


07-27-2014, 10:31 PM

She hasn't reacted. Her mind has quieted to a silent rage at the state of things. Her empire seemed to crumble around her. Her 'crown' seemed to loosen on her head, and it infuriated her further. Did they not see her suitable to lead? She retreated from the meeting she had with Chrono and Esperanza, her expression icy. Moving towards the dark forest, she sought to be alone. Greek followed her quietly, his reddish gray coat brushing against her leg, in an example of comfort. Of loyalty. "Roman.." Greek speaks, and she halts, glancing down at him. She know that he is worried about her, but she doesn't see why.

She sinks onto her haunches, and looks down at him. "I'm fine, Greek." Her tail wraps around her, and she sighs. The birds chirp around her, and she stares into the dark forest. Lost in her own thoughts that swirled around her.



6 Years
07-27-2014, 11:17 PM

The woman ambled through the forest, eyes casting around. High and low she seemed to search, having managed to misplace a whole litter of pups. They were getting awfully bothersome, never listening when she told them to stay put.

when her eyes caught the shape of Roman, sitting profile a ways off, she stopped her search. The miss stood with one paw raised as if to move forward but doubting herself. It would appear the Queen was alone, aside from the exotic creature that roamed with her. Odd creatures seemed to be popping up by the side of many wolves she knew. She did not like it.

Azalea sighed lightly and proceeded toward the ivory she-wolf. She stopped just to Roman's right shoulder, eyes landing first on the odd markings on her back leg before going to her face. "You seem troubled... and I'm sure I can guess why."

She licked her chops, taking a seat by Roman, facing the same direction. "Tortuga seems... torn. Nothing that cannot be fixed though. I may not be blood, nor a long time resident, but I will fight for what we have here. Roman, I put my trust in you to make the decisions necessary to keep this pack alive." If Azalea had anything it was loyalty. Loyalty to follow Epiphron. Loyalty to follow Chyrsanthe. Loyalty to set aside her ego and follow Erani. Azalea would now have the loyalty to stand by Roman, and Qanik, in their rank bound task of keeping Tortuga a functioning body.


07-28-2014, 12:27 AM

Should she have a show of power? A show of glory to keep her remaining wolves loyal to Tortuga. Perhaps she has been to quick to let them leave, but she craves loyal members. Wolves who wish to rise to royalty with her- wolves with purpose and a desire to be the best. She broods quietly, Greek's grey gaze is intrusive, but she disregards him. A movement catches her attention and she realizes Azalea has arrived. The woman speaks, and Roman chuckles wryly. "Troubled may not the right word for it."She bites out. No, she's furious. Furious at Viridiana and Covari for their cowardice, furious at the wolves who have left her,and furious at herself.

Azalea sits, facing the same direction and speaks again. Her right hear turned towards the other woman to hear her words clearly. She is touched, nearly, but Azalea's proclamations of loyalty. At least one wolf will remain faithful. She smiles slightly, turning her head to look at the other woman. "I thank you Azalea. You may not be blood, but you are family." She says. "Tortuga will survive. It's just rather disheartening to see everyone flee at the first sign of conflict." She admits, her tone hollow. "Its as if they think I created trouble out of boredom when I was trying to defend them." She sighs. "That's the curse of leading, I suppose, I get to be the "bad" guy when my decisions are confusing." She chuckles again, her gaze drifting into the darkening forest. "At least our enemies run, as the cowards they are. We must be scary." She jokes slightly, her tone light and teasing.



6 Years
07-28-2014, 08:20 AM

Roman notices her approach, not that the gal was even remotely attempting to be sneaky about it. Her words drew an edged chuckle from the pale woman with sharp violet eyes. The noise made her ears retreat against her skull before quickly jumping back forward to catch her words.

"Troubled may not the right word for it." Azalea's brows quirked as she took in Roman's tone. This was the first time she had seen the woman be so tempered. Still, Azalea proceeded to sit and not comment on the queen's words. No need to really explain that Azalea didn't honestly feel troubled was the word for it either.

As Azalea went on Roman listened with one ear turned and the response she got was a positive one. The Armada at her side looked at her now, a smile hinted on her features. "I thank you Azalea. You may not be blood, but you are family." She nodded, eyes locked with the queen's. In the end wasn't that all that Azalea wanted? A family. She had spent her entire life in Valhalla where family came natural, now she was having to make her own family and she was glad to have this particular Armada wolf in it.

"Tortuga will survive. It's just rather disheartening to see everyone flee at the first sign of conflict." Any sign of happiness seemed to flee her monarch once again. "Its as if they think I created trouble out of boredom when I was trying to defend them." Azalea didn't want to entertain that line. She honestly wasn't sure she had agreed (or rather believed) what Roman had said at the last meeting. How did she know the Covari leader cursed them with the illness that killed so many? The trespassing part was less tricky and Azalea believed it, even if she didn't really know what was here that she would want to find or see.

"That's the curse of leading, I suppose, I get to be the "bad" guy when my decisions are confusing." Azalea frowned a bit now, but Roman chortled shortly before speaking again, leaving no room for her to cut in. "At least our enemies run, as the cowards they are. We must be scary." Now Azalea shifted her weight, clearing her throat as she really didn't know how to respond to Roman's broody sarcasm. "Thin out those with weak constitutions and build up again, better than before. Honestly, do you really want those who cannot trust your decisions and fight for their pack? They fear for their safety as though they are lambs."

