
They Don't Clap Because They Think That There's More [pack hunt]



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
04-22-2017, 11:03 AM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2017, 11:42 AM by Brandr.)

Dawn had barely broken over the horizon when Brandr left his den.  Winter would be approaching soon and it would good to fill their bellies for the long months ahead.  Truly, though, fall had always been his favorite time to hunt, it brought back memories of crisp, cool mornings, his father trying to stir a sleepy boy to consciousness.  Of course this would be different.  Now he was a member of a pack and would be expected to lead them in a hunt for their prey.  Brandr was still quite young, though his large size did make him look a bit older.  He'd tracked a white tail herd moving through the area and now it was time to summon the willing together. Tipping back his head he howled.  Brandr had no idea who would show.  Part of him feared no one would but then another part of him feared everyone would and then how would he coordinate them?  Taking a deep break Brandr let it out.  There was no use fretting on things he didn't know.  He could adapt.  If that was one thing he'd learned as a loner it was that he could adapt as the situation required.

"Talk" "You" Think

ooc: First round due May 5th



7 Years

04-22-2017, 01:22 PM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2017, 01:23 PM by Evelyn.)

He was just making his way back from a patrol when he heard Brandr's howl. At the sound of it he smiled, tipping back his head to add the power of his voice to the child's summons. He knew that some members were hesitant in answering calls of a stranger, so his song would make sure they all came. Turning back towards the thicket, Bass trotted over to the large tan male with a dip of his head. If the pups showed up, he would hang back and talk them through how the hunt worked. He was sure that Brandr was comfortable with leading them, right? Peeking at him, he smiled encouragingly as he sat at the boys flank, waiting for the others to arrive. "You'll do just fine." Bass offered softly, winking at him.


ooc;; By posting in this hunt you are agreeing to post in a timely matter. Do not post here if you cannot keep up. If your post takes more than three (3) days you will be skipped for the sake of getting this hunt finished.



6 Years
04-22-2017, 06:39 PM

She was still vary young, but the girl was quickly figuring out what she enjoyed the most which was tracking and hunting. She liked to learn about different prey and dreamed about hunting them as she grew. It was a thrill to be able to chase something down and know that she could eventually help to feed the pack. She also liked the happiness she got from tracking and discovering what scents belonged to which animal. She was in the midst of tracking a small creature when the young male's howl rang out over the territory, soon after came the Primo's booming howl. Her tail wiggled in excitement and she galloped off towards where the first howl came from.

The young girl ran as fast as she could trying to be as punctual as she could. She remembered her mother had told her and her siblings that they needed to be timely when the pack called, especially if it was the Primo so the girl was doing her best. When she arrived she was glad to see that she was the first one there. Bass was sitting beside the young male she had met not long ago, the newer member of the pack and she grinned at the both of them before coming over and sitting to face the both of them. She didn't realize that the call had been for a hunt and that she would more then likely be too young to participate, but if that was the case she would be happy to watch and visually learn.

"Hi Bass, Hi Brandr!" she greeted with a smile as she settled to wait for the others.

"Talk" & 'Think"

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
05-05-2017, 06:05 PM

Bass was the first to arrive, soon after Brandr's call rang out. He felt a shot of nervousness stir in the pit of his stomach but he tried not to let it get to him. Sure, the alpha himself was going to be participating and probably a good number of the pack to but if he let the nerves get a hold of him he'd fail for sure. Brandr smiled at Bass' words of encouragement. "Thank you, sir, I'll do my best." Shortly after Bass came Corentine, the spunky little pup who'd helped him through a restless nice. His tail wagged lightly. "Nice to see you Corentine!" She was still a bit young to be going on a hunt like this and he glanced at Bass questioningly. He didn't know what the pack customs were here. Would they have her just hide and watch or perhaps bring up the rear when they began the chase?

He waited for awhile after the call and his ears drooped slightly. It didn't seem anyone else was interested but then he couldn't really blame them. He was young and new and likely wouldn't have the respect of his pack mates yet. Why should they trust him to lead them in a hunt. Well… he had to start with somewhere. "Looks like it'll just be us I guess. Corentine, would you like to help me track the deer? There's a set of fresh tracks here." He gestured to the prints embedded in the dirt where a puddle was drying. He wasn't sure if she was familiar with the scent of deer or not but it looked like she was weaned at least and if not he was certain he could grab a scrap from an older kill to get her started. The actual chase and kill were probably to dangerous but there was no reason she couldn't get a leg up on tracking. He glanced at Bass to see if the other male was alright with this. He didn't want to push any of the pups to soon.

"Talk" "You" Think

ooc: Next round due before the 12th!



