
Don't Tell Me, Don't Tell Me You're Leaving



4 Years
04-13-2017, 05:23 PM

Enigma’s words echoed in his head again, haunting Ganta even during the most peaceful of moments. He had hoped that in uniting with Roza his brother’s voice and presence might be chased away from his troubled mind. He hadn’t spoken to Roza yet about it, almost afraid to find out that Enigma was right; that once Roza found out the truth about whom he was she’d leave and return to Fiori. The thought made him feel ill… and no matter how much he was telling himself that wasn’t going to be his reality the young man couldn’t convince himself of it.

Enigma had to be wrong. He just had to be.

But what if he wasn’t?

Ganta glanced back at the den he’d temporarily left. Roza was still sleeping… it was early. But even still these thoughts plagued his mind. Ghostly orbs fell to the ground as the beginning droplets of a storm began to descend from the heavens. He was trembling… afraid of losing everything he’d been working towards. Ganta had begun to doubt, and that doubt was eating him alive.

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



8 Years
Athena I
04-13-2017, 06:07 PM

The sound of raindrops pattering on the ground outside the den gently woke her up. Her pale blue eyes blinked open and she expected to see Ganta's pale form across from her, but instead her gaze landed on the wall of the den. Her brows pulled together as she blinked the groggy sleep from her eyes and lifted her head to look around the small area they had been staying in.  It was fairly early still, or so she guessed from what pale sunlight she saw streaming in, but the storm that was rolling in was blocking out some of it so she wasn't entirely sure what time it was.

She rolled onto her paws and made her way over to the entrance of the den and peeked out. Her ears flicked back when she saw ganta sitting there in the rain with his head dipped down. She had no idea what was going on or what was bothering him, but just seeing him like this tugged at her heart. She stepped out into the rain and padded over to his side. "Ganta? Are you okay?" she asked as she gently nudged his shoulder with her nose.

"Roza" "Abbey" Think



4 Years
04-23-2017, 08:52 PM

The droplets of rain descended in a gentle pitter patter, though they hardly soothed the mood of the troubled youth. His ghostly eyes remained fixed on the ground for quite some time, until he heard the gentle words of his friend.


He lifted his head to slowly look at her, feeling guilty that she had stirred to find him in such a state. His right ear gave an uncertain flick before a sigh escaped the young man’s maw.

He wanted to draw close to her, to take comfort in her presence, yet… he couldn’t find the will to do so. Right now he knew, he just knew he had to tell Roza the truth of who he was. Only then could she decide for herself what to make of him.

“I… I don’t know, Roza.” Ganta confessed softly, furrowing his brow. “You see…before I came to get you in Fiori I… I met someone.” The brute averted his gaze.

“My brother.” Ganta let a sigh pass his lips. The thought of Enigma surfacing to his memories once more was hardly appealing… but if he didn’t get this off his chest now, if he just let these thoughts continuing growing and festering within his heart…

“I come from a family of not so good wolves, Roza… wolves that were enemies of the Adravendi family… and though my parents are gone my brother still yearns to hurt them.” Ganta’s white orbs were pained as he told Roza this.

“But I don’t seek the path of bloodshed my family did… yet… I’m afraid… afraid that their sins will be passed onto me, onto my brother Shiro, because we bear the same blood.” Ganta lowered his gaze once more. “My father… killed an Adravendi woman, Roza… and her mate killed him in retaliation… I want this blood feud to end but I don’t think my family is ever going to let it go…”

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



8 Years
Athena I
04-23-2017, 10:23 PM

At first she wanted to insist that he come back in where it was dry, but once he began speaking she forgot about that for the time being. The longer his words went on the more confusion and disbelief she felt. Slowly her haunches would sink down onto the ground and her jaw hung slightly agape from shock. A family feud? Killed? His brother wanted to hurt her family? Maybe even her? Her ears flicked back and for a while she didn't know what to say. She had wanted to be swept away in some fairy tale adventure and be there while Ganta built his pack and life for them and now... now some long running battle between their families was tarnishing her dream.

