'd never even suspected the giant role reversal that played out not even seconds after the last word left her maw. If he'd been asked to explain what had happened later on down the road it would have been easy to say he didn't even see it coming. One minute he was standing there studying new and fascinating things as he got a lesson on fire and the next thing he knew teeth were closing in around his throat. He'd felt pain before. Nips from his siblings, romping around in the dirt, maybe a stumble or a fall, some cuts and bruises, but nothing as serious as a full on bite from another wolf. He stumbled sideways as the force of her attack threatened to unbalance him and his legs tried to make up for the sudden lack of balance, but they weren't quick enough to recover. The next thing he knew he was tumbling to his side and a yelp of hurt and betrayal left him as blood stained the ivory of his pelt and pooled out of the wounds inflicted. He was too dazed to do anything but wonder why on earth the nice female who'd been so kind as to lead him around and show him things had now turned and attacked him. What had he done wrong?

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]



9 Years
05-23-2017, 03:36 AM

Life had felt like a somersault for Creed since their return from Talis. Originally he'd planned on heading north with Dragon and Valor as well as maybe Fable, but as soon as they'd stopped in Celestial for a few days Crucible had passed on. Cross' disappearance had been something he could handle - after all it was easier to accept him just not being there with the off chance that he'd seen his sibling again, but with physical evidence of Crucible being dead was just too much. He'd always believed their line to be strong and hardy, and yet Cru had been ill off and on for a while. After all their mother had lived past eleven, why couldn't they? Guilt was one of his main feelings. There was the gnawing fact that he could have spent more time with the male before he was gone that ate away at him. Needless to say it certainly halted any future plans for him, but it wasn't a thought that came to mind anymore either.

Crucible hadn't been buried for very long when he noticed Valor's disappearance. Originally it hadn't bothered him, maybe he'd gone exploring, but when the male didn't come back within a reasonable time frame he began to worry. Maybe it was the paranoia that another of his children that might go missing that drove him out the borders without telling anyone, but he left without a word. His full intention was tracking Valor down without giving the boy's scent a chance to fade away into oblivion.

Luckily for him Valor didn't seem to be going at a fast pace so it was easy to track the boy's scent all the way to the north. It hadn't taken him long to realize that Valor must have taken the trip by himself, with or without him, to see the family's origins and it gave him another twinge of guilt. He'd wanted to make the trip, but with recent events he hadn't wanted to leave the pack lands. Between Kavdaya's turn for the worse (it was the only way he could think of to describe what had come over her), Crucible's death, and Justice being home, it just didn't feel like the right time to go.

The trip had already taken a large toll on him by the time he arrived. He'd rested very little, hadn't eaten barely anything since he'd left Celestial, and was tired to the bone. The only thing driving him was sheer will power, but even that wouldn't last long. Valor's scent was stronger now which gave him hope and it was easy to track him until the scent of a female in heat caught his attention. The two scents met and he sniffed around at where they'd obviously met up until they converged off in a different direction that didn't seem like Valor's intended path. More paranoia caught up with him and he trotted after it hurriedly.

The scene that met him was a gruesome one and something that immediately set his blood to boiling. The scent of blood reached his nostrils and teal colored eyes rested on the sight of a female bowling his son over with teeth sunk deeply into Valor's neck. A snarl erupted from his as his hackles bristled and his muscles tightened. He wasn't a wolf who enjoyed conflict and he hadn't been in a fight in ages, but the circumstances had changed now. He charged at the woman with his ears pinned to the ground, a snarl bunching up the skin around his face to help protect his eyes. His tail automatically flagged out behind him, level to the ground, as he aimed perfectly perpendicular to her. Adrenaline coursed through him as he tucked in his chin and dug his toes into the dirt before turning slightly to aim the front of his left shoulder directly in the center of her rib cage. He knew if the impact ripped her fangs from Valor's neck it would cause him pain but at least then he had a chance to survive. He was hoping his heavy frame and the brute force of his charge would be at least enough to bowl her over. At the very least she'd have a new target other than the white and black colored boy.

Creed vs Vianni for Unofficial Death Match
Round - 1 of ? (you get to choose Bird)
Height - 36 inches
Build - Heavy

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



4 Years
05-25-2017, 11:59 AM
Vianni's soul sang as she successfully knocked the boy off his paws, deep and vicious snarls echoed from her and she set to shaking her head in a violent bid to wound him beyond repair. His yelp was music to hear ears and she wanted more, but something made her hesitate. Still holding the boy, Vianni catches the sound of angry snarls from behind her. Unwilling to risk bodily injury, the ashen female released the savaged boy and turned in time to see the older wolf barreling at her. Turning to meet him as he came at her, Vianni roared her anger at him for his interruption of such an easy meal. His shoulder connected painfully with the front of her left shoulder, sending the white hot rush of pain up to her brain. The feeling enraged her and she screeched at the male just before sending her teeth down to meet with the space that was right between shoulder and leg, just over the elbow joint.