6 Years
05-14-2017, 07:26 AM

Waiting wasn't her thing, especially since she was so eager to find out what the call was about. Whatever the reason she hoped that it meant fun lie ahead. Her tail wagged as she looked around for others to show up. The longer it went to more antsy the girl got. She did feel bad that no one else had come to the call and her eyes looked back to Brandr as his ears dropped slightly. No one else came and though she was still a little young to understand it she could pick up on Brandr's mood. Where was everyone? Why didn't any of her other siblings show up? She knew her mom couldn't do much outside of healing and walking around so she didn't think anything of her mother's lack of show. She couldn't understand where her siblings were, they should be here just like she was. No matter it's not like she would be able to do anything to get them here so she simply waited.

Her eyes turned to Brandr when he began to speak again. His words made her tail wriggle at a fast speed. Tracking, she loved it and would always jump at the opportunity to better herself with it. Hopping up into a standing position the bright eyed child grinned in excitement.

"Would I ever!" she chirped in excitement.

She bounded over to were he had motioned and stopped, looking at the tracks briefly before she lowered her head. She had already been practicing her tracking skills, but now she could finally put them to a real test and the adults could see what she could do! She took in a deep whiff, closing her eyes as she let the scent sink in. Then she opened her eyes and began to move to fallow the scent.

"Talk" & 'Think"

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
05-18-2017, 06:47 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2017, 06:47 PM by Brandr.)
ooc:  Not to late for anyone else to jump in!  Next round due the 30th so plenty of time!

Corentine's excitement was intoxicating and it quickly lifted Brandr's spirit though there was still an undertone of nerves, churning like oil on top of water in the pit of his stomach.  Not only did he want to impress Bass but he wanted to set an example for Corentine.  He wanted to be someone she could look up to.  Ok, time to focus.  He smiled as she chirped in excitement.  Brandr watched as she took in the scent near the tracks, closing her eyes for a moment before she began to follow the scent.  A rush of motivation rushed down his spine.  They were totally going to do this!

He followed silently behind Corentine, nodding encouragement.  She was doing well!  The continued on and he spoke softly.  "You're doing great so far, how's it going?  Do you still have the trail?"

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
05-29-2017, 07:00 PM

Brandr wasn't far behind and it made her happy to know this time she would have company as she tracked something. She was normally always alone, though it never bothered her before. She liked to explore and she liked to track. She found Tracking to be something she could constantly learn from and the young mind loved to learn. She desired to learn as much as she could and keep herself occupied. She didn't have the best relationship with her siblings, which she hated she wanted to be close with them like she was with her mother.

She casually moved along the trail, not going to fast so that she wouldn't loose it. Her long tail wagging in happiness that she was keeping up with the tracking. She did not want to loose this trail especially now that she had someone to show what she had already learned and could potentially help teach her more things. After a few moments Brandr spoke to her praising her and seeing how she was doing. She grinned between sniffing and paused a moment so she wouldn't loose the trail.

"It's going great, in fact the trail is growing much stronger and I think we are getting close!" she spoke lowly knowing that if they were close she could potentially scare the prey if speaking to loud.

Her body froze as she heard movements in the brush a couple yards ahead of them and she felt her heart begin to race with excitement. Eyes were bright as she looked back to Brandr, before crouching down to avoid being spotted. Soon a large doe walked out from the brush and behind her trailed her spring Fawn. Quietly she moved back so that she was beside Brandr to wait for further instruction.

"Talk" & 'Think"

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
06-01-2017, 07:29 PM
ooc:  Not to late for anyone else to jump in!  Next round due the 30th so plenty of time!

Brandr kept close, feeling excitement bubble in his gut as he watched Corentine puzzle out the scents. He was rooting for her and truth be told she was doing very well. Brandr could remember his first experiences tracking as his dad taught him what to look for and helped him put words to what it was he was smelling. Corentine answered that the scent was getting stronger and that they were getting close. He nodded and grinned. They were indeed getting close though as they started to continue Bass excused himself from the pair and Brandr felt his heart sink a bit. He was sure the man had important alpha duties to attend to but it meant an actual hunt was out of the question. Brandr was a talented hunter for his age but he would not be able to take a deer by himself unless they managed to find one that was significantly injured.

Brandr and Corentine continued on tracking the trail when movement caught the attention of both wolves. Brandr froze as well before slowly crouching down, golden eyes glinting as a doe and her fawn emerged. He eyed the fawn then glanced at Corentine. She was a summer babe and only around 3 months old. She could not participate in taking the fawn down but Brandr might be able to… maybe, but this was a spring fawn and with it being fall already the fawn was no longer a fragile little youngster but nearly it's adult size. "Good job, Corentine. You're a natural at tracking. I don't know if I can take a deer by myself. Let's return back to the den site so we don't spook the deer and return later with a larger hunting party when everyone isn't so busy." If they charged in and he failed they might startle the herd into someone else's territory and that wouldn't do. If she liked perhaps he could take her hunting smaller game or bring back some wounded creature for her to practice on. Carefully he stepped backwards, carefully maneuvering his body around to head back to the dens.


"Talk" "You" Think