After what felt like too long her eyes refocused on Ganta's face. He was the only wolf that had made these butterflies kick up in her stomach. He was the wolf she had been willing to leave home for. She couldn't just give up on him so quickly, could she? "Then... Then we have to end it, don't we?" she said hesitantly. She could hear her own words growing more confident as she spoke. "Whatever happened with our parents and grandparents is in the past, right? I know your brother is still set on it I guess, but... We can change his mind!" It was naive and idealistic for her to believe such a thing, but she needed to believe it. "I can't just... I want to be with you. I l-" She stopped for a second, realizing her words were true as she was saying them. Her voice became a soft whisper as she said, "I love you."

"Roza" "Abbey" Think



4 Years
04-24-2017, 05:01 PM

Ganta looked up at Roza as she began speaking. End it? How? Her words were naive, but they were confident too. Even Ganta couldn’t help but manage a small smile. He knew things wouldn’t be that simple, particularly if Paradox of Forsaken came back too… but Ganta knew in his heart he couldn’t let Roza down. Even if he had to face each of his older siblings alone he’d do what he’d have to. He’d do it to protect Roza, protect her family… He knew his father would likely call him a traitor, as Enigma had, but Ganta had decided he no longer cared. Let them think what they wanted… he knew where his heart lay.

“Roza…” Before Ganta could promise that he’d do everything to stand up to Enigma, to try and end this peacefully, she stated the three most beautiful words he’d ever heard. The brute’s ghostly white orbs widened and he found every worry, every fear, being chased away. He could feel his face flushing, his heart racing in his chest.. “You do…?” Came the whisper back, almost as if Ganta could hardly believe it. He had known that they were good friends… but love… he closed his eyes for a moment, taking a breath before giving a firm nod.

“I love you too, Roza.” His voice was a bit louder now, though still soft as he opened his eyes again. “…and I swear to you that this feud is of the past… Even if my family wishes to continue it… we’ll change their minds. We’ll stand together. Ganta’s tail had begun wagging back and forth as he reached out, nosing Roza’s cheek.

“No matter what I swear you’ll be safe…” He set his forepaw over her own, the smile on his face widening. He could take on the world if he needed to with Roza by his side. She never needed to lift a paw… just knowing she loved him and was there was more than enough.

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



8 Years
Athena I
05-05-2017, 08:08 PM

Roza felt like time had stopped and everything else around her suddenly went silent. The rain was nonexistent as far as she was concerned. The seconds that passed between when she admitted that she loved him to when the same confession left Ganta's lips felt like an eternity. But as soon as "I love you" left her friend's lips everything snapped back into place and relief washed over her. There had really not been a real worry that he wouldn't share the same feelings, but she had still worried that she had moved too fast or that she could mess with their friendship. Luckily it seemed like that wasn't the case.

Her heart fluttered in her chest when he admitted that he loved her too, a smile stretching across her lips and her tail wagging furiously. She leaned into his touch when he reached out to touch her cheek and paw, her eyes closing contently for a moment. This new found worry for their lives seemed so miniscule now that she knew he loved her in return. It felt so good to have her feelings that she had been brewing on for a while out in the open. Not only that, but to have them out in the open and reciprocated. She didn't care if being with Ganta meant having his family against them. As long as Ganta loved her she would proudly stand at his side.

"I trust you," she replied with a smile as she opened her eyes just enough to be able to see his pale gaze. "We'll figure this out. Together." She couldn't wait to see Ganta build his pack and be there at his side to help him with it. She knew from watching her father that running a pack was hard, but she was ready and willing to help. The one thing her father hadn't really had all this time was someone helping him so maybe she could be that difference for Ganta. She scooted closer to him so that she could press her face into Ganta's neck as she closed her eyes again. She nuzzled into the thicker fur there with a soft sigh and a permanent smile locked onto her muzzle.