With this attack, the woman aimed to send her bloodstained fangs in deep and then shake her head as she pushed against him with her hind legs for maximum power. This was a woman who was accustomed to holding her own against a tyrant who was nine inches taller and over fifty pounds heavier than herself, and she would be gentle with her Lucifer. This male was definitely not him, and he was touching her, and he interrupted her hunt! She would kill him for simply touching her under normal circumstances, but with so much piled against him, Vianni would make him suffer before she let him die. With her bit to that sensitive region of his leg, Vianni knows there will be more pain and possibly a crippling muscle tear or tendon rupture thanks to the shaking motion of her head. She prayed she landed this bite, for it would only be the first of many she planned to give him for his rudeness.

ROUND 1 of 3?
BUILD medium

OOC NOTE: Sorry it's so short...muse is really struggling rn
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.



9 Years
05-26-2017, 12:30 PM

His anger had clearly tipped her off to his presence which ruined any hope for the element for surprise, by the fluffy arctic wolf didn't care. He'd successfully managed to divert her attention from Valor to himself and that was all he could bring himself to care about. She turned just in time to meet him head on. They collided at an odd angle and his left shoulder connected with hers in a painful manner sending pain blossoming through his own shoulder blade. It throbbed painfully, but his mind wasn't focused on that small factor of the fight. Instead he let his own weight shift to the right, as he balanced himself on his other three paws, as he lifted his left front paw to try and wrap around the joint of her left leg right above the paw. Simultaneously he shoved forward with his hind legs, his tail flagging out to adjust his weight, as he strove to knock her off balance.

Her teeth had barely missed his elbow and instead hit the fleshy area right behind his left leg in the crevice. Her shaking worsened the wound and blood began to pour profusely from it, but Creed wasn't done with his own attack. Snarls left him as he aimed for the base of her head right for the spine. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep this pace up for long, not with how tired he already was, so ending the fight quickly was going to be the only way he was going to be able to do this. He put as much force as he could muster into the bite as he aimed to damage her spine beyond repair.

Creed vs Vianni for Unofficial Death Match
Round - 2 of 3
Height - 36 inches
Build - Heavy

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



4 Years
06-03-2017, 09:19 AM
As the two collided, there was an instant spark of pain that radiated all the way up her shoulder and to her back where the shoulders came together. She knew there would be bruising and some tenderness in her shoulder from the collision, but this defender would end up so much worse. The white-hot ache flowed through her, but she wasn't given the time to use it properly. The male pushed her, causing Vianni to take a couple of steps back and grounding her body by pushing back with her hind legs and snaking her head for his leg. She did not gain her grasp on his leg, instead, she gained a better hold. It would be a crippling bite that she earned, the unexpected give of soft flesh against her fangs as she bit down had her moaning with surprise. Blood rushed into her mouth and the woman was lost to her demon, pupils refocused on the male, her nose latched onto his scent should he try to run. He was so sweet on her tongue, Vianni simply had to do more damage though.

She was lost to his taste, brought to reality by the threatening pressure of fangs on her neck. A screech of rage left the female as she abandoned her first target, hoping she did enough damage to hinder him from fighting. As she moved to avoid the threat to her spine, Vianni was not quite fast enough, and the male's fangs bit and penetrated the skin at the back of her neck. She tore herself free from his grasp and in the process left two huge cuts that ran almost parallel to each other on the back of her neck. Red colored her vision as pain lanced through her neck, to her shoulders and down her legs, then her head began to throb and true anger settled over the woman. Ducking down and away from the male, Vianni turns in the blink of an eye and charges the grey and black male. The action had pain coursing through her body, her mind using it as fuel for her berserker madness, until only the demon was left in the burned clearing.

A dual-toned roar escaped her, assuming she was close enough to the male, she rose up on her hind legs and aimed to wrap her front legs around his neck. She sent her teeth to carve a nice little hole in his face where an eye used to be, aiming to puncture and remove the offending organ from his useless skull. She would have his head for interrupting her chance at an easy meal! She was not careful about how she moved now, there was no planning, only action, and reaction.

Round 2 of 3
Height 36"

OOC: Ugh, so sorry it sucks D:
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.