All that glitters is not gold. Their mommas must not have told them the world is full of terrible things, not just rainbows and giggling. "I am willing to assist in any way necessary, Roman. As previously discussed, I am tired of sitting around, I'm ready to get back in action. I've honestly never had a specialty but hunting or fighting are my preferred, medicinal fields are far too tame."


07-28-2014, 08:37 AM

She truly believed that Viridiana had poisoned her home. Roman had seen her mothers empire destroyed by war- she wouldn't wish that on anyone, but her family would not be harmed. Harming her family, made her vindictive. Truly the siege wouldn't have been enough. She would have never relented, as she would never relent in the search of her enemy- or the things her enemy claimed to care for. She would make the russet wolf realize half the pain she had been put through as her pack was poisoned around her- no matter what she had to do. She deserved the hell that Roman would seek to rain down on her. Roman did not forgive, she wasn't programmed that way. And crimes such as the former Queen's could not be forgiven.

Azalea is silent and lets her speak, and Roman wishes- she could convince her pack of the facts she knows to be true. She didn't pursue the siege for meaningless banter. She could have lost her family- she could have died. God, she could have been maimed and made ugly! When Azalea speaks again, Roman listens intently, taking in the other wolf's words. She nods thoughtfully, her expression that of contemplation. "Perhaps you are right, Azalea. Perhaps it is time to clean our ranks of lambs." She murmurs. If they feared a war they weren't forced into... what loyalty did they really have?

Azalea speaks and Roman fixes her with her violet gaze. "I'd be happy to have you as hunter or fighter. Maybe even more, if and when you decide that you could be ready to move up in ranks." She pauses. "And I'd be happy to support you in either area." She says with a slight smile, glad of the presence Azalea offered in her time of darkness.



6 Years
07-28-2014, 10:08 AM

"Perhaps you are right, Azalea. Perhaps it is time to clean our ranks of lambs." Once more Azalea would nod. She could see the wheels turning in Roman's head, considering what she said. Already Azalea felt as though she had more purpose than she ever did in Valhalla where she was seen as little more than an irresponsible babe.

Gazes met again, amber and violet colliding, as Roman spoke. "I'd be happy to have you as hunter or fighter. Maybe even more, if and when you decide that you could be ready to move up in ranks." A chance, it was all Azalea needed to prove that she was worthy of a higher rank. For as wild as she was known to be, Azalea had grown roots in the form of children. She was also capable of highly intelligent thought, regardless of what her blood family thought. Already Azalea was feeling more at home, more like she belonged here.

"And I'd be happy to support you in either area." Azalea smiled lightly, a friendly gesture. "I have always been interested in the fight but currently I'd say I'm a much better hunter. I would not mind being placed there, while my talents best serve it, and work on my fighting on the side. As for rank, if you feel I am worthy of promotion I will not turn it down. I'm done with having things handed to me though."


07-29-2014, 09:44 PM

Roman Armada thought quite a lot of Azalea Adravendi. Though her opinions had grown fast, it was perhaps the core of a similar event that they shared in their past that made Roman feel that the Adravendi was easier to relate too. Surely it helped that, in Roman's mind- Azalea was nearly family after giving birth to Roman's half brothers. She could easily see the other wolf moving up in the ranks of trusted, and leading wolves in Tortuga. As the other she-wolf answered her, Roman nods in agreement. "That sounds like a good plan, Azalea. Perhaps we can both spar together sometime, as you work on your fighting skills. God knows, I need to try to stay in shape." She chuckles slightly.

"I want you to feel like you've earned the rank you're given. When you feel ready, come see me and we'll discuss it further." She says softly, her gaze strong. "I'd say I'll be watching your progress, but I wouldn't want to sound stalkerish." She says with a smirk. Though it is very true, she'll be watching the other she-wolf closely, interested in seeing what the Adravendi is capable of. A slight change in topic breaches her mind, and she realizes she's gone this whole time without asking about Azalea's children. "How are your children doing?" She inquires softly, her gaze curious. Are they settling into the forest? Off creating mischief?

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak



6 Years
07-29-2014, 10:30 PM

"That sounds like a good plan, Azalea. Perhaps we can both spar together sometime, as you work on your fighting skills. God knows, I need to try to stay in shape." Azalea felt her lips pull into a smile though she tried to fight the humor. "Perhaps you should get unpregnant first,"
"I want you to feel like you've earned the rank you're given. When you feel ready, come see me and we'll discuss it further." She would nod, glancing into the dark woods ahead of them. Snow still clung to the ground and Azalea didn't even think about it anymore. It was so odd to get so comfortable with the cold and winter, though it had always suited her with her thicker coat.

"I'd say I'll be watching your progress, but I wouldn't want to sound stalkerish." Out of the corner of her eye Azalea caught Roman's smirk, meanwhile she was again trying to force down her smile and released a huff of air from her nose, show that she was also trying not to laugh. "Roman: Regium Queen and NOT a stalker. Very good to know."
Azalea sighed, realizing how happy she felt. It the most relaxed she had been in forever, she didn't even recall being this care free when she was finally reunited with Sarak. There was no dark horse over her shoulder.

"How are your children doing?" The question threw her and Azalea had to stop herself from repeating what she was telling everyone else. For a moment she was silent, a frown plastered on her face. "They've transitioned well enough, I really doubt they even realize they came from some other place. Sarka doesn't talk and Raziel HATES being away from me. Not sure what to make of it but otherwise they're pretty normal if not a bit more clingy."