A thought occurred to her and after a moment she lifted her head so that she could see his face again. Her expression was thoughtful as she said, "When you get your pack going... I want to work as hard as you, okay? I know how hard it is from seeing my dad do it, but I don't want to just be a freeloader. I want to help you every step of the way. I want you to hold me to the same standards as you would anyone else in the pack." She grinned a little and lifted a paw to playfully nudge his chest. "Don't go easy on me!"

"Roza" "Abbey" Think



4 Years
05-08-2017, 06:58 PM

Somehow, with Roza by his side, Ganta felt that he wasn’t going to have to worry about his siblings. A naive thought, but he felt confident with Roza at his side. Ready to take on the world and all that inhabited it. He felt his heart fluttering, and he too ignored the rain. To him all that mattered was that Roza was at his side. She was safe. They were together. As the femme nuzzled up close to him he gently returned her action in kind, giving her face a loving lick.

“I’m glad that you do, Roza.” Ganta replied happily, a grin spreading across his face. “I’ll fully expect you at my side in Dragoste, so we’ll be able to help all of our wolves grow. I’ll need you to handle some of the gentler side of things of course; children, mothers, making sure the stores for food are kept up. I think that’ll be enough responsibility to start.” The brute let out a light laugh, partially teasing. He wouldn’t expect so much out of her right away. “…and if you really want you can help me collect herbs too!” He gave Roza a wink.

“You’re going to be my equal, and though you won’t fight, your purpose will be great all the same.” He stood up, glancing at the sky. “We’ll show Boreas that everyone can have their specialty in their lives and live with it. No one will be forced to fight if they can’t, or heal, but surely there is some skill each wolf can possess.” Ganta’s eyes had a bright shine to them again.

“But for now,” He glanced at Roza, gently nosing her cheek. “Lets head back to the den.” His heart fluttered in his chest again, that feeling of love, and being loved, making him feel more excited than ever before.

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



8 Years
Athena I
05-09-2017, 10:52 PM

Roza loved hearing Ganta talk about Dragosite and his plans for it. The conviction he had behind it was so beautiful and captivating to her and she completely believed every word. She felt honored to be the one that would help lead his dream pack and care for all the wolves that lived within it. The world he described felt so freeing. She had never cared much for fighting and to have the option to not have to felt so wonderful. She understood her father's mindset of wanting everyone to be able to protect themselves, but she had Ganta to protect her. That would be more than enough, right? She certainly thought so.

That fluttering in her heart and stomach kicked up again as he nosed her cheek. She nodded and smiled to his suggestion, glancing up at the sky that still continued to drop rain down on them. "I think that's a great idea." She looked back down to his gaze lovingly, leaning in to give his muzzle a gentle lick. "I think all of your ideas are great ideas." She got to her paws then with a quick shake even though she knew there was no way to get rid of the water that was now soaked through her fur at the moment. As they made their way across the short distance to the den's entrance, she gently leaned into his side and gave his cheek a lick. "I'm so happy to have you in my life."

"Roza" "Abbey" Think



4 Years
05-16-2017, 02:32 PM

Whenever he spoke of Dragoste and his plans for the pack Ganta couldn’t help but get excited; he longed for that perfect place, a paradise for himself and his friends. A place he’d keep safe for them all. He felt happy, so very happy, and he gently returned the loving lick to Roza’s own muzzle before the two of them headed back to the den.

Once inside, he could hear her soft confession, and Ganta reached over to gently nose at her neck. “…and I feel I’m just as happy to have you in mine, Roza. I love you.” Those words… Gods how wonderful they felt to say. Such beautiful words… He let out a yawn before easing into a laying position, motioning for Roza to lay with him. Sure they’d have to dry off now… but in the meantime they could cuddle and share in each other’s warmth.

That made even the rain worth it.

--End thread?--

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...