9 Years
06-23-2017, 02:34 AM

The downside to being old was ... well being old. He was beginning to tire now, his breaths coming out in heavy panting, and the adrenaline was already beginning to fade. His body couldn't keep up with the beating he was pushing it through and the wound that Vianni just inflicted wasn't helping. His attempt on unbalancing her hadn't gone as planned as she readjusted to match his shove. His attempt on her neck was more successful and his teeth found purchase on the back of it. Not quite his intended target, but his teeth strove to go deeper to try and inflict as deep a wound as possible. The screech of rage was satisfying but by no means did he count it as a victory.

And then she was gone.

She tore away from him and his teeth lost their hold on her. He would have snarled had he not been trying to hard to focus on his breathing. The spot behind his right leg was still bleeding and he adjusted his weight to his other three legs as he tried to keep the pressure off of it. His legs shook from the exertion but he didn't have time to figure out his next move when the female came at him again.

He tried to go on the defensive again as his ears flattened once more and his head lowered and chin tucked to his throat. He wasn't quite prepared as she came at his left side. His front right leg went out to keep himself from being knocked over, but the wound prevented him from being able to keep it stable. Her front legs wrapped around his neck and, due to the force of him falling, her teeth found purchase on his cheek instead of taking his eye from his socket. He didn't have time to register the pain as he landed painfully on his side. His shoulder collided against the ground and a sharp hiss of pain left him. His hind legs bunched up as he tried to worm them underneath her before she'd fall on him to try and send a painful kick to her stomach. His mind wasn't completely focused on the fight anymore and instead his eyes shifted to his wounded son.

"Valor." He choked out. "Run."

Creed vs Vianni for Unofficial Death Match
Round - 3 of 3
Height - 36 inches
Build - Heavy

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]

Valor I


8 Years

06-23-2017, 02:55 AM
ooc: I figured now was a good time for Valor to flee or else I don't quite see Vianni letting him leave alive xD

Before he knew it the female's teeth were ripped painfully from his neck. Maybe she'd decided against attacking him anymore? Or maybe she was just going to get a better grip on his neck so she could kill him faster. His eyes clenched tightly as he tried to prepare what he believed to be his inevitable death when he realized that it wasn't coming. His eyes popped open as he heard the snarls of battle. Who? His amethyst colored eyes settled hazily on the familiar gray scaled form of his dad as he fought off his attacker.

His eyes widened then as he watched the battle unfold. What was his dad doing? A soft whimper left him as he struggled to get to his feet as the blood poured from his neck and dribbled down his fur. He staggered a bit as he stood helplessly on the sidelines. A part of him was trying to be optimistic. Creed had followed him all the way here, surely he could beat this woman in a fight too. And then the realization that his dad was old hit him as the battle turned from his favor to the woman's.

His ears flattened against his head as tears sprung to his eyes as Creed was knocked to the ground. He was ready to run forward, try and help, but the look the gray male gave him caused him to pause. His ears flattened further and he automatically shook his head as Creed spoke to him. Run? How could he leave him here? No he was going to help! He had to help - this was his fault. It was all his fault. If he hadn't decided to come north by himself his dad wouldn't have had to save him in the first place. But the look Creed gave him then forced him to halt fully before he took a few steps backwards. He'd go find help. That's what he'd do. He'd find someone nearby and they'd come save his dad. It couldn't just be them here. There'd be someone nearby to help and then they both could go home.

-Exit Valor-

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]



4 Years
07-05-2017, 08:01 AM
The jarring impact of her teeth on his cheek as they landed from their fall had her snarling with rage. His kicking was met with a move she pulled right out of Lucifer's box of tricks, and she sat her hindquarters down over his hips. While they were roughly the same size, the position was uncomfortable at best and she held his cheek between her teeth. His eyes shifted and she followed his gaze, staring at the young male she had attacked first with a promise of violence. Releasing the male's cheek, Vianni decided to take something more tender than the eyes.

Opening her bloodied jaws, the vile woman seeks to clamp her teeth around the male's tender throat, taking advantage of his distraction. As her fangs aim to puncture, she shakes her head to tear and rip at his throat. She wanted him dead now, her exertion making her hungry. Maddened snarls and roars escaped her as she sought to tear him apart, her rage at his interruption nearly making her blind. She saw through the haze enough to move herself out of range from his paws, and made sure to keep clear of his jaws. She couldn't afford any more injuries on her now, not this close. She had him, she could feel it. It mattered not that the other boy had escaped, she would find him in time. Right now, she had a meal to take home.

Vianni vs. Creed for Unofficial death match
Round: 3/3
Height: 36"
Build: Medium

OOC: These will get better the more I practice, I am trying to get back into the swing of things XDD
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.